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Sv: Dekk og felger

Startet av Poppe, mandag 19. august 2013, klokken 22:56

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Are there any concerns regarding fast charging the new Think with 16A ? Charger and/or battery (zebra) issues ?
The old Think sharing the charger with the old Renaults was a definite no-no regarding 16A charging since the charger eventually would go up in a puff of smoke. It happened to me once in my Express.
Chevy Volt -12
Th!nk City -99
Th!nk City -08
Peugeot 107 -07
Chevrolet Corvair Convertible -64
Chevrolet Rampside Pick Up -61
Renault Kangoo 4x4 -05
i Göteborg


The New Think uses a water cooled Eltec charger that can putt max 14A from the grid.

The Charger has a good reputation, and will regulate itself Down if temperature falls. Its also cheeper and readily available compared to the old Actia, and its not exposed to the elements like the old charger.

I would not hesitate using its full potential, then again, I am not so conserned about using the old Actia to its full potential either. Aslong as its supply is in good condition it seams to cope well with 16A. When I need the extra speed I turn it up to 16A witch is 14A real load.

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Sitat fra: elektrolux på tirsdag 13. august 2013, klokken 09:03
The New Think uses a water cooled Eltec charger that can putt max 14A from the grid.

Poppe has a Gen0 Zebra car. I think the Elteks' ( are used only on the Gen2 cars with Lithium battery packs (enerdel or a123).
nikometer? -


Sitat fra: BauDemo på tirsdag 13. august 2013, klokken 09:18
Poppe has a Gen0 Zebra car. I think the Elteks' ( are used only on the Gen2 cars with Lithium battery packs (enerdel or a123).
Gen2-PCU with Zebra-battery packs also haveEltek Valere chargers :)

Sitat fra: elektrolux på tirsdag 13. august 2013, klokken 09:03
The New Think uses a water cooled Eltec charger that can putt max 14A from the grid.
To be pedantic; the charger itself is not water cooled, while the PCU casing is. It cools all electronics in the PCU. The principle is the same for gen0-, gen1- and gen2-PCU.
- Toyota Rav4 EV 2000 NiMH (06/2010), Tesla Model S75D (12/2018)
   (tidligere: Think Classic 2000 NiCd (06/2009-05/2012) - Think City 2010 Zebra (03/2012-10/2012) - Think City 2009 Zebra (05/2012-05/2014)  - Tesla Model S 2014 (06/2014-09/2017) - Nissan Leaf 2018 LE 40kWh (04/2018-12/2018) )
- Trondheim (Trøndelag Elbilforening 02/2012-04/2014)
- Ariens AMP 24 to-trinns snøfreser 48V litium 52,5Ahr (10/2012) - Bosch Rotaks 43 Li-Ion gressklipp


Your confusing me  ???

So what charger do I have ? Think id ...4230 built in Norway 2008.
Chevy Volt -12
Th!nk City -99
Th!nk City -08
Peugeot 107 -07
Chevrolet Corvair Convertible -64
Chevrolet Rampside Pick Up -61
Renault Kangoo 4x4 -05
i Göteborg


Sitat fra: Poppe på tirsdag 13. august 2013, klokken 10:44
So what charger do I have ? Think id ...4230 built in Norway 2008.
The charge rate capability depends on both HW (PCU revision) and SW (PCU parameter settings).

The charger on several of the gen0-PCU which is used in your PreProduction car(VIN 4x) have a lower charge rate than the Production Cars (VIN 5x), and cannot run "powercharge".

The capable chargerate depends on your PCU revision, which is printed on a sticker on the backside cover of the PCU, not good for visible for inspection ...

I recall that there is a limitation level of 11,8A (AC) for some pcu-rev. and 12,5A (AC) on the latest pcu rev.
I think though that the first gen0-pcu rev is limited to about 9,9A (AC) or less, but I need to verify that.

The gen0/1-PCU can be HW upgraded to support higher charge rate, but then your need to unmount the PCU, send it to Norway; your car will be out of service for a month or two...

