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Sv: Når får vi bilene våre ?

Startet av linaser, onsdag 28. august 2013, klokken 19:15

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I'm sorry for posting in English, but because I live in Switzerland, that's the best I can do.

Today I'll take delivery of my Tesla Model S Sig Perf+ VIN 14291 in Switzerland.

To spent some time with my new car and because I always wanted to visit beautiful Norway, I decided to make a roadtrip to your Country. I will arrive next Monday on the ferry from Kiel to Oslo and I have to leave Norway on Sept 5th.

Why I'm posting this here, is because I'm hoping for some tips on where to charge my Model S in Norway, and which scenic roads are suited for a roadtrip to the nicest spots in Norway.

Thank you very much,



Well, that's a memorable first post. :)

For charging, check out:

Also, be aware that some of the supercharger stations are opening this friday (august 23rd). Check out:
P85+, Pearl white, 21" Grey, Black leather. Alt unntatt barneseter.
Innlegg kan ikke gjengis utenfor forumet uten eksplisitt godkjennelse.


Soon welcome to Norway!

When you'll find your route (I hope you'll get some reccommodations in here), I'm sure the members of this forum will support and guide you in finding the chargers needed, also chargers not marked in the map. Keep on posting :)
10.2013 TMS 85  - solgt
06.2015 TMS 85D - solgt
07.2018 TMS 100D


What a great idea!

You should absolutely visit the western coast of Norway.  Drive to Bergen over Hardangervidda, and hopefully the supercharges at Gol will be operational by then.
P85, Sølv.
Mottatt 25.11.13


If venturing into Fjord territory on the west coast, be aware that the Gudvanga tunnel on E16 between the towns of Flåm and Gudvangen has been temporarily closed due to a tunnel fire. Not sure when it will reopen.
P85, rød, svart interiør, CF dekor, 21", spoiler, minus dobbeltlader og sikkerhetpakke


Sitat fra: linaser på onsdag 21. august 2013, klokken 10:58
I'm sorry for posting in English, but because I live in Switzerland, that's the best I can do.

Today I'll take delivery of my Tesla Model S Sig Perf+ VIN 14291 in Switzerland.

To spent some time with my new car and because I always wanted to visit beautiful Norway, I decided to make a roadtrip to your Country. I will arrive next Monday on the ferry from Kiel to Oslo and I have to leave Norway on Sept 5th.

Why I'm posting this here, is because I'm hoping for some tips on where to charge my Model S in Norway, and which scenic roads are suited for a roadtrip to the nicest spots in Norway.

Thank you very much,


Download the iphone app "Lade Nå!". It's a comprehensive guide to charging stations in Norway. Very useful.

Most Norwegian slow charging stations are free, but are locked with a key. One key fits all. You can get a key for free by driving to Oslo municipal parking authority "Bymiljøetaten" service desk in Oslo: Hollendergata 5, 0190 Oslo. They also provide a parking-clock disk to fasten on the windshield, to indicate arrival time for those charging stations which are time limited.

Parking on municipal parking spaces is free for electric cars. But Norwegian electric cars all have licence plates starting with EL. Parking attendants will not understand that your car is electric if your licence plate doesn't start with EL. You might want to talk to Bymiljøetaten about how to do this for foreign electric cars. Or you may put a note on the front window of your car stating "Dette er en en elbil. Siden det er en utenlandsk bil har denne elbil ikke skilter som begynner med EL. Elbiler, både norske og utenlandske, kan i henhold til forskrift stå på kommunale parkeringsplasser uten å betale."

Domestic ferries are also free for electric cars.

Toll roads are also free for electric cars. You must rent an Autopass transponder for 200kr at an Esso petrol station in Oslo to be able to pass road tolls for free. You should get your 200kr back when returning the transponder at the end of your trip. (You might be able to pass for free without an autopass transpander on manned road toll booths and tell them your car is electric and exempt from road tolls. But they often refuse to believe Teslas are electric, and demand payment.)

