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Sv: Hva er bedre på nyere Tesla mod. S kontra eldre?

Startet av Panduck, fredag 22. september 2017, klokken 13:58

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På tur til G.borg ble det først sjekking av ladesteder (reiser ikke dit for ofte), og fant nytt e-on ladested på veien. Men oversikten viste også en rekke andre nye e-on stasjoner i Sverige, og mange nye på vei.

Fikk gratis strøm på ladestasjonen foreløpig. Så ut som kortleser var installert på laderen, kan vi faktisk forvente å kunne betale med normalt kort???

Dette betyr uansett økt trygghet på tur til Sverige, når enkelte steder nå har fortum, clever OG e-on ladere.

Og det trengs. Denne turen viste at flere og flere nordmenn kjører lengre inn i sverige, og man kan ikke forvente at det skal være ledig lader selv på et sted med 3 ladere. Traff også flere svenske elbileiere på ladestoppene, det har ikke vært vanlig.

Og selvfølgelig traff man på norsk sjåfør som på død og liv skulle lade til 100%, selv med 50km til Norge og en mengde ladere langs den veien han skulle kjøre :/ ...


 :+1:   På E.on kan du betale med Norsk EasyPark APP
Bor i Asker. Elbilist siden 2005. Div. Saxo/P106 som vi har kjørt tilsammen ca 165.000 km. Kun en kjørbar nå.
Har også en eUp 2015, gått 82.000 km, Tesla Model3 2019 og Seat Mii 2020.


Sitat fra: Panduck på mandag 31. juli 2017, klokken 10:12
Men oversikten viste også en rekke andre nye e-on stasjoner i Sverige, og mange nye på vei.

Ja Sverige trenger veldig mange flere ladere og også ladere som faktisk fungerer.

Får dog håpe Eon i Sverige snart skaffer personale med nødvendlig ladekompetanse.
Vi klarte såvidt igår komme tilbake fra 10 dager elbilreise rundt hele sør Sverige takket alle andre enn Eon.

Eon har tatt en Arctic Roads variant og lagt inn alle imaginere ladere på, noe som skapte veldig  mye ladeproblemer rundt om i Sverige.

Kontaktet Eon kundeservice på en lørdag  som viste seg å være bemannet mandag til fredag, og ga dårlig resultat.
De ganger vi fikk kontakt, kunne kundetjenesten i Sollefteo ikke gi noe svar om hvor laderne var, viste ikke om adresser eller om de var i funksjon. At vi glemte spørre om de i det hele tatt fantes i virkeligheten glemte vi.

Ved siste kontakt ble vi anbefalt av Eon kundeservice å reise til plassen "Fortum" i Sverige, for der skulle det være en lader (sic)

Heldigvis gikk det med hjelp fra andre ladere fra lokale everk som Kvänum energi o.l. og selvsagt de steder det er Fortum som alltid fungerte feilfritt.

Sverige har fortsatt en lang vei å gå med elbilinfrastruktur. Foreløpig er den vanligste situasjonen en lapp med ordet "trasig" på "snabbladdaren" som gjelder.


Sitat fra: AmocoCadiz på mandag 31. juli 2017, klokken 20:53
Eon har tatt en Arctic Roads variant og lagt inn alle imaginere ladere på, noe som skapte veldig  mye ladeproblemer rundt om i Sverige.

Jeg skal si ifra til admin på så kanskje "vi" kan får rettet på det.
Bor i Asker. Elbilist siden 2005. Div. Saxo/P106 som vi har kjørt tilsammen ca 165.000 km. Kun en kjørbar nå.
Har også en eUp 2015, gått 82.000 km, Tesla Model3 2019 og Seat Mii 2020.


Sitat fra: AmocoCadiz på mandag 31. juli 2017, klokken 20:53
Eon har tatt en Arctic Roads variant og lagt inn alle imaginere ladere på, noe som skapte veldig  mye ladeproblemer rundt om i Sverige.

Hi, my name is Nikolay and I am one of the founders of
A friend alerted me to this discussion and wanted to weigh in.

I am not sure what "Arctic Roads" means, but from the tone in the message suspect that there may have been chargers that did not work for you.
Did you leave a rapport on for these chargers? This would help the next person looking for a charge.
Where the chargers marked as "active" on Where they "green" on the map?

Also can you please point me to couple of E.ON chargers that did not work for you?
We are constantly working to improve the information on and it would be a good example.

