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AP2 - erfaringer og forventninger

Startet av fonberg, fredag 22. september 2017, klokken 10:37

« forrige - neste »


Sitat fra: Øyvind.h på tirsdag 10. oktober 2017, klokken 16:55
Ser vi AP3 i 2018?
Nettopp mitt poeng. Ap2.0 er elendig og vil aldri overgå Ap1.0.  Ap3.0 kommer før software er klar.
«Vi må passe oss for å overinvestere i vei»
2022 AWD Ioniq 5 / 2017 Model X 90D (HW3 + MCU2) / 2019 Leaf Tekna 40kW
2015 Tesla model S 85D (Ap1.0) / 2014 Leaf Acenta 24kW


P85, pearl white,  Solgt
S85D Mid.grå, Grå Next gen, Alle ekstra...Avgått med døden
S85D  Titanium, Grå Next gen foran og bak, matt obeche,+++  Solgt
X75D Med alt......
Model YP quicksilver/hvit, FSD
CyberTruck TriMotor/FSD reservert.


Sitat fra: o.b.lix på tirsdag 10. oktober 2017, klokken 17:17
Sitat fra: Øyvind.h på tirsdag 10. oktober 2017, klokken 16:55
Ser vi AP3 i 2018?
Nettopp mitt poeng. Ap2.0 er elendig og vil aldri overgå Ap1.0.  Ap3.0 kommer før software er klar.

How do you know? The next APH2 software update hasn't come yet.
APH2 has all the hardware it needs to surpass the capabilities of AP1.0, which did everything through a single front facing camera, while APH2 has three camera's.

And again, I posted a video of the APH2 hardware driving autonomously, detecting road signs, etc.

We don't have that software update yet and most likely won't receive it any time soon, since regulations forbid it!
We can only hope we at least receive the road sign detection.

Like others already said. Here in Europe we are not even allowed to use advanced Auto parking and are stuck with a stripped down version!

For example, Tesla's APH2 "Summon" feature is doing a lot more in the US than it does for us here in Europe. All due to regulations holding it back.
In the US they can home link their Tesla to a garage with automated doors, so you can auto park your Tesla in your garage and Summon it out of your garage, automatically opening and closing the Garage doors.

It's the same with the BMW i3. In US they can just press the Auto park button and the car parks itself, while here in Norway we got a stripped down version that forces you to hold the button and works half arsed and fails half the time. /shrug
Model Y - Sept 2021
Model S 75D - Sold
BMW i3 2017 - Feb 2017


Sitat fra: Jeronan på tirsdag 10. oktober 2017, klokken 17:32
How do you know? The next APH2 software update hasn't come yet.
APH2 has all the hardware it needs to surpass the capabilities of AP1.0, which did everything through a single front facing camera, while APH2 has three camera's.

Hjelper ikke med tre kamera når bare et er i bruk og de to andre er dummy.
Ap2 kan i teorien bli bedre enn ap1, men de klarer ikke å stabil software til å drive den. Kanskje de har valgt feil type kamera? Hvem vet, men jeg er sikker på at ap3 kommer før software til ap2 er ferdig.
«Vi må passe oss for å overinvestere i vei»
2022 AWD Ioniq 5 / 2017 Model X 90D (HW3 + MCU2) / 2019 Leaf Tekna 40kW
2015 Tesla model S 85D (Ap1.0) / 2014 Leaf Acenta 24kW

Knut Røe

Det som hadde vært interessant å vite er jo hvor stor forskjell det er på den bilen som var selvkjørende og en vanlig produksjonsbil.
Testing i lukkede former ligger helt sikkert 1 til 2 år foran det som slippes til massene.


Sitat fra: tiger`n på tirsdag 10. oktober 2017, klokken 19:09
Det som hadde vært interessant å vite er jo hvor stor forskjell det er på den bilen som var selvkjørende og en vanlig produksjonsbil.
Testing i lukkede former ligger helt sikkert 1 til 2 år foran det som slippes til massene.

The only difference we can see in that video, is that the Model X in that video had an addition of two rear facing cameras. We don't have that (yet) on the current production cars. We now got rear facing acoustic sensors.

