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Startet av moderator 2, mandag 09. juli 2018, klokken 14:46

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moderator 2

Mvh Lars, moderator på



💫 Hyundai Ioniq 5 - Project 45
  - Elektrisk hengerfeste

💫 I-Pace S Edition X590 (19MY) - Solgt


Tesla Model 3 AWD/FSD 03/2019 med FW: 2024.38.6  og en Seat Mii 2020.
Bor i Asker. Elbilist siden 2005.
Har hatt div. Saxo/P106 som vi har kjørt tilsammen 170.000 km. Kun en P106 igjen nå.
eUp 2014 - solgt.


Hyundai Kona electric 2019
Volvo XC40 Recharge P8 Twin 2021
Volvo XC40 Recharge P8 Twin Ultimate 2023

Electric cars in Norway

Har appen og reservert (gratis det) men jeg skulle ønske de kom til Norge snart med en bil de kunne vise oss på nytt. De var jo her på Aker brygge den gangen. Noen som vet noe?

Dette er den siste videoen på hjemmesiden deres og den er tre uker gammel

The true potential of our pathbreaking interface - CES Inside Reporter #5
1,170 views•Mar 26, 2020

5.61K subscribers

In this episode of BYTON Inside Reporter, we focus on the BYTON Stage display. Jeff Chung, our VP of Digital Engineering, explains the true potential of the BYTON Stage, going into more detail about the M-BYTE's productivity enhancing and delightful, Well-Being, Office, and Entertainment modes. With a myriad of content available in-car, Jeff also shares how driver distraction is limited. To learn more, check out the video below!


Ikke helt sikker på hva man skal med garmin i bilen men... Videokonferanser kan jeg forstå, men da må de støtte nettbaserte løsninger, evt Android apper.
i4 M50 2024 | Model Y P 2022 | BMW CE 04 2022 | x - e-tron 55 SB 2021  x - e-tron 50 SB 2021 | x - e-tron 50 2020 | x - Model 3 LR 2021 | x - I-Pace HSE 2019 |
x - i3 120Ah 2019 | x - Model X 100D 2017 | x - i3 60Ah 2015 | x - Model S 85D 2015  | x - Model S85 2013

Electric cars in Norway

Ser først nå denne lade nyheten fra 15 april i BYTON appen. Dette gjelder lading i US.  Og gjelder Qmerit.

Men hva skjer i Norge?

Noe samarbeid på gang på hjemmelading ?

Kunne vi ikke fått et superpris tilbud på TIBBER  EASEE LADEBOKS eller noe annet fra en konkurrent?

Noen som vet?

Eller blir det bare Ionity betal abb & å vær gla løsning for supercharging eller?

Kopi av hele nyheten under:

BYTON Americas Home Charging Announcement

BYTON Americas is thrilled to announce our partnership with Qmerit, which will provide US customers with white glove home charging installation and additional BYTON Energy products to come. Qmerit, a nationwide provider of turnkey residential EV charger installations, will support future BYTON M-Byte drivers in need of home charging and other related installations with Level 2 charging hardware via a network of certified contractors to ensure the most convenient and fast charging experience. Soon-to-come BYTON Residential Energy plans will also offer installation services for charging solutions, battery storage, energy management systems, and more on Qmerit's sophisticated software platform.

It's as easy as filling out an online survey to get up to three personalized installation quotes from qualified providers near you, based on the unique characteristics of your home, and at no cost. From there, your selected expert technician from our concierge program will provide premium services every step of the way, including installation prior to, or timed with, vehicle delivery, and post-installation support to ensure excellent customer service every second of ownership.

With this new Qmerit partnership for home-charging, coupled with our Electrified America partnership, providing BYTON's US customers with two years of unlimited DC charging, we're thinking of you, and our planet, for the long run. Click the link to learn more about BYTON's latest partnership.

Electric cars in Norway


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