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Sv: Konstruktiv kritikk av Kona

Startet av Steens, torsdag 12. oktober 2017, klokken 08:01

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Diagbox is just a PSA user interface working for all PSA vehicles (not only electric ones) and that launches the right program depending on your vehicle selection. So if you select "Saxo", it will launch Lexia and if you select "106", it will launch PP2000.
I dont understand why tis is interesting/necessary :-\   Both Lexia and PP2000 works on both Citroen and Peugeot, and also on non-electric cars.
Bor i Asker. Elbilist siden 2005. Div. Saxo/P106 som vi har kjørt tilsammen ca 165.000 km. Kun en kjørbar nå.
Har også en eUp 2015, gått 82.000 km, Tesla Model3 2019 og Seat Mii 2020.


Well, actually I programmed the app so that the water reset page appears only when the water light is on. There may be a problem on that point (the page may not appear as expected!).
So I would like to test the complete cycle (launch maintenance charge, do the refill and try to clear the need and light with the app). My car won't require a maintenance charge before the end of the year, so that's why I'm looking for a beta tester ;D .

Sitat fra: Elmo på onsdag 11. oktober 2017, klokken 14:15
I dont understand why tis is interesting/necessary :-\   Both Lexia and PP2000 works on both Citroen and Peugeot, and also on non-electric cars.
It's absolutely unnecessary nor interesting as soon as you are able to launch Lexia or pp2000 directly !  8)
I think that diagbox was created by PSA for professionals so that they don't need to know which software to launch depending on the car they work on. There are also additionnal functions like link with on line support or data but you need a professional account.
Eventually, it's also a very heavy software for an old xp pc. Very long to install (several hours, really :o !) and also very performance consuming (your pc need a good cpu fan !).


Sitat fra: Steens på onsdag 11. oktober 2017, klokken 14:30
So I would like to test the complete cycle (launch maintenance charge, do the refill and try to clear the need and light with the app). My car won't require a maintenance charge before the end of the year, so that's why I'm looking for a beta tester ;D .
I'll check the "Counter" on my cars today, and see. I'm sure they don't really need it, but I think it's not so long away that it's OK to do it.

EDIT: confirmed, I can do waterservice on my P106 any time it suits you Steens
Bor i Asker. Elbilist siden 2005. Div. Saxo/P106 som vi har kjørt tilsammen ca 165.000 km. Kun en kjørbar nå.
Har også en eUp 2015, gått 82.000 km, Tesla Model3 2019 og Seat Mii 2020.


Hello Steens,
Thanks for a great program !!
I have been missing something like this.

I was lucky my cheep 3 years china OBDII worked in first shout :)
It do not turn off by it self..

However I have experienced that My phone crashed totally..
I have not been able to replicate so far, so this is just for info :)
By accident I shortly pushed the power button on the phone (screen turned off). Pushed it again and used fingerprint sensor to login. Only background was visible (no icons).
And Phone was unresponsive.. Screen went black and only holding the power button i 10sec could make it reboot..
Phone oneplus 2.. Danish lang...

Well I also have some comments and questions :)
Can see others have a lot of good wishes so I leave them out.

1. I see from the other screen shuts that the measuring range in the V/A graph can be made to 200V ..
How can I change that ?

2. Could the app. be made "wife safe" with a password to menu where settings can be changed?
I will be unhappy to find that the charge mode or other was suddenly changed because someone has played with app. :)

Thanks for your great work !


Note. to others. I did not understand all that about AH ec.. in the tread.
Could some one shortly explain ??
Here is My screendump :


Sitat fra: timescape på onsdag 11. oktober 2017, klokken 20:33
Note. to others. I did not understand all that about AH ec.. in the tread.
Could some one shortly explain ??
Sorry. I don't understand what you don't understand. Please refrase the question.
Bor i Asker. Elbilist siden 2005. Div. Saxo/P106 som vi har kjørt tilsammen ca 165.000 km. Kun en kjørbar nå.
Har også en eUp 2015, gått 82.000 km, Tesla Model3 2019 og Seat Mii 2020.


Sitat fra: Elmo på onsdag 11. oktober 2017, klokken 22:12
Sitat fra: timescape på onsdag 11. oktober 2017, klokken 20:33
Note. to others. I did not understand all that about AH ec.. in the tread.
Could some one shortly explain ??
Sorry. I don't understand what you don't understand. Please refrase the question.

:) :) That was a good one :) :)
Had just read through all comments, so all the discussion fresh in mind :)
Here is what i did not understand :)

I meant the whole discussion about AH values and Parameters fault stored in ECU..

Starting around #66
Elmo, don't you have in the same time a fault named "Parameters of the Control Unit"

I was looking for the meaning and consequences for the app. status. And if that was something I should be aware off.
Guess I was lost in meaning after a while.. :)

About water service..
I normally do not wait for the lamp..
I set in maint. charge and wait for lamp. Then reset need for water.. (and set charge mode normal).
So I guess i will be great if the water service could be triggered manually in the app. (or it was possible to reset need for water. :)



Sitat fra: timescape på onsdag 11. oktober 2017, klokken 22:48
I meant the whole discussion about AH values and Parameters fault stored in ECU..

