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Startet av Steens, fredag 18. august 2017, klokken 01:59

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I'm a French happy driver 8) of a 106 electric and developped an Android app for maintenance and monitoring of our old e-cars.

You can download it for free on the Google playstore. You will then need an OBD interface that you can buy for cheap on Internet. Be carefull, lot of them are fake, particularly the cheapest.
I tested Prodiag and Vgate. Both work, but there are others.

It is a first version, lot of functions are still missing (like faults reading and deleting) and will be implemented in future versions. In this version you can monitor the voltage and current during driving or charging, select the type of charge for the next charge and get various information.

Your feedbacks/suggestions are welcome  ;)



Google translate :


Jeg er en fransk glad driver 8) av en 106 elektrisk og utviklet en Android-app for vedlikehold og overvåking av våre gamle e-biler.

Du kan laste den ned gratis på Google Playstore. Du vil da trenge et OBD-grensesnitt som du kan kjøpe for billig på Internett. Vær forsiktig, mange av dem er falske, spesielt de billigste.
Jeg testet Prodiag og Vgate. Begge arbeid, men det er andre.

Det er en første versjon, mange funksjoner mangler fortsatt (som feil leser og sletter) og vil bli implementert i fremtidige versjoner. I denne versjonen kan du overvåke spenningen og strømmen under kjøring eller lading, velg ladetype for neste ladning og få ulike opplysninger.

Dine tilbakemeldinger / forslag er velkomne ;-)



This is extremely interesting :+1:   THANKYOU - I will try it out ASAP.

Did you have to alter the pin-config of the OBD plugg?  As far as I know most of them du not use the K-line PIN that PSA-electric use ??
Tesla Model 3 AWD/FSD 03/2019 med FW: 2024.38.6  og en Seat Mii 2020.
Bor i Asker. Elbilist siden 2005.
Har hatt div. Saxo/P106 som vi har kjørt tilsammen 170.000 km. Kun en P106 igjen nå.
eUp 2014 - solgt.


I get: "This APP is not available in your country:(   
Any good suggestions to how to get around that - please ??
Tesla Model 3 AWD/FSD 03/2019 med FW: 2024.38.6  og en Seat Mii 2020.
Bor i Asker. Elbilist siden 2005.
Har hatt div. Saxo/P106 som vi har kjørt tilsammen 170.000 km. Kun en P106 igjen nå.
eUp 2014 - solgt.


Sitat fra: Elmo på fredag 18. august 2017, klokken 15:16
I get: "This APP is not available in your country:(   
Oops :o ! I forgot to activate the availability in Norway ! I just changed it. It should be available now.
Sitat fra: Elmo på fredag 18. august 2017, klokken 14:52
Did you have to alter the pin-config of the OBD plugg?  As far as I know most of them du not use the K-line PIN that PSA-electric use ??
Yes the OBD norm is compatible with K-line communications. There is no modification to bring to the OBD device.
- Just plugg it on your vehicle (if you have a 30 pin PSA connector, you will need an adapter)
- Pair it with your Android device
- Launch the app and go in the "settings" menu. You will be able to retrieve your OBD device. You can also set the type of car you have (106/Saxo or Berlingo/Partner).
- Then return to the other pages and the app will automatically launch the communication.

By the way, 95% of the OBDs sold on Internet (generally from China, price <10€) use bad copies of the ELM327 component >:(. Some of them (generally price > 10€) have a good copy of the ELM327 component like Prodiag or Vgate. A very few of them use a real ELM327 but are more expensive (price >50€).

So if the OBD norm allows the communication on K-line, the bad copies of OBDs are not compliant with the norm and will not allow the communication :-X. In this case the app will show a red message saying "OBD default". You will need a good copy or a real OBD device  ;)


Fantastic. Not too many such cars left after 17 years, but I have one and I still service 2-3 here in Stavanger.

Is this the right OBD device:

Selger utstyr for EV lading og energieffektivisering via AS

Har for tiden Tesla S85, Smart ED, BMW C- evolution, Carver S+, Monotrazer MTE-150, Citroen C1 EVie, div. Think og PSA Classic og City 2010 model, Chin 3 hjuler Pickup, Buddy M9 samt Vectric scooter. Venter på Microlino og Aptera #2246

Daglig leder i


Yes, this OBD device (VGATE) works, I tested it myself.

This other one (PRODIAG) works also, and is cheaper. I use it every day.

