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Batteristørrelse og type på TMY fra Kina - hva vet vi om dette?

Startet av tornaldo, mandag 12. juli 2021, klokken 19:09

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Sitat fra: Jeronan på mandag 16. august 2021, klokken 14:27
Sitat fra: geear på mandag 16. august 2021, klokken 14:14

Well, remember that the Y LR have slightly faster charging (30%?) the first maybe 30% SoC, and that you will be able to go at least 100 km longer with the Y after the same charging time as the S75. So it will be better.

That is only below 50% SOC. We never charge to just 50% on long trips, which is when we use the Superchargers.
We drive regularly to Vestlandet and often arrive at either 20% or 40-50% SOC at the Superchargers we always stop at and charge to 80-85% before driving again.

So in our case, we literally going to get ZERO improvement in charge times with the MIC Model Y.
But youre going to have the same range at about 50% on the Y as you get at 75% on the S75, plus you will have 100-150 km more from the start?

Meaning you will travel a lot longer with the same charge time..


Sitat fra: Vaduz på mandag 16. august 2021, klokken 14:33
Hvorfor lader du så lenge? Jeg lader nesten aldri til mer enn 50%, gidder ikke stå å vente med så lav ladefart.

Easy. We have to, to get to our destination in Vestlandet. Especially when you have a fully loaded car and a ski box on the roof.
If I want to keep the SOC between 10 and 50% I would have to make a stop at Lillehammer, which is V2 and always full with locals using it as home charger. So completely pointless to stop there.
So we always stop at Vinstra. After that the last SuC is at Sjåk. From there we still have over 250km to drive through high mountain terrain. Impossible with 50% SOC and ski box on the roof. Especially in winter time.
Model Y - Sept 2021
Model S 75D - Sold
BMW i3 2017 - Feb 2017


Det ser ut til at vi har litt annerleder type VIN enn MIC Model Y som ble servert kinesere i mai:

VIN Model Y MIC Mai 2021:

VIN Model Y MIC August/September 2021:
Model Y MIC - Bekreftet 13.sept
Model S Raven Long Range (2020) - Solgt
Model 3 Performance (2019) - Solgt
Audi TTRS (2018) - Solgt
Audi R8 (2016) - Solgt
Audi TT (2016) - Solgt


Sitat fra: VAL.ENT på mandag 16. august 2021, klokken 14:43
Det ser ut til at vi har litt annerleder type VIN enn MIC Model Y som ble servert kinesere i mai:

VIN Model Y MIC Mai 2021:

VIN Model Y MIC August/September 2021:

8-tallet og X er en check digit, så den vil variere med de andre tallene og bokstavene i VIN-nummeret:


Sitat fra: geear på mandag 16. august 2021, klokken 14:39
But youre going to have the same range at about 50% on the Y as you get at 75% on the S75, plus you will have 100-150 km more from the start?

Meaning you will travel a lot longer with the same charge time..

If we get the Model Y with the old LG 75 pack, the range difference is actually not that much more. Barely 70km at 90% SOC.
( Model S 350ish km EPA as to Model Y 420ish km EPA at 90% SOC )

We also have to expect the Model Y to be bit less efficient with our Thule Motion XT XL on the roof. As the Model S is both much lower to the ground and less higher.
So air resistance with the Model Y and this Thule ski box will be a quite a bit higher.

So all in all, I don't expect all that much more range with the Model Y.

Now if I get lucky in the battery lotto (if there is going to be one) and get the 82kWh pack, things might start to look a bit different. Especially, if due to updated battery chemistry in new 82kWh pack the charge curve is going to be better and closer to the Panasonic.
Model Y - Sept 2021
Model S 75D - Sold
BMW i3 2017 - Feb 2017


Model Y MIC - Bekreftet 13.sept
Model S Raven Long Range (2020) - Solgt
Model 3 Performance (2019) - Solgt
Audi TTRS (2018) - Solgt
Audi R8 (2016) - Solgt
Audi TT (2016) - Solgt


Sitat fra: VAL.ENT på mandag 16. august 2021, klokken 15:06
æsj, da har vi garantert 77 KWH?

If your VIN is below 60xxx yes. Though, we seen nothing that indicates the new 82kWh battery pack for VIN 60xxx and higher.
So far its only confirmed that one VIN below 60xxx has the LG 75 pack.

So now we wait for someone with VIN 60xxx and higher to confirm what battery pack he/she has.
Model Y - Sept 2021
Model S 75D - Sold
BMW i3 2017 - Feb 2017


Sitat fra: Jeronan på mandag 16. august 2021, klokken 14:24
That EU uses CCS standard, which the V3 SuC's use now. Doesn't mean it's going to be any easier for Tesla, since the SuC's are currently programmed to directly talk with your Tesla via proprietary communication.
Det er vel ikke helt presist. SuC v2 bruker den gamle proprietære SuC protokollen (på begge pluggene), mens SuC v3 bruker ren CCS.

TM3/Y takler begge protokollen, samme S/X med adapter.