If your PCU-sw have been upgraded by a Think workshop, they have to be careful that the PCU parameter 'ACRmsLim' is not set to a higher value than your HW PCU revision is capable of handling.
- Toyota Rav4 EV 2000 NiMH (06/2010), Tesla Model S75D (12/2018)
   (tidligere: Think Classic 2000 NiCd (06/2009-05/2012) - Think City 2010 Zebra (03/2012-10/2012) - Think City 2009 Zebra (05/2012-05/2014)  - Tesla Model S 2014 (06/2014-09/2017) - Nissan Leaf 2018 LE 40kWh (04/2018-12/2018) )
- Trondheim (Trøndelag Elbilforening 02/2012-04/2014)
- Ariens AMP 24 to-trinns snøfreser 48V litium 52,5Ahr (10/2012) - Bosch Rotaks 43 Li-Ion gressklipp


Here's a pic of the charger screen some minutes ago:

The cable box is set to fast charge and is confirmimg this with a slow blinking of the green diod.

The current Current is 11.8 A. The Current lim is 15.4 A. When set to normal charging this figure is 9.2 A. What are these figures and where do they come from ?
The voltage is crap but there are five cars charging at this moment and when I plugged in as the first car this morning I had some 235 V.

The PWM shows 100%, I wonder where this figure comes from ? It can't be the efficiency of the charger since the output from Mains and input to battery says the efficiency is more like 91%.
Chevy Volt -12
Th!nk City -99
Th!nk City -08
Peugeot 107 -07
Chevrolet Corvair Convertible -64
Chevrolet Rampside Pick Up -61
Renault Kangoo 4x4 -05
i Göteborg


Sitat fra: Poppe på onsdag 14. august 2013, klokken 09:38
The current Current is 11.8 A. The Current lim is 15.4 A. When set to normal charging this figure is 9.2 A. What are these figures and where do they come from ?
The voltage is crap but there are five cars charging at this moment and when I plugged in as the first car this morning I had some 235 V.
'Current lim 15,4A' occurs when 'power charge' is activated on the "cable box" (PCS). When the PCS is reset, its asks for 9,2A from the grid (AC).
Then on the monitor shows the real values.

Sitat fra: Poppe på onsdag 14. august 2013, klokken 09:38
The PWM shows 100%, I wonder where this figure comes from ? It can't be the efficiency of the charger since the output from Mains and input to battery says the efficiency is more like 91%.
The PWM signal (pulse width modulation) comes from the BMI (battery control unit) and is send to the charger. On Think the BMI/charger-configuration is called "PWM-traction on net".
The PWM-signal controls the charger output and ramps up the current slowly.
You can watch this process if you unplug/plug the charging connector, and look at the DC-current/battery-current.
This can also be seen at the 'Economy gauge', which slowly moves up to two green dots (or so).
- Toyota Rav4 EV 2000 NiMH (06/2010), Tesla Model S75D (12/2018)
   (tidligere: Think Classic 2000 NiCd (06/2009-05/2012) - Think City 2010 Zebra (03/2012-10/2012) - Think City 2009 Zebra (05/2012-05/2014)  - Tesla Model S 2014 (06/2014-09/2017) - Nissan Leaf 2018 LE 40kWh (04/2018-12/2018) )
- Trondheim (Trøndelag Elbilforening 02/2012-04/2014)
- Ariens AMP 24 to-trinns snøfreser 48V litium 52,5Ahr (10/2012) - Bosch Rotaks 43 Li-Ion gressklipp


Thanks hma for the explanations.

SitatI recall that there is a limitation level of 11,8A (AC) for some pcu-rev. and 12,5A (AC) on the latest pcu rev.
I think though that the first gen0-pcu rev is limited to about 9,9A (AC) or less, but I need to verify that.
So from the picture and your earlier statement that we can say I have not the latest rev. 12,5A but not gen0 either.
Chevy Volt -12
Th!nk City -99
Th!nk City -08
Peugeot 107 -07
Chevrolet Corvair Convertible -64
Chevrolet Rampside Pick Up -61
Renault Kangoo 4x4 -05
i Göteborg


Sitat fra: Poppe på torsdag 15. august 2013, klokken 07:45
So from the picture and your earlier statement that we can say I have not the latest rev. 12,5A but not gen0 either.
Having a PP-car (VIN=4x), the PCU is always PCU gen-0. I have not heard about 4x-cars with PCU gen-1 (but there is a posibility). To be sure you have to inspect the connectors to the PCU. Gen0 has green metal connectors (MIL-type), while gen-1 has black plastic connectors.

