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Startet av Somni, torsdag 07. september 2017, klokken 08:05

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My view is that too many tesla lovers on this forum are too generous to Tesla. They sell cars and give estimates for delivery. The customer then has expectation that these estimates are realistic and that if they are not going to meet their estimated dates that they should be contacting the customer in advance to explain and provide reasoning on why and how they are going to fix the problem?

So i'm not sure why so many people on this forum defend Tesla's logistics and try and make excuses for these types of delays?

How would your boss view your performance if you told him you would finish a report by a certain date and then that date just came and went without any update form you? And then that it kept happening? I don't think you would be employed for very much longer after the 3rd time this happened.


Sitat fra: SupaJay på onsdag 13. september 2017, klokken 10:04
My view is that too many tesla lovers on this forum are too generous to Tesla. They sell cars and give estimates for delivery. The customer then has expectation that these estimates are realistic and that if they are not going to meet their estimated dates that they should be contacting the customer in advance to explain and provide reasoning on why and how they are going to fix the problem?

So i'm not sure why so many people on this forum defend Tesla's logistics and try and make excuses for these types of delays?

How would your boss view your performance if you told him you would finish a report by a certain date and then that date just came and went without any update form you? And then that it kept happening? I don't think you would be employed for very much longer after the 3rd time this happened.
Well, that analogy would only be correct if the employee was the only preferred employee , and the boss could not go to anyone else to get his reports delivered.
That is the reason we as customers can only accept the actual situation, we have no alternatives, tesla has no real competition in the marked for the model x and S. If BMW X7 , 7 serier and Mercedes , Volvo had their comparable alternatives (including charging) the situation would be COMPLETELY different.
We as customers can only threat With either Cancelling (no problem, enough customers that but cancelled cars) or bad review (no newspaper care, Shady delivery prosess is not interesting Reading imho).


Sitat fra: tsla_eppen på onsdag 13. september 2017, klokken 10:33
Sitat fra: SupaJay på onsdag 13. september 2017, klokken 10:04
My view is that too many tesla lovers on this forum are too generous to Tesla. They sell cars and give estimates for delivery. The customer then has expectation that these estimates are realistic and that if they are not going to meet their estimated dates that they should be contacting the customer in advance to explain and provide reasoning on why and how they are going to fix the problem?

So i'm not sure why so many people on this forum defend Tesla's logistics and try and make excuses for these types of delays?

How would your boss view your performance if you told him you would finish a report by a certain date and then that date just came and went without any update form you? And then that it kept happening? I don't think you would be employed for very much longer after the 3rd time this happened.
Well, that analogy would only be correct if the employee was the only preferred employee , and the boss could not go to anyone else to get his reports delivered.
That is the reason we as customers can only accept the actual situation, we have no alternatives, tesla has no real competition in the marked for the model x and S. If BMW X7 , 7 serier and Mercedes , Volvo had their comparable alternatives (including charging) the situation would be COMPLETELY different.
We as customers can only threat With either Cancelling (no problem, enough customers that but cancelled cars) or bad review (no newspaper care, Shady delivery prosess is not interesting Reading imho).

So because they are the only option that makes it OK? and you shouldn't complain?

Knut Røe

Minner meg om denne saken:

SitatThe Tesla Model S and Model X.

Look, I get it. They're a marvel of modern engineering. They have absurd acceleration and performance. They're going to save the planet, drive themselves, etc. etc.

Here's the reality I see: A solid 75% of Tesla owners I know (3 out of the 4 I know) basically think that Elon Musk is the reincarnation of Jesus himself and that the man can do no wrong. They then proceed to drive their performance cars at 55 in the right hand lane because they are worried about their range. In this regard, I believe they are worse than Prius drivers.

I really really *want* to like Tesla. I love the idea of all that performance. But when it comes down to it, the car really isn't a good value, the build quality isn't up to par, and I can't stand most of the people that own them


Sitat fra: SupaJay på onsdag 13. september 2017, klokken 10:57

So because they are the only option that makes it OK? and you shouldn't complain?

Of course not - that's one of the ways companies can learn and improve. The problem here is twofold; partly it's a problem of communication. If your delivery/logistics process isn't predictable, don't provide estimates to your customers. Tesla's problem in this case is that when you communicate an estimate, you create an expectation that it will be met.

If you say to Customer A that "we don't know when your car will be ready for delivery, but we'll provide you with regular status updates as the car moves through the system", most people would accept that. Things happen, it's a long and complex chain of systems and logistics.

If you instead (like Tesla does) say to Customer B that "We estimate that your car will be delivered in late august, early september" then you create an expectation that this date range will be met. If you provide wildly inaccurate information during the process (aka. MyTesla), this creates frustration. If you communicate that the car will be ready for delivery on a specific date (in my case, August 19th) and then proceed to miss the target date by a month, you're even worse off.