Only a few 22kWh Type2 charging stations exist in Norway yet, but you still might want to bring a Type2-type2 charging cable with you as well.

The Norwegian electric car assosciation should really make a webpage with info for foreign vistors with electric cars.
Mitsubishi i-Miev (2011)
Tesla Model S 85 (2013)
Tesla Model 3 (2019)



I would recommend a trip to the southern tip of Norway (on the way down, you can visit Cinderella supercharingstation on Brokelandsheia :)). In Lillesand me and my family (which is almost in pain because of the long wait for our new car ...) can wait for you bye the sea in our classic wooden boat and take you on a fantastic journey :-) Southern Norway is amazing late summer / early autoum when all the tourists have gone home ...

Anyways, have a fantastic trip in your wounderful new car!
Tesla model X (kjøpt 2016) og Leaf (kjøpt 2011) i familien. Ingen med forbrenningsmotor lenger... bortsett fra i traktoren og  i sjekta!



I think you should wait some weeks until the SC has opened, or you need to depend on slow charging during the night. (230V 13A schuko available everywhere). Anyway, the coast in Southern Norway, from Oslo to Stavanger/Bergen has good coverage.

But sorry to say, the mountain crossings has poor coverage (exept Bergen-Oslo when the SC's has opend)
Stavanger Tesla Model S

Levert September 2013


If the supercharger at GOL is opened at friday 23 of august you will have no problems with the trip from Oslo to Bergen. We can post here on friday if it has opened or not . Send me a pm and i can give you some pointers for what to see in bergen , if you travel over here
Model s med alt unntatt hattehylle og sikkerhetspakke. En drøm å kjøre pluss El sykkel med 1000 watt !


If you can get to Gjende, that is a truly marvelous place. Especially if you are up for a day-trek (or spending a night or two trekking).  The boat cruise is also very nice (but the view you get if you trek up-mountain for 1-2 hours from one of the cabins is unique).

In Oslo, take the time to visit the Vigeland park.  As a bonus, it has a large (slow) charging station - I think 16 slots. You will find it 50m north of the marker on this map.
Det jeg skriver på Elbilforum kan kun siteres på dette forumet, med mindre jeg gir tillatelse

Kjører Model S siden 21.11.13
BMW i3
Model X leveres august 2016 (sier Tesla)


Welcome :)

Since you come from Switzerland I guess high mountains and long tunnels are not what you want to see here;)

Normally I would tell you to go along the coast of northern Norway in Norland and Troms. But the charging network here is underdeveloped so you have to do a lot of planing to find hotels with ev-charging.

But to drive along the coast is beautiful almost everywhere. Along the south-coast with the low hills as i_expect have suggested. But it's best experienced from boats, so in this case you may accept his/hers invitation. Or on the west-coast with its high mountains and narrow fjords. One popular destination is the Atlantic Road in Møre.

Whatever you decides I wish you an happy journey in your new car! :)
"Your Model 3 was reserved on 31/03/2016."
ReservationId 364902


P85D :o)


Remembered now one more thing:

Is it not so that we in Norway have our own special UMC? Thinks to remember that it was said that our UMC could easily be used throughout Europe, but the UMC from other countries would not work in Norway, or whether it was that it would not work everywhere in Norway? Can not locate this, so if anyone else remembers this better or find it?

Might be good to be aware of this before you get here so you are not totally dependent on superchargers. :p
"Your Model 3 was reserved on 31/03/2016."
ReservationId 364902


Sitat fra: Amoss på onsdag 21. august 2013, klokken 17:55
Is it not so that we in Norway have our own special UMC?

I suggest you post a picture of the wall-connectors you have to your car, to get feedback on what adaptors you might need.

PS: to post pictures press the "+ Vedlegg og ..." just below the edit-frame
Bor i Asker. Elbilist siden 2005. Div. Saxo/P106 som vi har kjørt tilsammen ca 165.000 km. Kun en kjørbar nå.
Har også en eUp 2015, gått 82.000 km, Tesla Model3 2019 og Seat Mii 2020.


Martin Nystrand
Råde, Østfold.

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