Due to your screenshots, it's clear that your PCU charging module is reinforced, which means you got a later/newer pcu.rev.
- Toyota Rav4 EV 2000 NiMH (06/2010), Tesla Model S75D (12/2018)
   (tidligere: Think Classic 2000 NiCd (06/2009-05/2012) - Think City 2010 Zebra (03/2012-10/2012) - Think City 2009 Zebra (05/2012-05/2014)  - Tesla Model S 2014 (06/2014-09/2017) - Nissan Leaf 2018 LE 40kWh (04/2018-12/2018) )
- Trondheim (Trøndelag Elbilforening 02/2012-04/2014)
- Ariens AMP 24 to-trinns snøfreser 48V litium 52,5Ahr (10/2012) - Bosch Rotaks 43 Li-Ion gressklipp


Sitat fra: hma på tirsdag 13. august 2013, klokken 13:04
I recall that there is a limitation level of 11,8A (AC) for some pcu-rev. and 12,5A (AC) on the latest pcu rev.
I think though that the first gen0-pcu rev is limited to about 9,9A (AC) or less, but I need to verify that.

If your PCU-sw have been upgraded by a Think workshop, they have to be careful that the PCU parameter 'ACRmsLim' is not set to a higher value than your HW PCU revision is capable of handling.
Have checked it out:
- PCU Gen0 rev E =  8,5A
- PCU Gen0 rev F = 11,8A
- PCU Gen1         = 12,5A
- PCU Gen2         = 14A

This means Poppe has a Gen0 PCU rev F.
- Toyota Rav4 EV 2000 NiMH (06/2010), Tesla Model S75D (12/2018)
   (tidligere: Think Classic 2000 NiCd (06/2009-05/2012) - Think City 2010 Zebra (03/2012-10/2012) - Think City 2009 Zebra (05/2012-05/2014)  - Tesla Model S 2014 (06/2014-09/2017) - Nissan Leaf 2018 LE 40kWh (04/2018-12/2018) )
- Trondheim (Trøndelag Elbilforening 02/2012-04/2014)
- Ariens AMP 24 to-trinns snøfreser 48V litium 52,5Ahr (10/2012) - Bosch Rotaks 43 Li-Ion gressklipp


Hi there from germany.

I own a preproduction series Think too. VIN 4191.
It has a 590.2000 F PCU (maybe exchanged) and can do 14.5A on 230V AC hands.

2x Peugeot Scootelec, City EL (running), Th!nk City 1299 returner (sold), Th!nk City Gen2 Zebra EX-Ambulance 2008 1PP-2 Prototype Series, Kewet Citi Jet5
DE-52XXX near Cologne


Remember this:
- at 10A the charge current will be redused when AC heating goes on so the max curent will be 10A.
- at 16A the charge current will not be redused when AC heating goes on so the total will be around 15,5A.
Tesla X100D 2019 modell.


I don't have AC in my car (if AC in this case means Air Conditioner ?) so this is not relevant to me but I realise it can be usefull to others, however.... AC heating is a rarely seen beast. Normally it would be AC cooling because the heating is taken care of by the hot water heater. It should be the same in the Think because I know the AC is a add on to the heater and all cars have heaters but not coolers (?).

So, are we talking about AC cooling or hot water heating here ?

Sorry to be such a petimeter, I was born this way. ;)
Chevy Volt -12
Th!nk City -99
Th!nk City -08
Peugeot 107 -07
Chevrolet Corvair Convertible -64
Chevrolet Rampside Pick Up -61
Renault Kangoo 4x4 -05
i Göteborg


Sitat fra: Poppe på tirsdag 03. september 2013, klokken 07:04
I don't have AC in my car
Yes, you have ;)
AC-heater in this context refers to the battery internal heater, powered by AC, when the charging connector is applied.
When the charging connector is not connected, the battery self maintain its operating temperature with the internal DC-heater.
- Toyota Rav4 EV 2000 NiMH (06/2010), Tesla Model S75D (12/2018)
   (tidligere: Think Classic 2000 NiCd (06/2009-05/2012) - Think City 2010 Zebra (03/2012-10/2012) - Think City 2009 Zebra (05/2012-05/2014)  - Tesla Model S 2014 (06/2014-09/2017) - Nissan Leaf 2018 LE 40kWh (04/2018-12/2018) )
- Trondheim (Trøndelag Elbilforening 02/2012-04/2014)
- Ariens AMP 24 to-trinns snøfreser 48V litium 52,5Ahr (10/2012) - Bosch Rotaks 43 Li-Ion gressklipp

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