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Sv: Feilmelding "charging plug not stowed"

Startet av elektrolux, torsdag 01. mars 2012, klokken 19:01

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Sitat fra: hma på torsdag 03. oktober 2013, klokken 20:06
Sitat fra: jahnarne på torsdag 03. oktober 2013, klokken 13:55
Selger et komplett Duinomite-sett
Er du i ferd med å gjennomgå en skillsmisse med Thinken? ;)
Uff, ja. Var faktisk veldig trist å la den gå. Etter jeg fikk på plass dieselvarmeren var den dønn solid og pålitelig. Ble desverre litt for snau plass m/nytt medlem i familien.

Duinomiten er forøvrig fortsatt til salgs. :/


Da ble det kuldegrader for første gang i Trondheim og dermed dukket det opp en liten bug i programmet!
Ved minusgrader viser duinomite plutselig 122 grader!
Tesla X100D 2019 modell.


Tror dette kanskje kan løses på følgende vis (har ikke hatt tid til å teste ennå).

Legg til følgende funksjon rundt linje 500
Function getS7(hi)
  Local result
  result = hi
  If (result > &H80) Then result = result - &HFF
  getS7 = result
End Function

Så erstartter du linjen med tilordning av verdi for  _pcu_ambient_temp (rundt linje 570) med:
    _pcu_ambient_temp = getS7(rxData(2))/ 2

- Toyota Rav4 EV 2000 NiMH (06/2010), Tesla Model S75D (12/2018)
   (tidligere: Think Classic 2000 NiCd (06/2009-05/2012) - Think City 2010 Zebra (03/2012-10/2012) - Think City 2009 Zebra (05/2012-05/2014)  - Tesla Model S 2014 (06/2014-09/2017) - Nissan Leaf 2018 LE 40kWh (04/2018-12/2018) )
- Trondheim (Trøndelag Elbilforening 02/2012-04/2014)
- Ariens AMP 24 to-trinns snøfreser 48V litium 52,5Ahr (10/2012) - Bosch Rotaks 43 Li-Ion gressklipp


nikometer? -



We here in Germany have developed another kind of Data Display for the New Think.
Its based on the BMS from GK-Anlagentechnik (in Norway better known as the Robometer).
We adapted Can readout to the BMS Headunit and wrote some lines of code. ;-)

The Think CAN-Bus Display is still in development, but it exists Version 1.0.
We actually can display Voltage, Current, SOC and Zebra Temperature.

I now have a very practical question:
How did you (the Nikometer users) solve that the OBD plug is under the Fuse department closure, and with OBD plugged in, its no more possible to close the compartment. See pic. Before I make a new closing with an opening for the plug in it, I wanted to ask...
More pragmatic thinkers maybe leave it open all the time but I'd like a more elegant solution.


2x Peugeot Scootelec, City EL (running), Th!nk City 1299 returner (sold), Th!nk City Gen2 Zebra EX-Ambulance 2008 1PP-2 Prototype Series, Kewet Citi Jet5
DE-52XXX near Cologne


Cool stuff :)

In the picture below you can see the connection for New-Nikometer/OVMS for my Think

It's attached to the RAC-connector (the black Molex-connector) which one can access from the area above the relay-box. The RAC-connector contains CAN_H, CAN_L, +12V (always hot + key on), GND and Airbag-lamp control.
- Toyota Rav4 EV 2000 NiMH (06/2010), Tesla Model S75D (12/2018)
   (tidligere: Think Classic 2000 NiCd (06/2009-05/2012) - Think City 2010 Zebra (03/2012-10/2012) - Think City 2009 Zebra (05/2012-05/2014)  - Tesla Model S 2014 (06/2014-09/2017) - Nissan Leaf 2018 LE 40kWh (04/2018-12/2018) )
- Trondheim (Trøndelag Elbilforening 02/2012-04/2014)
- Ariens AMP 24 to-trinns snøfreser 48V litium 52,5Ahr (10/2012) - Bosch Rotaks 43 Li-Ion gressklipp


It depends, if you have a RAC-unit you could use that plug, og piggyback on that signal. (Unfortunately, you must then fix the aibag-light if you roemove the RAC-unit).
If you have a Gen2 veichle like me and dont have a RAC, you can just buy a matching OBD2-splitter and mount that in where your plug now resides...
(guess you can do that in any case ;) )

I bought this one:
(I got it at the end, even tho communications was somewhat difficult)


Hello Thinkers.

As time is precious I took a break the last months and no further progress was done in the proper connection of my Think CANbus Display.
Meanwhile I had to change a broken relay and could take a closer look underneath the passengers side. My RAC unit has been removed, but I think the cables are still there strapped together.

My aim is to get out the CAN H/ L Signals and 12V without using the original OBD plug.
I found it arkward to have the fusebox always open...

Is there knowledge about the PINOUT or Cable colours of the RAC Connector. Maybe it exists a drawing or someone can take a picture for the wiki.

