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Sv: Feilmelding "charging plug not stowed"

Startet av elektrolux, torsdag 01. mars 2012, klokken 19:01

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I finally had the opportunity to plug my computer to a Think with Enerdel pack.
The result is a alfa version of the nikometer that can read max, min, avg cell values, max and min temperatures, and half pack soc.

Here is a fantastic and super detailed instruction how to install and prepare the duinomite:

When you are done with this you can download the AUTORUN.BAS (for the zebra Thinks) or the ENER_AUTORUN.BAS (for the lithium enerdel Thinks) from

If you download the ENER_AUTORUN.BAS you need to remove the "ENER_" part of the name before uploading it to the duinomite.

Good luck!
nikometer? -


Veldig interessant. Jeg har fortsatt OVMSen liggende og tenkte etterhvert å gjøre et forsøk på den. Utfra kildekoden til Duinomiten virker det som du har kartlagt de fleste CAN-meldingene - har du laget noen separat oversikt, eller eksisterer det kun i kode?


Sitat fra: jahnarne på søndag 16. juni 2013, klokken 21:12
Veldig interessant. Jeg har fortsatt OVMSen liggende og tenkte etterhvert å gjøre et forsøk på den. Utfra kildekoden til Duinomiten virker det som du har kartlagt de fleste CAN-meldingene - har du laget noen separat oversikt, eller eksisterer det kun i kode?

So far only in code. Take a look at it - it is not that complicated. Let me know if you have any questions.
I like my duinomite because it is simple and gives feedback in the car.
At the same time I would like to have the OVMS possibility to check soc remotely and get warning sms, etc.
nikometer? -


Tror jeg skjønner gangen nå. Du lytter i praksis på 10 ulike CAN-meldinger som alle sendes med standard 11-bits IDer?

0x263: general
0x264: gear shifter position
0x301: bmi 1
0x302: bmi 2
0x303: bmi 3
0x304: bmi 4
0x305: bmi 5
0x311: bmi max charge current
0x610: enerdel specific
0x611: enerdel specific

Virker riktig?


nikometer? -


Har sett litt mer på dette i dag. Det bør gå greit å få på plass en enkel implementasjon på OVMS basert på arbeidet du har gjort. En relevant diskusjon er i så måte hva som evt bør ligge hvor. Er nemlig i grunnen enig med deg at en kombo av begge deler i grunnen hadde vært det beste.

Personlig tenker jeg at følgende hadde vært fint å få på SMS/app:
- Ladestatus (220V @ 11,3A)
- SOC (43%)
- Tid til fulladet (EOC)
- GPS-lokasjon

På sikt er såklart mulighet til å gi kommandoer tilbake, noe man kan se på:
- Start varmer
- Start/stopp lading
- Etc.

Resten er jeg tilbøyelig til å være enig hører hjemme i en in-car-monitor som Duinomite. Skal bestille en i dag, så kan jeg teste når jeg får den.

Vet noen om man kan bruke en OBD-splitter for å koble på begge enhetene?

BauDemo: hvilken skjerm anbefaler du?


Sitat fra: jahnarne på mandag 17. juni 2013, klokken 13:19
Personlig tenker jeg at følgende hadde vært fint å få på SMS/app:
- Ladestatus (220V @ 11,3A)
- SOC (43%)
- Tid til fulladet (EOC)
- GPS-lokasjon

I tested the time to full charge, but discovered it was not very accurate, instead I am doing "time to 80%" if the soc is lower than 80%, and "time to full" if the soc is above 80%.
The "available current" signal would be nice to have - see the screenshots in an earlier post with the 11.4A charging while the limit value from the box (or the available current) was 15.4A.

I planned also "battery temperature" - not super important, but very useful.

Don't forget the warnings - I thought of making it possible for the car to send you sms when the charging stops with soc and some other parameters. Another warning could be sms when the soc is under say 15%.

Sitat fra: jahnarne på mandag 17. juni 2013, klokken 13:19
Vet noen om man kan bruke en OBD-splitter for å koble på begge enhetene?

BauDemo: hvilken skjerm anbefaler du?
As long as both are listening on the can bus, there should be no problem to use splitter cable. If you start sending messages it could get complicated, or not, depending on some factors, but it could work too... after all there are already couple of ECU talking on that bus.

