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Sv: Parkering på kommunale parkeringsplasser

Startet av PerBear, torsdag 12. mai 2011, klokken 22:19

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Den nye Peugeot e-Vivacity ser ut til å bli en skikkelig flott sak, men den blir nok endel dyrere enn de kinensiske modellene. Her er info jeg har fått:

ST. TROPEZ, France – Peugeot is the first of the renowned scooter brands to launch an all-new electric scooter – the e-Vivacity. This took place with some fanfare, in fashionable St. Tropez on the Cote d'Azur in France last Thursday. But, it appeared that Peugeot has every reason to make a big fuss over its brand new e-scooter.

Fifteen years ago Peugeot was the first (and only) powered two-wheeler manufacturer with an electric scooter; Scoot'Elec was its name. But, it arrived too early. Only a few thousand were sold.

The e-Vivacity is also completely different when compared to its Scoot'Elec predecessor. The old nickel-cadmium batteries have been replaced by two modern 2 kWh lithium-ion units that jointly weigh 16 kg. The lithium-ion batteries offer the e-Vivacity a total range of 60 km at 45 km/h according to Peugeot. At the launch days in St. Tropez this claim proved to be true. One of the attending journalists rode e-Vivacity for as long as the batteries offered power and they lasted the promised 60 kilometers. Charging the two batteries with two chargers is possible in just 3 hours.

Riding the Peugeot e-Vivacity makes abundantly clear why e-scooters sales is rapidly growing. Easy to handle, quiet, vibration and emission-free; that's what the e-Vivacity is all about. What was particularly noticeable while maneuvering around pedestrians on the St. Tropez boulevard is how precise the motor can be controlled. The same goes for the 115 kg scooter. It's also quick off the mark at every stoplight.   
It goes without saying that the e-Vivacity offers outstanding running costs – just a tenth of that required for a similar combustion engine vehicle. For example, an energy fill-up costs € 0.25 to cover 100 kilometers. And major maintenance (apart from renewing the disc brake pads) isn't necessary.

The e-Vivacity will be available next June. Peugeot Motorcycles has set its launch (retail) price at about 3,600 euro. Further questions on dealer margins were answered by Peugeot spokespeople with, "They will be somewhat lower compared to what we offer on our regular scooters because we hope that our dealers want to join Peugeot in this investment in the future." At the launch in St. Tropez one of the Peugeot importers made clear that he was still negotiating with Peugeot Motorcycles on retail prices as well as dealer margins.
Sandnes, Norway.


Batteripakka er på 2kwH tilsammen, 1000 oppladinger, 40000km. Ikke dårlig, men
de fleste Kinesiske produsentene er like bra eller bedre.

De beste tåler rundt 1800 oppladinger.

El rayo

Antall oppladinger som et litiumbatteri "tåler" kan fabrikanten lett justere med kriteriene. Tipper at Peugeots 1000 oppladinger er mer reelt enn 1800 "kinesiske oppladinger".

Det har vært vanlig å oppgi levetiden til batteriet har 80% av opprinnelig kapasitet. Vi har sett at noen bruker 60% som grense, og bare det gir batteriet lengere levetid.

Videre har det vist seg at full opplading (over 90% SOC) reduserer levetiden på litiumbatterier.

Likeså reduserer dyp utlading (under 30% SOC) levetiden på litiumbatterier.
Oslo, kjørt 2000 Th!nk "El Rayo" siden juni 2003, nikometer siden april 2009
kjøpt på 9.500 km, kjørt tilsammen 60.000 km. Fremdeles med originalt batteri,1946.0.html

2000 Th!nk delebil "Blu", som skal på veien igjen
EL-ma Classic elassistert sykkel

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