For Adaptive cruise control and Auto steering we don't need those rear facing camera's. Most of the brunt work in that video was done by the Medium front facing camera, which included road sign detection (AP1 mobileye could do this).
So hopefully the promised incoming AP2 update will include this. That would be great and more reliable way for AP2 to keep the correct speed, instead of relying on GPS data that is not always accurate. As new roads are build and speed adjustments are done all the time. Map and GPS data can't keep up with that.
GPS Data also don't know about sudden road work, enforcing reduced speeds.
So that is why it's essential for AP2 to receive the Road sign detection update.

But Tesla has become a lot more conservative in their OTA updates, since those accidents that happened.
So I fully understand they are much more careful now, like temporarily removing ESB from new AP2.5 cars until they have collected more data and are 100% sure it works as it should, before activating it again.

That is a huge advantage Tesla has over other Car manufacturers. If they encounter a problem, they either try to keep it quiet and hope nothing happens, unless it's potentially so dangerous (read lawsuits) they have to initiate a very costly recall.

Also, a lot of car manufacturers charge you a lot of money for software updates at each service (they just hide it in the service costs).
Model Y - Sept 2021
Model S 75D - Sold
BMW i3 2017 - Feb 2017


Sitat fra: Øggen på tirsdag 10. oktober 2017, klokken 17:25
Riktig hardware e iallefall klar i 2018. Om Tesla skulle gå for den..........

Se der ja. 10x regnekraften til px2. Det var en solid forbedring fra AP2 hw.
VW ID4 GTX 2023

Tidligere elbiler: VW ID4 GTX 2022, Nissan Ariya, Kia EV6 GT-Line, Hyundai Ioniq 5, BMW IX3 2021, VW ID4 1st 2021, Mercedes EQC AMG 2021 og 2020, Kia eNiro 2019, Tesla Model X90D 2016,  Tesla Model S90D 2016, Nissan Leaf 2012, Tesla Model S aug 2013


Sitat fra: Jeronan på tirsdag 10. oktober 2017, klokken 20:14The only difference we can see in that video, is that the Model X in that video had an addition of two rear facing cameras. We don't have that (yet) on the current production cars. We now got rear facing acoustic sensors.
We already have those cameras... Look at the video again.

It's the L/R blinker indicator cameras. You can clearly see the L/R mirrors in the video.
Kjører Model S Signature P85+ eller X100D 7s. X90D 5s solgt.


Sitat fra: Cirion på tirsdag 10. oktober 2017, klokken 21:55
Sitat fra: Jeronan på tirsdag 10. oktober 2017, klokken 20:14The only difference we can see in that video, is that the Model X in that video had an addition of two rear facing cameras. We don't have that (yet) on the current production cars. We now got rear facing acoustic sensors.
We already have those cameras... Look at the video again.

It's the L/R blinker indicator cameras. You can clearly see the L/R mirrors in the video.

You are absolutely right! I didn't know those were actually cameras, as I thought it were acoustic sensors.

People complaining about Autopilot 2.0 solely relying on front cameras for cruise control and not having radar anymore are apparently wrong too.
AP2 has a forward facing radar!

How I never ended up on this page before I don't know (hides in shame):

The amount of sensors, radar and cameras the APH2 (and 2.5) hardware has is insane!
8 cameras, a front facing radar and 12 ultrasonic sensors.

I now fully understand the 40.400 NOK price for Upgraded Autopilot package. It's justified.
Model Y - Sept 2021
Model S 75D - Sold
BMW i3 2017 - Feb 2017


Sitat fra: Jeronan på tirsdag 10. oktober 2017, klokken 22:34

You are absolutely right! I didn't know those were actually cameras, as I thought it were acoustic sensors.

People complaining about Autopilot 2.0 solely relying on front cameras for cruise control and not having radar anymore are apparently wrong too.
AP2 has a forward facing radar!

How I never ended up on this page before I don't know (hides in shame):

The amount of sensors, radar and cameras the APH2 (and 2.5) hardware has is insane!
8 cameras, a front facing radar and 12 ultrasonic sensors.

I now fully understand the 40.400 NOK price for Upgraded Autopilot package. It's justified.
You have all the hardware even if you dont unlock it for 40k NOK.
The thing you unlock is the software/lisence and of course pay for the continued development.

The FSD feature on the other hand, I wouldnt pay for - as I dont really believe that L5 is achievable with that hardware suite. Then Im not thinking about the power of the GPU, rather the sensor types. I think L5 needs radars in all direction, as cameras get dirty and blinded.

