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Sv: Utvikling av 32A lader for det norske markedet

Startet av BauDemo, søndag 07. juli 2013, klokken 22:04

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I just got a new windshield wiper from biltema.
It seems to fit ok, looks abit bulky and strange, I will need to test it when it rains.
Art. nr. 58-246.
Here are some photos.
nikometer? -


I tried that luxury type too but it would not lay flat against the screen since it was to "banana" shaped. I changed to their less expensive type which was a better fit.
Chevy Volt -12
Th!nk City -99
Th!nk City -08
Peugeot 107 -07
Chevrolet Corvair Convertible -64
Chevrolet Rampside Pick Up -61
Renault Kangoo 4x4 -05
i Göteborg


Sitat fra: Poppe på mandag 24. juni 2013, klokken 06:47
I tried that luxury type too but it would not lay flat against the screen since it was to "banana" shaped. I changed to their less expensive type which was a better fit.
After a couple of days I agree - it was a disaster. I went back and bought the normal one - works much better for the Think.
nikometer? -


SitatI went back and bought the normal one
?? :)
Think City 2011 Li, XEL Cruiser lett MC 2010, EVT 4000e scooter 2008, Eco ride Avenue City + Alprace Ecorus 2012  elsykler, gøtt humør :)


Sitat fra: commiesoft på onsdag 03. juli 2013, klokken 00:17
SitatI went back and bought the normal one
?? :)
The same one listed on the elbilwiki page. 58-225
nikometer? -

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