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Sv: Feilmelding "charging plug not stowed"

Startet av elektrolux, torsdag 01. mars 2012, klokken 19:01

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Høres ut som noen har glemt at integere er signed/unsigned :)

Når det gjelder SOC så sier vel noe i dokumentasjonen som dukket opp nylig at SOC ikke er så alt for godt mål på rekkevidde, spesielt ved lave verdier, og at et annet mål burde brukes som rekkeviddemåler. Kanskje det bilen viser dette istedet for SOC? Tror den ble kalt SOUE (State of usable Energy) men uansett tviler jeg på at det er så stor forskjell. Mer mulig at Think har spart en del i hver ende....


Sitat fra: Go-carter på torsdag 03. november 2016, klokken 23:03
Liker ikke Nikometeret minusgrader? Nå som det begynner å bli kalt ute påstår den at PCU holder 125 grader :p

Og foresten - stemmer SOC? Når bilen sier 30 % sier Nikometeret 39%. har jeg så mye å gå på?

Unsigned/signed is my fault - I will try to rectify this very soon.
Are you seeing 30% on the dashboard? I don't think what you see on the
dash is very accurate. The best way would be if you could get a computer with working zebramonitor and check the SOC reported by the BMI... then we can compare values.

nikometer? -


Is it possible to use this to readout error codes and reset them?

Orla Pedersen

Sitat fra: Urfalo på torsdag 02. februar 2017, klokken 07:18
Is it possible to use this to readout error codes and reset them?

Read, yes, at least many of the codes and values, but you have to read the program source to understand fully what is going on.

Reset, no, that would involve more programming....
Orla Pedersen


What is the programming language for the software on the Nicometer? If it's Basic, what Basic and version?
Think City 2010 - EnerDel Lithium

Orla Pedersen

Sitat fra: ThinkGeo på fredag 03. februar 2017, klokken 22:39

What is the programming language for the software on the Nicometer? If it's Basic, what Basic and version?

It's a kind of basic ported to PIC-microcontrolers, you can read about it here:
It makes it very easy to use in and output pins on the microcontroler.
Orla Pedersen


Where do I buy this developer card? Anyone tried making this for Raspberry pi? Seams preatty easy comunicate with the can bus, but I what I really want is a  USB-OBD/CAN BUS cable with a software to read out the error codes.
I have asked around on eBay, the different stores selling OBD scanners, palmerperformance and so on. I have 5 different scanners/cables, but none of them will talk to my think. I found a service document for Think recomending using Can Viewer for diagnostic, but my USB OBD cable does not work with this eighter. Is the CAN bus pin 6 and 14 as normal in other cars?


Sitat fra: Urfalo på søndag 05. februar 2017, klokken 23:32
Where do I buy this developer card? Anyone tried making this for Raspberry pi? Seams preatty easy comunicate with the can bus, but I what I really want is a  USB-OBD/CAN BUS cable with a software to read out the error codes.
I have asked around on eBay, the different stores selling OBD scanners, palmerperformance and so on. I have 5 different scanners/cables, but none of them will talk to my think. I found a service document for Think recomending using Can Viewer for diagnostic, but my USB OBD cable does not work with this eighter. Is the CAN bus pin 6 and 14 as normal in other cars?

I think if you get a shield that supports OBD, you can probably even use Arduino.

I bought the develloper card (duinomite) on Mouser electronics homepage.
Leaf S 2015
Think 2011 2+2 Zebra "Sola" 106.000km pr. mars 2017
Think 2008 "CaThinka" kommende banebil


OBDII is just a set of common command set to list out data sent over the CAN-bus, a 3rd layer. It doesn't cover all car specific codes/requests, just a very limited and basic set for the most common tasks. So what you need is a CAN-shield for your raspberry so you can operate on a lower level. If you get hold of that, its easy(? depending on skill/time) to port whatever open software written to monitor the Think, being the nicometer or the OVMS.


Thanks for the support. Now I've ordered the duinomite hoping to find the reason for the red wrench.
Anyone tested the Can bus view?
A bit expencive, but seems to give raw hex data from the CAN bus.


After installing the MMBasic with CAN_V4.3A the computer does not recognize the Dunomite_Mega. Before Firmware  upgrade it comes up as COM3. It comes up as a unknown unit, and it will not install the Silicon_Chip_USB_Serial_Port_Driver.  :o


Sitat fra: Urfalo på mandag 13. februar 2017, klokken 07:32
After installing the MMBasic with CAN_V4.3A the computer does not recognize the Dunomite_Mega. Before Firmware  upgrade it comes up as COM3. It comes up as a unknown unit, and it will not install the Silicon_Chip_USB_Serial_Port_Driver.  :o

Have you followed the guide on the Prius forum, mentioned earlier in  this thread?
Leaf S 2015
Think 2011 2+2 Zebra "Sola" 106.000km pr. mars 2017
Think 2008 "CaThinka" kommende banebil


It worked with external power on the card.   :+1:

Orla Pedersen

Sitat fra: Urfalo på mandag 13. februar 2017, klokken 19:32
It worked with external power on the card.   :+1:

I've made a "diagnostic" version of the software. It covers a bit more than the original "nicometer" and has a bit more "user friendly" messages.

It is far from finished, and there are most likely some faults left to be considered, so absolutely no garanties given. This is "as is", use it and develop it as you like, but pleace share here.
Find it here!nk/diagnose/ remember to change the ".txt" to ".bas" after download.

På dansk:

Projectet er langt fra færdigt, men da jeg ved at tid er en mangelvare og udsigterne til et "færdigt" diagnoseværktøj har lange udsigter, så får i denne version af mit diagnose værktøj til frit brug. Det er grundlæggende baseret på bauDemo's "nicometer", men udvidet med mere funktionalitet og en mere brugervenlig visning. Husk at der sikkert er fejl her og der når du bruger programmet, og meld gerne tilbage med de "bugs" du opdager. Der gives ingen garantier. Hvis du udvikler videre på denne software håber jeg at du offentliggør din version her.  :)
Orla Pedersen


Tusen takk! Jeg skal laste ned VGA-versjonen og teste i morgen :)
Leaf S 2015
Think 2011 2+2 Zebra "Sola" 106.000km pr. mars 2017
Think 2008 "CaThinka" kommende banebil

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