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Sv: LEAF Manager - Android app til LEAF med klima-timerkontroll

Startet av BauDemo, onsdag 09. januar 2013, klokken 12:37

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I just ordered an OVMS unit and plan to make it compatible with the Think.

More info on OVMS:

It is currently used on Tesla Roadster, but the software is open source and should be possible to adapt to work with the Think.

I purchased it from here:

For those of you that have RAC module in the car that does not work, you can replace it with this and use the existing antennas (GPS and GPRS)...

Anyone up for this project?

Link to video of the iphone app:

nikometer? -


Jeg er med :D
Tesla X100D 2019 modell.


I don't quite see what this can do, but anything that gives more driver info interests me.

I'm in.

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Har du fått OVMS i løpet av jula BauDemo? Må si at jeg er skikkelig spent på dette  :D
Tesla X100D 2019 modell.


Yes, I got it and I have started coding. I had some problems, but I am up and running now. Today I got my first response from the car - and it was only SOC, and then it turn out I had the wrong bytes... so there is still some work to be done.
It is very cool!!
nikometer? -


Screenshot of sms communication.
nikometer? -


Kjempebra  :D
Dette blir spennende.
Tesla X100D 2019 modell.


Superspennende. Jeg har bestilt og venter på OVMSen. Har fått Pictprogrammerer.


Great! I could really use some testing help, and feedback.
Did you order the antennas?
If not you may want to try the built-in antennas that are (or should be) there for the RAC unit. I found a supplier for an adapter from the plugs for the RAC to the plugs on the OVMS.
nikometer? -


Bestilte med antenner ja. Har en 2011-modell, så ingen RAC. :)


Are you sure that the wiring harness and the gprs/gsm antennas are not installed anyhow?

Sitat fra: jahnarne på onsdag 09. januar 2013, klokken 08:44
Bestilte med antenner ja. Har en 2011-modell, så ingen RAC. :)
nikometer? -


Sitat fra: BauDemo på onsdag 09. januar 2013, klokken 11:14
Are you sure that the wiring harness and the gprs/gsm antennas are not installed anyhow?

Sitat fra: jahnarne på onsdag 09. januar 2013, klokken 08:44
Bestilte med antenner ja. Har en 2011-modell, så ingen RAC. :)

Mostly only the 2008 models, and the pre-production ones that got this. I have a complete cable loom with the RAC-wires, and antenna from my racing-think.
Leaf S 2015
Think 2011 2+2 Zebra "Sola" 106.000km pr. mars 2017
Think 2008 "CaThinka" kommende banebil


Sitat fra: Go-carter på onsdag 09. januar 2013, klokken 20:08
Mostly only the 2008 models, and the pre-production ones that got this. I have a complete cable loom with the RAC-wires, and antenna from my racing-think.

Interesting... have you worked for Think, and seen this or other source? I am asking because I am looking at 3 Thinks from 2009, Norway VIN up to 153, that have the antennas, wiring and RAC... But maybe these are special?
nikometer? -


Jeg har 2009 modell 5017, den har RAC og GPS-antenne.

Airbaglampe lyser så jeg ser frem til å få ut RAC og inn med OVMS.
Tesla X100D 2019 modell.


Sitat fra: BauDemo på onsdag 09. januar 2013, klokken 23:05
Sitat fra: Go-carter på onsdag 09. januar 2013, klokken 20:08
Mostly only the 2008 models, and the pre-production ones that got this. I have a complete cable loom with the RAC-wires, and antenna from my racing-think.

Interesting... have you worked for Think, and seen this or other source? I am asking because I am looking at 3 Thinks from 2009, Norway VIN up to 153, that have the antennas, wiring and RAC... But maybe these are special?

Naaah, I was just guessing. But seems as I guessed wrong :) My racing-think has a 5xxx VIN-number as well, so it isnt a pre-production model.
Leaf S 2015
Think 2011 2+2 Zebra "Sola" 106.000km pr. mars 2017
Think 2008 "CaThinka" kommende banebil

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