Dette har man jo og sett der en v3 lader ble åpnet ved en feiltagelse i Europa, og mange biler fra forskjellige merker fikk ladet.
i4 M50 2024 | Model Y P 2022 | BMW CE 04 2022 | x - e-tron 55 SB 2021  x - e-tron 50 SB 2021 | x - e-tron 50 2020 | x - Model 3 LR 2021 | x - I-Pace HSE 2019 |
x - i3 120Ah 2019 | x - Model X 100D 2017 | x - i3 60Ah 2015 | x - Model S 85D 2015  | x - Model S85 2013


Sitat fra: turfsurf på mandag 16. august 2021, klokken 15:37
Sitat fra: Jeronan på mandag 16. august 2021, klokken 14:24
That EU uses CCS standard, which the V3 SuC's use now. Doesn't mean it's going to be any easier for Tesla, since the SuC's are currently programmed to directly talk with your Tesla via proprietary communication.
Det er vel ikke helt presist. SuC v2 bruker den gamle proprietære SuC protokollen (på begge pluggene), mens SuC v3 bruker ren CCS.

TM3/Y takler begge protokollen, samme S/X med adapter.

Dette har man jo og sett der en v3 lader ble åpnet ved en feiltagelse i Europa, og mange biler fra forskjellige merker fikk ladet.

You are confused with the actual charging protocol.  We are talking about how the SuC ( V2 and V3 ) are programmed to directly talk to your Tesla for authorization to charge. The SuC talks directly to your car and automatically knows it's you, if you have free charging, free credits or need pay for charging, etc. This is the proprietary communication that is being talked about. It's specific custom hardware in the car.

Other EV's don't have this, so Tesla will not be able to recognize who you are.
So Tesla will either need to heavily modify the SuC firmware and the Tesla App or another alternative Elon Musk talked about, is creating a custom adapter that handles the communication between car and SuC together with Tesla App.

So either way it's not going to be a quick fix. With Elon Musk, when he talks, everything is easy and a quick fix. So I thought we all learned to take it with a big grain of salt these days.  ::) :P
Model Y - Sept 2021
Model S 75D - Sold
BMW i3 2017 - Feb 2017


The CCS protocol uses ISO 15118 for communication:

This protocol includes standards for recognizing the user (car) for "Plug & Charge".  Now, I don't know if Tesla uses this to recognize the car that is charging, or if it uses another, proprietary protocol.  But IF Tesla has implemented CCS/ISO 15118 correctly, all other cars using the same protocol should be able to charge, and all that is needed is for the owner to register the car in Teslas network - which is done by the App.


Sitat fra: Olatho på mandag 16. august 2021, klokken 16:07
The CCS protocol uses ISO 15118 for communication:

This protocol includes standards for recognizing the user (car) for "Plug & Charge".  Now, I don't know if Tesla uses this to recognize the car that is charging, or if it uses another, proprietary protocol.  But IF Tesla has implemented CCS/ISO 15118 correctly, all other cars using the same protocol should be able to charge, and all that is needed is for the owner to register the car in Teslas network - which is done by the App.

Yes that will be the big question as to how Tesla has implemented this with V3. Right now at least communication is directly between car and Supercharge station. Like with V2. No Tesla App interaction is involved.
Model Y - Sept 2021
Model S 75D - Sold
BMW i3 2017 - Feb 2017


Min salgsrep sa min bil var produsert sent juli. (65xxxx)
Han anbefalte meg ikke til å si ja til en bil som kommer nå tidlig sept om muligheten kom.

Han hadde altså personlig sagt nei til lavt vin. Så får man tolke det som man selv vil ☺️



Sitat fra: exelenc på mandag 16. august 2021, klokken 16:20
Min salgsrep sa min bil var produsert sent juli. (65xxxx)
Han anbefalte meg ikke til å si ja til en bil som kommer nå tidlig sept om muligheten kom.

Han hadde altså personlig sagt nei til lavt vin. Så får man tolke det som man selv vil ☺️

Stemmer jo ganske godt med de "tyske" ryktene, men en fjær kan godt bli til mange høns her... Men dette tror jeg vi snart får greie på da tyskland allerede er i gang med å dele ut COC dokumenter.


Sitat fra: Jeronan på mandag 16. august 2021, klokken 15:55
You are confused with the actual charging protocol.  We are talking about how the SuC ( V2 and V3 ) are programmed to directly talk to your Tesla for authorization to charge. The SuC talks directly to your car and automatically knows it's you, if you have free charging, free credits or need pay for charging, etc. This is the proprietary communication that is being talked about. It's specific custom hardware in the car.

Tviler sterkt på at det er noe spesifikk hardware som implementerer en egen standard. Alt det du nevner trenger ikke gå over ladeporten.

De bruker nok CCS med alle lagene i OSI stacken evt med noen utvidelser for å støtte egne biler. Eller har du faktisk dokumentasjon på dette? Høres bare veldig rart ut.

Å implementere støtte i appen eller lage en egen app for å starte lading vil være en smal sak for de.

Største utfordringen for å åpne SuC er fysisk. Men det er det en egen tråd for å diskutere...
i4 M50 2024 | Model Y P 2022 | BMW CE 04 2022 | x - e-tron 55 SB 2021  x - e-tron 50 SB 2021 | x - e-tron 50 2020 | x - Model 3 LR 2021 | x - I-Pace HSE 2019 |
x - i3 120Ah 2019 | x - Model X 100D 2017 | x - i3 60Ah 2015 | x - Model S 85D 2015  | x - Model S85 2013

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