Let's say that Customer A and B both receive their cars on September 15th. Customer A was informed when his car rolled off production assembly, when it was shipped from CA, when it was offloaded in Belgium and when the car arrived in Drammen. He's a happy customer. Sure, he'd like to have gotten the car earlier, but his expectations were managed throughout the process. Up front, he was made aware that there are uncertanties, and once information was available, he got it. Customer B is going to be frustrated, pissed when he takes delivery and all because his expectations weren't met. He's had inaccurate information or no information at all. Both customers get their cars at the same time - their views are wildly different. This isn't hard - nothing of Customer As journey require any improvement on the logistics process.

The second part of the problem ties in with the first. When you do a stunt like the interest campaign has been, you're bound to overload your logistics process. Guess what, most customers will accept this IF THEY ARE TOLD SO.

Then again - I estimate that maybe 5-10% of Teslas customers are so into the cars that they will check MarineTraffic and MyTesla ten times daily ;)


Exactly! This is the status on MyTesla. Did Tesla meet my expectations?  No phone call and no final invoice to clear out that the delivery window ended yesterday.

ps. I know that the car still is in Zebrugge because of the status on the UECC website, but Tesla should not rely on the customers to track their cars.


Sitat fra: morpheos på onsdag 13. september 2017, klokken 12:23
Sitat fra: SupaJay på onsdag 13. september 2017, klokken 10:57

So because they are the only option that makes it OK? and you shouldn't complain?

Of course not - that's one of the ways companies can learn and improve. The problem here is twofold; partly it's a problem of communication. If your delivery/logistics process isn't predictable, don't provide estimates to your customers. Tesla's problem in this case is that when you communicate an estimate, you create an expectation that it will be met.

If you say to Customer A that "we don't know when your car will be ready for delivery, but we'll provide you with regular status updates as the car moves through the system", most people would accept that. Things happen, it's a long and complex chain of systems and logistics.

If you instead (like Tesla does) say to Customer B that "We estimate that your car will be delivered in late august, early september" then you create an expectation that this date range will be met. If you provide wildly inaccurate information during the process (aka. MyTesla), this creates frustration. If you communicate that the car will be ready for delivery on a specific date (in my case, August 19th) and then proceed to miss the target date by a month, you're even worse off.

Let's say that Customer A and B both receive their cars on September 15th. Customer A was informed when his car rolled off production assembly, when it was shipped from CA, when it was offloaded in Belgium and when the car arrived in Drammen. He's a happy customer. Sure, he'd like to have gotten the car earlier, but his expectations were managed throughout the process. Up front, he was made aware that there are uncertanties, and once information was available, he got it. Customer B is going to be frustrated, pissed when he takes delivery and all because his expectations weren't met. He's had inaccurate information or no information at all. Both customers get their cars at the same time - their views are wildly different. This isn't hard - nothing of Customer As journey require any improvement on the logistics process.

The second part of the problem ties in with the first. When you do a stunt like the interest campaign has been, you're bound to overload your logistics process. Guess what, most customers will accept this IF THEY ARE TOLD SO.

Then again - I estimate that maybe 5-10% of Teslas customers are so into the cars that they will check MarineTraffic and MyTesla ten times daily ;)

This I 100% agree with. The length of the delivery duration is not the issue, its the lack of information and Tesla missing their own estimates and still not providing any information.

Tesla will not be able to hold onto customers with the model 3 if they don't improve their customer service level


Fikk justert beregnet leveringstid i dag, fra 18. sept - 02. okt til 16 - 23. sept. Noen som vet om det er noe spesielt som trigger justering fra 2 ukers vindu til 1 uke? Kan det være ankomst hos utleveringssted? Bekreftet 11. juli.
2017 Model X 75D
2016 Model S 90D (Solgt)


Sitat fra: spirrevipp på onsdag 13. september 2017, klokken 15:51
Fikk justert beregnet leveringstid i dag, fra 18. sept - 02. okt til 16 - 23. sept. Noen som vet om det er noe spesielt som trigger justering fra 2 ukers vindu til 1 uke? Kan det være ankomst hos utleveringssted? Bekreftet 11. juli.
Vil nok tro at bilen er ankommet ditt lokale leveringssted når estimatet blir såpass spesifikt.
Det burde iallfall være slik men vanskelig å vite noe sikkert.
For enkelte av oss virker infoen på MyTesla å være relativt pålitelig mens det for andre kan virke som bilen har trillet på sjøen under lossing i Zeebrugge.....


Bekreftet 15 juni
I produksjon 30 juni

Jeg fikk en slikt smalt leveringvindu for to uker siden. 13-20 sept. Fikk i går en mail om levering mandag 18.


Mitt gikk fra to til en uke også ble det utsatt en uke, så ville ikke lagt for mye i det egentlig.


Jeg får bil på fredag! Hadde i utgangspunktet late august/ early sept.


Hadde utgangspunktet lev sent aug/September. Det ble endret til sept/tidlig okt for noen uker siden. I dag endret det seg til 20-27 sept. Utlevering i Stavanger. Ikke fått final invoice, ei heller noen treff på UECC. Snakket med delivery på tlf på mandag, og de mente bilen var i Tilburg for klargjøring. Kunne ikke si om det ble september eller oktober levering.
Tesla hvit S75D bekreftet 28.06.2017
Levering sept/tidlig oktober


Fikk tlf i ettermiddag, henter bil på lørdag

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