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Sv: Fortum/Bærum kommunes hurtiglader i Sandvika

Startet av tk74, onsdag 10. juli 2013, klokken 22:07

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Bestilt Tesla Model X 90D 08.09.2016
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Pearl White Multi-Coat Paint
20" Silver Wheels (Vinterhjul)
Black Leather Seats
Dark Ash Wood décor
Black Headliner
Six Seat Interior
Supercharger Enabled
Enhanced Autopilot
Full Self-Driving Capability
High Amperage Charger Upgrade
Smart Air Suspension
Premium Interior Package
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Tesla Model S P85+ Solgt 30.11.2016
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Faktura nummer: 463 8 mai 2013
#2406 Tesla Model S


I am bit confused - Model S can charge from 110V to 240V. I have never seen 400V in a specification.
Wouldn't it be more useful to have 400V 3 phase input and 230V single phase output on the transformers?

Also, any data on the weight of the different models of transformers?
nikometer? -


Sitat fra: BauDemo på onsdag 03. juli 2013, klokken 10:27
I am bit confused - Model S can charge from 110V to 240V. I have never seen 400V in a specification.
Wouldn't it be more useful to have 400V 3 phase input and 230V single phase output on the transformers?

400V plugs have 400V between the phases and 230V between phase and neutral. Model S uses the phase-neutral connection, for all three phases.

You cannot use a transformer to convert three-phase to single-phase. And such a unit would be redundant since you already have 230V available in the 400V system.
Forhandler av ladestasjoner og ladekabler, se
Kjører Tesla X75D fra mars 2017 og Model 3 SR+ fra oktober 2019.


Sitat fra: BauDemo på onsdag 03. juli 2013, klokken 10:27
I am bit confused - Model S can charge from 110V to 240V. I have never seen 400V in a specification.
That is the US model. The EU model can charge from 400V 3 phase and from 230V single phase.
Hyundai Ionic.
Tidliger mange år i PSA klasiker.


Thanks for the info on the EU model Model S. I must have missed that! And now understand why and how these transformers will be used.

Sitat fra: jkirkebo på onsdag 03. juli 2013, klokken 10:52
You cannot use a transformer to convert three-phase to single-phase. And such a unit would be redundant since you already have 230V available in the 400V system.
Hmm... really? Maybe not.
I am currently using a tranformer that uses 2 of the phases of a 16A 400V 3 phase outlet to produce single phase 6kVA @ 230V. ;)
It is not redundant if you do not have access to 230V single phase 30A outlet.

nikometer? -


Sitat fra: BauDemo på onsdag 03. juli 2013, klokken 12:11

Hmm... really? Maybe not.
I am currently using a tranformer that uses 2 of the phases of a 16A 400V 3 phase outlet to produce single phase 6kVA @ 230V. ;)
It is not redundant if you do not have access to 230V single phase 30A outlet.

It is some language confusion here. On a 3-phase system 400V we normally name the wires L1, L2 and L3 and the star-point N. Single phase 230V is between one of the L wires and N. However you also have 400V single-phase between L1 and L2. This is sometimes wrongly called 2 phase.

This terminology error is common even between electricians that uses this to distinguish between 230V in our normal 230V IT system with 230V between L1 and L2 (and L1-L3 and L2-L3 i.e. 2-phases and 2 fuses) and a 400V TN system with 230V between L1 and N (1-phase and 1 fuse), however 2-phase here is short for 2-phase wires.

So I guess you have a 400V system without N and connect L1 and L2 to a single-phase transformer from 400V to 230V. An in a system witout N you correctly need a transformer to do this. You could also use a 3-phase transformer 400V/400V d-YN and then get both 230V single-phase and 400V 3-phase.

In US where single-phase transformers with midpoint are used in the distribution system (120V L midpoint 240V between L1 an L2) is 240V often called 2 phase, and 120V called single-phase however the correct terminology for this system is split-phase (as the vector angle is 180 dgr.).
Hyundai Ionic.
Tidliger mange år i PSA klasiker.


Sitat fra: BauDemo på onsdag 03. juli 2013, klokken 12:11
Thanks for the info on the EU model Model S. I must have missed that! And now understand why and how these transformers will be used.

Sitat fra: jkirkebo på onsdag 03. juli 2013, klokken 10:52
You cannot use a transformer to convert three-phase to single-phase. And such a unit would be redundant since you already have 230V available in the 400V system.
Hmm... really? Maybe not.
I am currently using a tranformer that uses 2 of the phases of a 16A 400V 3 phase outlet to produce single phase 6kVA @ 230V. ;)
It is not redundant if you do not have access to 230V single phase 30A outlet.

You do not have 240V 1phase available on the 400V 3phase system if the 400V is supplied with a cable with 3 leads + earth. If you have 400V supplied by a 4 lead + earth cable you could split 240 out of the cable.