Starting around #66
Elmo, don't you have in the same time a fault named "Parameters of the Control Unit"

I was looking for the meaning and consequences for the app. status. And if that was something I should be aware off.
Guess I was lost in meaning after a while.. :)
That was about how come some cars' water-refill-threshold value sometimes is different than normal (860). And if there are other faultindications too when it happens. No relevance to the app. status as such.

Sitat fra: timescape på onsdag 11. oktober 2017, klokken 22:48
About water service..
I normally do not wait for the lamp..
I set in maint. charge and wait for lamp. Then reset need for water.. (and set charge mode normal).
So I guess i will be great if the water service could be triggered manually in the app. (or it was possible to reset need for water. :)
You should NOT drive until you get the lamp before you decide to do watermaintenance !
The normal water-refill-threshold value is 860 (as far as I remember). This value has shown to be way to high for most cars/batteries. I can see that yours is even higher (950) :-1-:  NOT good.
I recommend to do watermaintenance when water-refill-counter is 500Ah, which usually is after 3500-4000km
Bor i Asker. Elbilist siden 2005. Div. Saxo/P106 som vi har kjørt tilsammen ca 165.000 km. Kun en kjørbar nå.
Har også en eUp 2015, gått 82.000 km, Tesla Model3 2019 og Seat Mii 2020.


Sitat fra: timescape på onsdag 11. oktober 2017, klokken 22:48
About water service..
I normally do not wait for the lamp..
I set in maint. charge and wait for lamp. Then reset need for water.. (and set charge mode normal).
So I guess i will be great if the water service could be triggered manually in the app. (or it was possible to reset need for water. :)
You can already trigger the maintenance charge by clicking on the maintenance button in the "charge" page of the app.
However, the current version will not allow you to clear the water need (and lamp) at the end of the water refill.
In the next version that will be possible. And that function will appear only when the lamp will be lit on the car dashboard.


Sitat fra: Elmo på onsdag 11. oktober 2017, klokken 23:24
The normal water-refill-threshold value is 860 (as far as I remember). This value has shown to be way to high for most cars/batteries. ................

A minor detail, but it is 870 in all my three Electric PSA's (2xSaxo & 1x106)
2001 Peugeot 106 Electric (hvit) arvet batteripakken til 1998-modellen
2003 Saxo Electrique (sølv)
2003 Saxo Electrique (hvit)
Ex: 1998 Peugeot 106 Electric (grønn) Ny batteripakke i 2009


Sitat fra: Elmo på onsdag 11. oktober 2017, klokken 23:24
Sitat fra: timescape på onsdag 11. oktober 2017, klokken 22:48
I meant the whole discussion about AH values and Parameters fault stored in ECU..

Starting around #66
Elmo, don't you have in the same time a fault named "Parameters of the Control Unit"

I was looking for the meaning and consequences for the app. status. And if that was something I should be aware off.
Guess I was lost in meaning after a while.. :)
That was about how come some cars' water-refill-threshold value sometimes is different than normal (860). And if there are other faultindications too when it happens. No relevance to the app. status as such.

Sitat fra: timescape på onsdag 11. oktober 2017, klokken 22:48
About water service..
I normally do not wait for the lamp..
I set in maint. charge and wait for lamp. Then reset need for water.. (and set charge mode normal).
So I guess i will be great if the water service could be triggered manually in the app. (or it was possible to reset need for water. :)
You should NOT drive until you get the lamp before you decide to do watermaintenance !
The normal water-refill-threshold value is 860 (as far as I remember). This value has shown to be way to high for most cars/batteries. I can see that yours is even higher (950) :-1-:  NOT good.
I recommend to do watermaintenance when water-refill-counter is 500Ah, which usually is after 3500-4000km

Thanks for clarification :) 

I NEVER wait for the lamp...
Normally I do the water service around 2000 - 3000 km. Depending on the use of Car and seasons of year :)

Thanks Steens, for adding the "clear the water need" function :)


Dear Steens,
Any news on the app. ?

Is there a place where I can follow the development ?



Sitat fra: timescape på tirsdag 24. oktober 2017, klokken 14:47
Any news on the app. ?
The V2.0 is not far from being released :) but still under final debugging :-\ !

Sitat fra: timescape på tirsdag 24. oktober 2017, klokken 14:47
Is there a place where I can follow the development ?
I may setup a website in the future to give information, collect requests, etc. but have no time for that actually :(


Hi Steens
I have notised that when i drive, the app shows volt and current in DC but when i charge it shows volt in DC but current in AC. Is it possible to make it show current in DC even in charging mode?


Sitat fra: saxo56 på onsdag 25. oktober 2017, klokken 16:50
Hi Steens
I have notised that when i drive, the app shows volt and current in DC but when i charge it shows volt in DC but current in AC. Is it possible to make it show current in DC even in charging mode?

noticed the same yesterday..
DC charge current was displayed to 16A..
But I should be charging with arox. 22ADC (14Aac)..

My saxo is set to 14Aac. But I wanted to verify with a clamp amp., before I wrote .. But have not got the time to verify yet.. :)


Sitat fra: timescape på onsdag 25. oktober 2017, klokken 20:56
DC charge current was displayed to 16A..
But I should be charging with arox. 22ADC (14Aac)..
Yes, there may be an error in the scaling factor of the current. I haven't made measurements yet, so if somebody can provide current measurement (with an amp clamp) with associated displayed value on the app, this would help a lot to set the right scaling factor.

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