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Sv: Hvor mye overlading er normalt?

Startet av BauDemo, torsdag 12. juni 2008, klokken 18:28

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This morning I noticed that the "ventilation air direction" dial is not really working - this is the dial that is on the left hand side. The air is blown at the windshield with no respect to where the dial points. After some back and forward switching, something fell off from a whole in the dash... I am attaching an image of it....
Is this easy to fix, any suggestions before I dig myself in the dashboard?
nikometer? -


Sorry  Bau Demo, no one seems to know. Is this a spring metal clip to fix a metal rod to a flap or something ? This is the worst type of job for someone with a bad back. To lie under a dashboard with ones feet in the air trying to get at some inaccessable part mixed up with a load of wiring. Give up and buy a new Think!
Kristiansand. Think City  105K 2001. Kjørt i to år. Ex Postens Think, 50K. Tidligere styreleder for Agder Elbilforening. Den ble til en lokallag av den Nasjonal Elbilforeningen hvor jeg har hatt forskellige verv. Kjøre 1. gen Leaf nå.


What is this "give up" thing you speak of?  ;)

I just had a look under my dashboard, and I found out where that clip belongs. It's located right under your radio, and with a flashlight you can see it from under the dashboard. Don't try if you have a bad back!

This clip holds the cable sleeve from the flow selector, not the selector itself. The problem is that if the sleve isn't fastened, it moves with the cable, kind of like the gear or brake cable on a bike.

If the clip isn't damaged, you should be able to reattach it like on the picture I attached. The problem might have come due to a rusted/stuck cable, so try WD40 or something like that in the cable. You might be able to reach it from above if you remove your radio. I didn't remove mine.

1 on the picture is the clip
2 is the fuse on the back of my radio.

The white flat surface is facing down; i took the picture from an odd angle.

Tesla Model S75D 30/6/17
Tesla Model S85 26/3/14-30/6-17, 82500km
Leaf 9/5/12
Think City, Har ACTIA diagnoseapparat.
Sykkylven (Sunnmøre)


Et glitrende eksempel på internetts fortreffelighet.

Hadde en lignende sak me Lancia Delta Integralen. Der var styreslangene for wastgate ventilen feilkoblet, og en i England så dette. Dermed ble problemet løst.

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Har hatt trimma City El, Citroen AX elektro
Har for tiden Tesla S85 VW e-Up, Peugeot P106 og Citroen Saxo, C1 EVie,  og Berlingo nye modellen, div. Think Classic og City 2010 model og Norges eneste Cree SAM og Chin 3 hjuler samt Vectric scooter. Kjøpt Fiat X 1/9 for elektrifisering og venter på Sort Solo EV #635 og Artega Karo for levering sommeren 2020

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Thanks alot for all the info. I will check my back first :), then lie down and try to put the spring back. Will do some pictures in the process for the archives, and let you know the result.
nikometer? -


Finally! It is all working again... ;D

Initially I tried putting the brace back from the under side.. but it did not work for me... I think the cable had very hard time moving in the sleeve. This probably was the reason for the bracket to pop out in the first place. So I did remove the radio and used some wd-40 spray on the cable...
It took two weeks before I could again pay some attention to it... the cable was now moving very smoothly in the sleeve, and I did not have any problems with the bracket.
On a side note - I did manage to get my personal record - 90.1km on one charge... this is with the radio not mounted... I wonder if it is my heavy foot while listening to music, or if the radio is drawing a lot of power even when the car is off...
Thank you again for all the information - it would have been very hard for me to figure this out on my own!
nikometer? -


Sitat fra: BauDemo på tirsdag 15. juli 2008, klokken 22:43
or if the radio is drawing a lot of power even when the car is off...

Many connect the Yellow "light" cable to permenent +. It thats the case on a electric car, the DC/DC will have a lot of work, and will drain your traction battery.

Selger ladeutstyr via AS

Har hatt trimma City El, Citroen AX elektro
Har for tiden Tesla S85 VW e-Up, Peugeot P106 og Citroen Saxo, C1 EVie,  og Berlingo nye modellen, div. Think Classic og City 2010 model og Norges eneste Cree SAM og Chin 3 hjuler samt Vectric scooter. Kjøpt Fiat X 1/9 for elektrifisering og venter på Sort Solo EV #635 og Artega Karo for levering sommeren 2020

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thanks elektrolux!
hmmm... yellow... I am attaching here two photos of the connection on the back of the stereo... which one would be the offending one?
nikometer? -


I think (no pun intended) you can just use a multimeter to check the pins on the plug to see which one gives 12V when everything is off. If the radio uses this it will drain the 12V battery, albeit slowly.
Tesla Model S75D 30/6/17
Tesla Model S85 26/3/14-30/6-17, 82500km
Leaf 9/5/12
Think City, Har ACTIA diagnoseapparat.
Sykkylven (Sunnmøre)

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