I'm getting this installed in my garage as I'm writing, I have only 3 leads + earth and therefore I have to install a 400V to 240 V trafo in my garage
Stavanger Tesla Model S

Levert September 2013


Thanks for the theory, and the background. I understand.

The problem is an EV that needs 23A 220V AC, single phase to charge. I have actually never seen such outlet in Sweden. I know that there are such outlets in UK, US, Japan, and maybe in Norway.

So, in Sweden, there are couple of different ways to rectify this problem:

1. Transformer that transforms 400V between 2 phases on a 400V 3 phase system. In my case I am using a 5 pin CEE, red, 3 phase + N + G, 16A outlet which is relatively common, and out of the transformer I get 220V single phase up to 6kVA.

2. Use 32A, 3 phase + N +G, 5 pin, red, CEE outlet and connect the car so it uses only one of the phases and N. This outlet is not very common, so its usage is relatively low.

3. Connect an EVSE directly to a house that has at least 25A on one of the phases that come in the house.

So, no matter what this is all called - there is a problem and a transformer is one of the most useful solutions (in my situation) to this problem.

To the original poster - did not mean to hijack your thread, and now have gotten response on my questions. 
nikometer? -


Quick Question, why does the EV require 23A? 16A would work, but slower - right?


Sitat fra: TeslaSignature på tirsdag 27. august 2013, klokken 10:51
Bestilt en til 5.000,- + MVA
Det skulle være interesant å vite hva du leser ut av dette typeskiltet siden du tør å anbefale denne transf.?

Jeg er usikker se:,7886.msg100466.html#msg100466
Hyundai Ionic.
Tidliger mange år i PSA klasiker.



Er det noen som har prøvd trafo fra 230v IT 3f til 400v TN 3f for lading av Model S? 

Jeg lurer på å få lagt inn 3x35A 230v IT og konvertere det til 400v TN 3f og eventuelt Type2 fra Salto om det er noe poeng (?)

Trafo bør ta minst mulig plass og være kapslet i ca IP44 pga trekkfull garasje og denne skal festes til ytterpanel.

rEVolusjonen startet 15. oktober 2013
Des 14 SOLGT med sorg:
Model S85 - Dolphin Grey (foliert) , sort skinn, 3.rad barneseter og Morbær tre (love it...)
Sikkerhetspakke, lyspakke, Techpakke, luft , p-sens, ..

Des 14: Bestilt 2015 model S85D - Juni 15: Solgt

Des 14: Kjører Leaf 2012 med moderat rekkeviddeangst
Juli 2015:
Kjøpt ny 15`Outlander PHIEV Instyle+ som midlertidig bil til ny 2016 Tesla ankommer... 
(I en eller annen versjon..)

Oktober 2016: venter S90D med alt, håper på FaceLift ..

Sitering av TS sine poster utenfor tillates ikke uten samtykk


Svar fra Salto på hva slags effekt Trafoene derfra kan gi:
3x16A gir ca 6kW = 30 lade-km/t
3x25A ca 10kW = 50 lade-km/t
3x50 ca 20kW = 100 lade-km/t
rEVolusjonen startet 15. oktober 2013
Des 14 SOLGT med sorg:
Model S85 - Dolphin Grey (foliert) , sort skinn, 3.rad barneseter og Morbær tre (love it...)
Sikkerhetspakke, lyspakke, Techpakke, luft , p-sens, ..

Des 14: Bestilt 2015 model S85D - Juni 15: Solgt

Des 14: Kjører Leaf 2012 med moderat rekkeviddeangst
Juli 2015:
Kjøpt ny 15`Outlander PHIEV Instyle+ som midlertidig bil til ny 2016 Tesla ankommer... 
(I en eller annen versjon..)

Oktober 2016: venter S90D med alt, håper på FaceLift ..

Sitering av TS sine poster utenfor tillates ikke uten samtykk


Sitat fra: TS på mandag 07. oktober 2013, klokken 18:18
Svar fra Salto på hva slags effekt Trafoene derfra kan gi:
3x16A gir ca 6kW = 30 lade-km/t
3x25A ca 10kW = 50 lade-km/t
3x50 ca 20kW = 100 lade-km/t

Hva koster de?


Må innrømme at jeg har null peil på strøm. Men har nå overtatt et hus der forrige eier hadde fått montert strøm for sveising.
Det er en svær kontakt der det står 80A ~ H 500V type FK 80/3E. Kan denne kontakten brukes til å lade bilen, og hva kan jeg eventuelt forvente av km pr ladetime? Jeg trenger sikkert også overganger, noen som har tips?
Tesla Model X90D - Produsert juli 2017
Midnight Silver
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