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Sv: Lade Leaf på skjøteledning

Startet av eltransbg, søndag 20. oktober 2013, klokken 08:55

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Can someone help me - I'm searching more info about the voltage of the electric Saxo.
Can the car works on 160V?
Do I have to replace the charger?
Can the controller and the motor handle this voltage?
Thank you!
p.s. sorry to write in english - not know your language :(


Well my Saxo has a 44-cell (145V) battery configuration. Peak voltage is 162V and works wery well.
However the 160V drops to 145 after just a few seconds.

From an old Peugeot salesman i got the information that there is basically just one way to make these cars faster. That is voltage adjustment.

You will probably need to get another charger for your car if you consider 160V.

SOC or batterymeter will probably not work.
HAIBIKE Sduro HardNine 4.0 - 2017, Model 3 RN107XXXXXX, Nissan Leaf 2012 - Webasto bensinvarmer 2015, Saxo 97 Li batteri  - 2013, Ecoride elsykkel    - 2012

Pera L

Saxo is build up so that with NiCd voltage goes over 8,5V per battery at charging when it's very cold. It meaning about 170V end charging voltage. DCDC will stop working if voltage is over 190V. Overall elbox can handle some 300V. From controller there's come 200A, it's difficult get more but possible. So the answer is yes. If you put two more batteries (2x6V) it means that the power of the engine is normally 200x120V 24kW but with extra batteries 200x132V 26,5W. Torque will be tremendoes! Also driving distance increases more than kW:s showing because if your driving habit stays the same there comes more Ah:s from the batteries at smaller discharge current; same power, higher voltage, smaller current.
May be you must do some changes for charging voltage but it is controlled just simple NTC so not so difficult.
I'm very happy for my Berlingo with three extra batts, goes almost 150km and shoots out from traffic lights as shuttle.

Pera L


Thank you !
We have two Saxo's without batteries, so we have to decide how many batteries with how much Ah to get.
Maybe will use 90Ah or 100Ah lithium batteries.

Looking to find other EV and import them here, in Bulgaria.
So other proposal are welcome :)


Electronics are same AS for Partner/Berlingo and will work with higher voltage.
The computer must be replaced or programmed for this.
Lifetime for the motor with this setup is unknown.
Arne Magnus Berge 90608080
17' Model X90 med alt     19' Tesla Model 3 LR
Vectrix VX-1 med Leaf lithium-ion
Daglig leder hos Euromatic AS


"The computer must be replaced or programmed for this."
How we can re-programme the computer of the Saxo?
These two cars are the first electric Saxo in my country, so we are very "non familiar" with this devices.
Thank you!

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