This would be very very helpful.


Think CANbus Display working:
2x Peugeot Scootelec, City EL (running), Th!nk City 1299 returner (sold), Th!nk City Gen2 Zebra EX-Ambulance 2008 1PP-2 Prototype Series, Kewet Citi Jet5
DE-52XXX near Cologne


Hello Thinkers.

I hate to reply myself, but meanwhile I found the solution.

In another Thread from hma is the pinout of the RAC molex connector:
Sitat fra: hma på søndag 29. september 2013, klokken 01:18
The 24-pin RAC-connector in the car is Molex 43025-2400 (female).
For the Ovms-cable one need a 43020-2401 (male)

- Pin 1: Always hot
- Ping 6: CAN_L
- (Pin 7: Key run, not needed, but nice to know)
- Pin 10: Airbag ECU status
- Pin 13: Gnd
- Pin 18: CAN_H

And heres a circuit diagram of the RAC.;topic=6755.0;attach=7787;image

The wire colours are:

- Pin   1: Always hot                 (white/yellow)
- Pin   6: CAN_L                      (blue)
- Pin 13: Gnd                          (black)
- Pin 18: CAN_H                      (red)

Will try to get the matching molex connector and adapt the Can Signal from here to my OBD Cable so that the fusebox can stay untouched.

2x Peugeot Scootelec, City EL (running), Th!nk City 1299 returner (sold), Th!nk City Gen2 Zebra EX-Ambulance 2008 1PP-2 Prototype Series, Kewet Citi Jet5
DE-52XXX near Cologne



i dag fikk jeg til å fungere på min Think for et annet formål. Etter det tok jeg ut reléboksen og hadde en titt på RAC. Ligger det.

Kan jeg trekke 24 Pin Connector uten å få noen feilmeldinger f.eks airbag lampe?

Er det mulig å fjerne / demontere RAC eller skal jeg la den i? Dens uten bruk lenger.


today I got to work on my Think for another purpose. After that I took out the relay box and had a look at the RAC. Located it.

Can I pull the 24 Pin Connector without getting any error messages e.g. airbag lamp ?

Is it possible to remove/disassemble the RAC or should I leave it in? Its of no use any more.

regards evdriver
2x Peugeot Scootelec, City EL (running), Th!nk City 1299 returner (sold), Th!nk City Gen2 Zebra EX-Ambulance 2008 1PP-2 Prototype Series, Kewet Citi Jet5
DE-52XXX near Cologne


If you pull out the RAC the airbag error lamp will be lit always. HMA however have made a fix for this in the OVMS software (I do not know if this also is done with the duinomite).

You are correct that there is no practical use of the RAC anymore, except the error-check for the airbag.


Yes, it's correct as Warlock sais; an open 24-pinconnector will litt the airbag lamp.
Unless you plan to implement an airbag lamp control unit, I would recommend you to leave it.

The Ovms can control the lamp if adding a mosfet and resistor to one of the outputs.
The Duinomite can also do this thask (or any other programmable CAN-reading device). This requires a piece of code reading the airbag-status and setting one free analog i/o-pin according to the state. I have not done that, but it's doable.
- Toyota Rav4 EV 2000 NiMH (06/2010), Tesla Model S75D (12/2018)
   (tidligere: Think Classic 2000 NiCd (06/2009-05/2012) - Think City 2010 Zebra (03/2012-10/2012) - Think City 2009 Zebra (05/2012-05/2014)  - Tesla Model S 2014 (06/2014-09/2017) - Nissan Leaf 2018 LE 40kWh (04/2018-12/2018) )
- Trondheim (Trøndelag Elbilforening 02/2012-04/2014)
- Ariens AMP 24 to-trinns snøfreser 48V litium 52,5Ahr (10/2012) - Bosch Rotaks 43 Li-Ion gressklipp


nikometer? -


Man, that is cool! Well done :)
(unfortunately I have no Think anymore, but my 2009-Think is not that far away; at my parents house, so I'll think I'll drive by and do an upgrade)
- Toyota Rav4 EV 2000 NiMH (06/2010), Tesla Model S75D (12/2018)
   (tidligere: Think Classic 2000 NiCd (06/2009-05/2012) - Think City 2010 Zebra (03/2012-10/2012) - Think City 2009 Zebra (05/2012-05/2014)  - Tesla Model S 2014 (06/2014-09/2017) - Nissan Leaf 2018 LE 40kWh (04/2018-12/2018) )
- Trondheim (Trøndelag Elbilforening 02/2012-04/2014)
- Ariens AMP 24 to-trinns snøfreser 48V litium 52,5Ahr (10/2012) - Bosch Rotaks 43 Li-Ion gressklipp


Fikk omsider lagt inn oppgraderingen, ser kjempebra ut helt til bilen kjører isolasjonsmåling!
Skjermen bli nesten uleselig, se vedlagte bilde. Er det min skjerm som er for liten?
Tesla X100D 2019 modell.

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