Thanks in advance!

nikometer? -


Sitat fra: BauDemo på tirsdag 01. august 2017, klokken 14:59
I am not sure what "Arctic Roads" means, but from the tone in the message suspect that there may have been chargers that did not work for you.
To cut a long story short, Arctic Roads is one of the smaller operators of quick chargers in Norway. They have only a small number of chargers, but many of them in strategic locations such as mountain crossings. And a price policy that means people avoid them like the plague when they possibly can. Their current status is that nobody understands why the company isn't bankrupt already. Also, their charging network stopped working a couple weeks ago, and has not come back as far as anyone can tell.
Trondheim; Kia Soul 2016 · 2018 · 2020
– ingen planer om nye bilkjøp på laaang tid –


Sitat fra: hanche på onsdag 02. august 2017, klokken 15:48
Sitat fra: BauDemo på tirsdag 01. august 2017, klokken 14:59
I am not sure what "Arctic Roads" means, but from the tone in the message suspect that there may have been chargers that did not work for you.
To cut a long story short, Arctic Roads is one of the smaller operators of quick chargers in Norway. They have only a small number of chargers, but many of them in strategic locations such as mountain crossings. And a price policy that means people avoid them like the plague when they possibly can. Their current status is that nobody understands why the company isn't bankrupt already. Also, their charging network stopped working a couple weeks ago, and has not come back as far as anyone can tell.

Thanks for the explanation!
This makes it even more interesting to see couple of examples from AmocoCadiz.
nikometer? -


Sitat fra: BauDemo på torsdag 03. august 2017, klokken 17:54
Thanks for the explanation!
This makes it even more interesting to see couple of examples from AmocoCadiz.

I think he ment that there were chargers put in the map as active, that were not active. I saw several eon chargers listed in the map as "coming", and only a few as "active". I tested one of the active ones and it worked wonderfully.

However, thank you for the work on It has been of great help on our trips to Sweden, specially since many providers are not good at informing about chargers and status themselves :)


Sitat fra: Panduck på torsdag 03. august 2017, klokken 22:04
Sitat fra: BauDemo på torsdag 03. august 2017, klokken 17:54
Thanks for the explanation!
This makes it even more interesting to see couple of examples from AmocoCadiz.

I think he ment that there were chargers put in the map as active, that were not active. I saw several eon chargers listed in the map as "coming", and only a few as "active". I tested one of the active ones and it worked wonderfully.

However, thank you for the work on It has been of great help on our trips to Sweden, specially since many providers are not good at informing about chargers and status themselves :)

Thank you for your kind words!
Did you report back on the site how did the charging go? Did you take photos? Would you like to upload them to

Yes, I suspected the same thing and this is why I am very curious for a specific examples.
Planned chargers we list in orange on the map, and they get this bright red message that this is not a charger you can count on, because it is planned and maybe not ready yet.

I want to see if there is something we missed, or if E.ON made a miss, or maybe he missed something. Obviously there was a miss and an opportunity for improvement, and I it would be great to seize that opportunity.
nikometer? -


Sitat fra: BauDemo på mandag 07. august 2017, klokken 13:10
Sitat fra: Panduck på torsdag 03. august 2017, klokken 22:04
Sitat fra: BauDemo på torsdag 03. august 2017, klokken 17:54
Thanks for the explanation!
This makes it even more interesting to see couple of examples from AmocoCadiz.

I think he ment that there were chargers put in the map as active, that were not active. I saw several eon chargers listed in the map as "coming", and only a few as "active". I tested one of the active ones and it worked wonderfully.

However, thank you for the work on It has been of great help on our trips to Sweden, specially since many providers are not good at informing about chargers and status themselves :)

Thank you for your kind words!
Did you report back on the site how did the charging go? Did you take photos? Would you like to upload them to

Yes, I suspected the same thing and this is why I am very curious for a specific examples.
Planned chargers we list in orange on the map, and they get this bright red message that this is not a charger you can count on, because it is planned and maybe not ready yet.

I want to see if there is something we missed, or if E.ON made a miss, or maybe he missed something. Obviously there was a miss and an opportunity for improvement, and I it would be great to seize that opportunity.

Yepp, I reported the laddpunkten charger in Munkedal, the chademo/AC charger had an DC issue, and could not charge, so there is just one functioning chademo charger there. The broken charger is of the old type that we used to have several of in Norway, that broke down all the time...

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