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Sv: Hvilke vinterdekk har du kjøpt til Model X?

Startet av minibiti, søndag 22. oktober 2017, klokken 11:49

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I have a question regarding extending a Type 2 cable...
I tried to use my normal Type 2 to Type 2 cable which I usually use between my home charger and the car as an extension cable together with a Zaptec adapter so I could reach my car when the schucko electrical socket is too far.
But it did not work :(
It looked like I could not connect the 2 cables all the way in in order for all the pins to connect to each other.

Are these cables made in such a way that this is not possible?
Does one have to buy special Type 2 to Type 2 cables which are specially made for being used as an extension?
Would it work had I used 2 normal Type 2 to Type 2 cables instead?

2020 Zoe Intens R135 (Jan 2020 - present)
2018 Zoe Intens R110 (Nov 2018 - Jan 2020)
2016 Zoe Intens R240 (Aug 2016 - Nov 2018)


Both Type2 and Type1 cabels are designed not to work as extension chords.

The cable has a resistor to tell how much current can flow through and by daisy chaining one 16A and one 32A cable you can potensially load the 16A cable with 32A if the 32A-part is on the car side.

You should buy a normal grounded Schuko extension chord that uses 2,5mmCu if your Zaptec has Schuko on it's end. I bought a 20 meter one from Biltema which I use in the event I need more slack.

Some charging stations actually comes with permament cable and that's unfortunate if you switch car og have visitors that require the alternative plug. SInce you have loose one you could support type1 visitors as well :-)
Malefika, Nissan Leaf 2018LE hentet April 2018
Elvira, Norsk Nissan Leaf 2012, kjøpt 12.04.2016
Tesla M3 Reservert 01.04.2016


OK I see, thanks!

The idea was to leave the Zaptec inside my cellar since it makes so much noise with the fan!  :(
Except for maybe its weight, the "ladebøtte" is better in every way (easier to transport, less space, silent, way cheaper).
2020 Zoe Intens R135 (Jan 2020 - present)
2018 Zoe Intens R110 (Nov 2018 - Jan 2020)
2016 Zoe Intens R240 (Aug 2016 - Nov 2018)

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