From the two screens I purchased, the wide screen is a bit better, and easier to read.
Here is the link - make sure you choose the 4.3" option when buying.
nikometer? -


Duinomite Mega + 4,3" screen ordered :)
- Toyota Rav4 EV 2000 NiMH (06/2010), Tesla Model S75D (12/2018)
   (tidligere: Think Classic 2000 NiCd (06/2009-05/2012) - Think City 2010 Zebra (03/2012-10/2012) - Think City 2009 Zebra (05/2012-05/2014)  - Tesla Model S 2014 (06/2014-09/2017) - Nissan Leaf 2018 LE 40kWh (04/2018-12/2018) )
- Trondheim (Trøndelag Elbilforening 02/2012-04/2014)
- Ariens AMP 24 to-trinns snøfreser 48V litium 52,5Ahr (10/2012) - Bosch Rotaks 43 Li-Ion gressklipp


Yesterday I managed to follow the instruction on the page and download and install the new firmware with the CAN codes.
The instructions where followed to step 11 where the specific SW for the Prius is loaded to the SD-card. Obviously I here installed the SW made for the Think.
Everything seemed to work just fine and it looked just like on the priuschat page.

I went down to connect the monitor and could not get a picture at all no matter what. With the old FW at least I got some error messages.

This morning I tested with the actual screen I ordered to use in the Think and there was some success but I have two issues.

Number one and worst is that it's only one out of 5 (estimated) times that I start the screen (power on/off or video cable in/out) that I get a Picture at all.
Number two is that the picture when present is rolling just like old time TV sets could do. The speed of the roll is varying as is the direction of the roll (up or down). Coming to Think of it it could be that the times I don't get a picture the roll is so fast I can't see it or the screen is not able to show it.

Everything seems to be normal with the Duinomite and the startsequence is as expected with both red and yellow steadily lit and the green lit for a short while when accessing the SD card.

Any ideas ?
Chevy Volt -12
Th!nk City -99
Th!nk City -08
Peugeot 107 -07
Chevrolet Corvair Convertible -64
Chevrolet Rampside Pick Up -61
Renault Kangoo 4x4 -05
i Göteborg


did you try the enerdel or zebra software?
nikometer? -


Zebra, I downloaded that before there as an Enerdel variant.
Maybe I should mention it is still a bench test. No can connection.
Chevy Volt -12
Th!nk City -99
Th!nk City -08
Peugeot 107 -07
Chevrolet Corvair Convertible -64
Chevrolet Rampside Pick Up -61
Renault Kangoo 4x4 -05
i Göteborg


Here is a suggestion - try the latest zebra version - the scrolling is probably a bug in the previous version that may have been fixed.

My screen is also flashing when the duinomite is started - I think it is trying to sync with the video signal of the duinomite. I suspect that there are better ways to support this, but don't know enough.

nikometer? -


No improvement with the lastest SW.
Still quite rare to get a picture at all and when I do its rolling.

I'll try with a VGA monitor tomorrow to see if its any different.
Chevy Volt -12
Th!nk City -99
Th!nk City -08
Peugeot 107 -07
Chevrolet Corvair Convertible -64
Chevrolet Rampside Pick Up -61
Renault Kangoo 4x4 -05
i Göteborg


try the following command:



nikometer? -


Morning update.
Have not tried the VGA monitor yet.
Tested the intended 3.5" display with a DVD (PAL only) player and had a good stable picture. Nothing wrong with the display it seems.

Tried to get a picture from the Mega again by plugging/unplugging the power to the display with limited success as earlier.
When I got a picture I tested the reset button on the Mega a couple of times and for I while I got a restart with picture (always rolling) and I also noted the before the Think-specific display there is a startup screen so small there is no chance to be able to read even if not scrolling.

I tried a mass test by pushing the reset button 30 times and realize sometimes the Mega does not stop reading the sd-card. The green diod keeps on until I press reset again. Normally the green led is on for about 2 sec. During the 30 resets I never got picture once and the green led hung twize.

It seems today its a lot less then 1 to 5 to get a picture, more like 1 to 20 of plugging/unplugging power to the display.
I'm testing as I write this and just realized when I got a picture with a slow roll that there are actually two screens before the Think specific one.

If I unplugg the sd-card with picture the picture stays on (normal I guess).

Managed to get the Mega started without the sd-card and I can see one of the microscopic texts, not sure witch.
I suppose there is a promt here for me to be able to write commands like the ones you suggested but the text is so small and the roll so quick there is no way to see if any text is registered.

When I get to see a text from the Mega, before it is displayed I always see the text AV1 (generated by the display itself) before the Mega text.

Chevy Volt -12
Th!nk City -99
Th!nk City -08
Peugeot 107 -07
Chevrolet Corvair Convertible -64
Chevrolet Rampside Pick Up -61
Renault Kangoo 4x4 -05
i Göteborg

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