Also we see that AP2.5 arriving now has dual wiring, dual PSU etc for the AP HW, most likely this means that Tesla thinks it will be a demand by the authorities for the FSD features. Not sure if FSD L5 will be ready before the current s/x are in junkyards of old age :-P

L5 driving is something completely different than what is in deed a line holding feature with lane departure, auto break etc. It would mean you could go to sleep and let the car drive it self, so it woud have to be very reliable from the small things as sensors/cameras to software etc.

I do believe AP2 will surpass AP1 though, as the AP2 was designed by Tesla (the software).
It uses Nvidia GPU of course, but still its Teslas software.

Mobileye was a closed system ready made and it was delieved with that and that sensor, so it was working more streamlined than AP2. However I dont think they can do that much more with AP1, as its a closed system and Tesla and Mobileye are at war (more or less). AP2.5 might go higher in the FSD levels, but I think that the same AP features will be there for AP2, might not come to AP1.

Same when AP3 comes, most likely AP2 is compatible with the software, if not all, most of it.
One can guess though that AP3, AP4 etc might come with more radars/lidars etc, however that will be more for FSD usage I think.


AP2 and 2.5 hardware can only support LVL3 or 4 at most. We already know this.

NVidia just now announced new hardware that will be LVL5 capable. At least that is their sales pitch.
This is brandnew and not available yet for car manufacturers. So definitely not APH2.5.
Model Y - Sept 2021
Model S 75D - Sold
BMW i3 2017 - Feb 2017


Sitat fra: Jeronan på tirsdag 10. oktober 2017, klokken 17:32
Sitat fra: o.b.lix på tirsdag 10. oktober 2017, klokken 17:17
Sitat fra: Øyvind.h på tirsdag 10. oktober 2017, klokken 16:55
Ser vi AP3 i 2018?

Like others already said. Here in Europe we are not even allowed to use advanced Auto parking and are stuck with a stripped down version!

It's the same with the BMW i3. In US they can just press the Auto park button and the car parks itself, while here in Norway we got a stripped down version that forces you to hold the button and works half arsed and fails half the time. /shrug

Am I missing something with regards to autopark? Om my AP1 Tesla it`s not stripped down. Only need to set the car in R when P symbol shows up press autopark and magic begins. Works brilliantly every time. No need to touch anything. God sent gift to a man who admits to being a lousy parallel parker.


Min AP2 autopark fungerer glimrende når den finner ledig plass.
Kjør sakte, bil finner en kandidat til plass. Stopp og sett i revers, trykk Start P og resten gjøres av bilen selv. Trenger ikke å holde inne.  (det må være summon han snakker om?)
Mine videoer av Autopilot 2 Mine I-Pace videoer
2023 ID.4 GTX 2021 ID.4   2022 BMW iX40   2021 Model 3 LR   2019 Audi e-tron 55   2019 I-Pace HSE   2017 S90D


Sitat fra: daktari på onsdag 11. oktober 2017, klokken 12:32
Min AP2 autopark fungerer glimrende når den finner ledig plass.
Kjør sakte, bil finner en kandidat til plass. Stopp og sett i revers, trykk Start P og resten gjøres av bilen selv. Trenger ikke å holde inne.  (det må være summon han snakker om?)

No not that part of Summon. In the US they also have home link. As far as I know, this is not allowed by regulation in Europe yet, so we do not have that feature. (I could be wrong, but I've test driven an AP2 car last week and it didn't have Home link).
Model Y - Sept 2021
Model S 75D - Sold
BMW i3 2017 - Feb 2017


Sitat fra: Jeronan på onsdag 11. oktober 2017, klokken 12:41
No not that part of Summon. In the US they also have home link. As far as I know, this is not allowed by regulation in Europe yet, so we do not have that feature. (I could be wrong, but I've test driven an AP2 car last week and it didn't have Home link).

HomeLink er vel fjernstyring av garasjeporter som støtter standarden, hvilket Tesla har også i Norge.
Tesla Model S75D 30/6/17
Tesla Model S85 26/3/14-30/6-17, 82500km
Leaf 9/5/12
Think City, Har ACTIA diagnoseapparat.
Sykkylven (Sunnmøre)

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