I got feedback from users saying that the following work either :

I also personnally tested these ones that are not working >:( :


Sitat fra: Steens på lørdag 19. august 2017, klokken 01:11
I got feedback from users saying that the following work either :  PRODIAG small

Hmm. Are you saying  "does work too"  or  "do not work either" ??
Tesla Model 3 AWD/FSD 03/2019 med FW: 2024.38.6  og en Seat Mii 2020.
Bor i Asker. Elbilist siden 2005.
Har hatt div. Saxo/P106 som vi har kjørt tilsammen 170.000 km. Kun en P106 igjen nå.
eUp 2014 - solgt.


Sitat fra: Steens på fredag 18. august 2017, klokken 17:58
Sitat fra: Elmo på fredag 18. august 2017, klokken 15:16
I get: "This APP is not available in your country:(   
Oops :o ! I forgot to activate the availability in Norway ! I just changed it. It should be available now.

Thankyou. Got it installed now and will try it out tomorrow with two OBD devices I have already.

PS: if it's OK with you ??  I will add information about you program on  More specifically here
Tesla Model 3 AWD/FSD 03/2019 med FW: 2024.38.6  og en Seat Mii 2020.
Bor i Asker. Elbilist siden 2005.
Har hatt div. Saxo/P106 som vi har kjørt tilsammen 170.000 km. Kun en P106 igjen nå.
eUp 2014 - solgt.



Selger utstyr for EV lading og energieffektivisering via AS

Har for tiden Tesla S85, Smart ED, BMW C- evolution, Carver S+, Monotrazer MTE-150, Citroen C1 EVie, div. Think og PSA Classic og City 2010 model, Chin 3 hjuler Pickup, Buddy M9 samt Vectric scooter. Venter på Microlino og Aptera #2246

Daglig leder i


Sitat fra: elektrolux på lørdag 19. august 2017, klokken 20:02
I ordered this one
It looks the same as the one I tested. I think it should work.
Sitat fra: Elmo på lørdag 19. august 2017, klokken 19:37
if it's OK with you ??  I will add information about you program on
Ok ! :)
By the way, the app is actually available in English, French, German and Polish. If anyone is interested in translating it in Norvegian (or any other language), let me know. There are two text files to translate : one containing around 100 words/expressions used in the app, the other is for the Google Playstore page.


Sitat fra: Steens på søndag 20. august 2017, klokken 12:49
By the way, the app is actually available in English, French, German and Polish. If anyone is interested in translating it in Norvegian (or any other language), let me know.

If it is only a matter of translating textfiles I am happy to do that.
Programming is not my thing any more. I used to be a programmer, but I have not written a single line of code for 22 years.
Tesla Model 3 AWD/FSD 03/2019 med FW: 2024.38.6  og en Seat Mii 2020.
Bor i Asker. Elbilist siden 2005.
Har hatt div. Saxo/P106 som vi har kjørt tilsammen 170.000 km. Kun en P106 igjen nå.
eUp 2014 - solgt.


Great app. I´m happy to translate it to swedish.


Om ni har Kjell&co i Norge finns det OBD-2 att köpa hos dem, en för Android och en för iPhone.


Sitat fra: saxo56 på søndag 20. august 2017, klokken 17:44
Om ni har Kjell&co i Norge finns det OBD-2 att köpa hos dem, en för Android och en för iPhone.
Ja vi har Kjell&co i Norge, men har du testet at den de selger fungerer på PSA og Checkelec APPen ??
Tesla Model 3 AWD/FSD 03/2019 med FW: 2024.38.6  og en Seat Mii 2020.
Bor i Asker. Elbilist siden 2005.
Har hatt div. Saxo/P106 som vi har kjørt tilsammen 170.000 km. Kun en P106 igjen nå.
eUp 2014 - solgt.


Sitat fra: Elmo på lørdag 19. august 2017, klokken 19:37
Thankyou. Got it installed now and will try it out tomorrow with two OBD devices I have already.
I have tested the two OBDII bluetooth devices I have. Both of them connects to the phone (Samsung S5), the APP see them but it does not connect to any of them :(  So I realize I have to buy a new one.

But one question about the connection. As you can see in the picture below I gave the two devices different names on my phone, but for some reason the APP did to distinguish between them, but displayed both with the default name OBDII. It would be nice if it displayed the name that the phone displays.

Tesla Model 3 AWD/FSD 03/2019 med FW: 2024.38.6  og en Seat Mii 2020.
Bor i Asker. Elbilist siden 2005.
Har hatt div. Saxo/P106 som vi har kjørt tilsammen 170.000 km. Kun en P106 igjen nå.
eUp 2014 - solgt.

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