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Sv: Tregt varmeapparat Nissan Leaf?

Startet av BauDemo, torsdag 04. april 2013, klokken 13:36

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I need to open an original Think EVSE (the box that is on the charging cable) and I can see 4 screws on the bottom. When I unscrew them and pull I can see some movement between the bottom plate and the rest of the box, but it feels too tight - like I have missed a screw.
Can some of you that have done this before share advice on how to do it or publish some photos if you have any?
nikometer? -


Is it anything like the Panasonic (Leaf and others)?

  • Rød Nissan Leaf (lev. 19. des. 2011, solgt 2019)
  • Tesla Model X res. #178 (avbestilt)
  • Blå Tesla Model S 90D (2016 CPO før facelift)
  • Grå Tesla Model 3 LR (2019 med krok)


It does not look like the panasonic/leaf one - on the outside looks a lot like one of the ClipperCreek units.

nikometer? -


Den ligner veldig på min sorte boks. Den er limt med noe som ligner sikaflex, altså en seig masse.
Delingen er rett under kabelen, men obs den sorte gjennomføringen skal henge sammen med bunnplaten. Det er også en tynn flatkabel som går opp i lokket, vær forsiktig med den (10/16A bryter).
Jeg brukte ganske stor kraft for å dele boksen, hold kraften en god stund slik at den seige massen kan gi seg. Å ha den god og varm kan også hjelpe.
Tesla X100D 2019 modell.


Sitat fra: BauDemo på torsdag 14. mars 2013, klokken 17:47
I need to open an original Think EVSE (the box that is on the charging cable) and I can see 4 screws on the bottom. When I unscrew them and pull I can see some movement between the bottom plate and the rest of the box, but it feels too tight - like I have missed a screw.
Can some of you that have done this before share advice on how to do it or publish some photos if you have any?
The Black one that came with the Th!nks here in Norway looks very similar to yours. On this one the plastic housing and back plate is fixed together by 4 screws, but they also used butyl to make it waterproof so ypu have to pull quite hard to pry them apart.
2008 Th!nk City Zebra


Thanks - I will give it another try tonight!
nikometer? -


So here is the result of some heat gun action.
nikometer? -

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