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Supercharger Europe - Problems (UR) AND Charging Stations

Startet av pjw, mandag 15. mai 2017, klokken 01:14

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pjw - Supercharger Europe - Problems (user reported) (overview for TESLA, mobile and desktop) is now online.

You can enter ALL problems in Europe directly.
Just click the pin and then click Status.
You will be directed to a site (the correct SuC preselected and your own tffUserID (TFF, TMC or Ebilforum UserID, if entered before 1x) or you can also enter it directly with SuC occupancy and problems.
It is synchronized every 5 minutes and you can see the the updated status displayed on (no reloading of the page required).

You see also the number of stalls per SuC (defaulter setting) or the height above sea (in 100m increments) of the SuCs.

Daily, the new SuCs from Tesla are read in and the new (or extended) are displayed 7 days specially (Braun) (no reloading of the page necessary).

With the default setting, messages older than 30 days are considered to be fixed and no longer displayed. Also, error messages before the last All-OK message are not displayed, the status is "green". With the parameter "age" the value can be set between 1 and 90. A age=0 displays the complete history (possibly later limited to 90 days).

The following types of problems are collected here:

Defective SuC
Incl. Reason and foreseeable duration (if known)
Complete Failure (whole site)
(Eg due to a transformer transformer)
Partial failures (individual stalls)
(Eg "truck-mounted"
Limited Power
(Including maximum power)
Traffic Disruption
Incl. Reason and foreseeable duration
Traffic impairments at arrival / departure
Detour in km / minutes, recommended

Navigation App shows problems where there are no. Please report only seen with your own eyes problems. Thank you. ;)
And don't forget to report problems first (!) to Tesla.

URL-Paramerter  (

Age of messages.
The default setting (without or with age=30) shows max. 30 days or everything since the last OK (which is newer).
With parameter "age=0" the entire history is shown (but I will have to shorten somehow, possibly to 90 days).

Shows the height of the SuC's in 100m steps (6 = 600m, 12 = 1200m, ..).
Without the parameter, the number of stalls (data from the Tesla homepage) is displayed.
Sometimes the faster than, sometimes it also takes 2 weeks until it is "official".

The TFF user ID ( is used to identify the user during the data acquisition and to request it if necessary.
You can also enter your TMC User-ID ( or Ebilforum User-ID (

------- to use the elevations (update every minute) instead of with a demo account every 10 minutes.

----- API-key, default is used a demo-key, which will not work for too many calls.

Language (de, en, ...) overwrites the default of the browser.

ZoomLevel, default is 6 without GPS (can not be changed).
With GPS (start at the bottom right) the default is 9 (only this you can change).

Starts direct with GPS, you do not have to press the text at the bottom right (stop and restart still is possible). - Supercharger Problems, Wind, Speed, ...
Driving since 3/2016 with Tesla Model S 85 (from 5/2015) with 100% renewable energy. 90'000 km.
Winner of eTourEurope 2016.


Apeldoorn (NL) 8 (was 6) Stalls.
Beckenried (CH) 6 (was 4) Stalls
Egerkingen (CH) 10 (was 6) Stalls

Found on - Supercharger Problems, Wind, Speed, ...
Driving since 3/2016 with Tesla Model S 85 (from 5/2015) with 100% renewable energy. 90'000 km.
Winner of eTourEurope 2016.

pjw - Supercharger Problems, Wind, Speed, ...
Driving since 3/2016 with Tesla Model S 85 (from 5/2015) with 100% renewable energy. 90'000 km.
Winner of eTourEurope 2016.


Now on Supercharger Europa - Problems you not only can see tthe Superchargers and the (user reported) problems, but also Charging Stations (Typ 2 and CHAdeMO).
In the car it will look like this:

Legend for Charger:
Typ 2 >=7.4kW (free in cyan, payed in orange), darker colors are for higher power
CHAdeMO (free green, payed red), darker colors are for higher power
free (green for CHAdeMO, cyan for Typ 2)
payed (only no contract + NewMotion (6000), intercharge direct (17000!!), Fortum Charge & Drive (400), PlugSurfing App (1600), PlugSurfing key (4000) - which are the most important in Europe, see Cards overvew (German))
Problems (black)
not confirmed (white)

.. the colors and T(esla Destination), 24 (24/7) and "-" (not 24/7) as icon text.

Press "Info" to see a page on GoingElectric about the current station (translated to the language you selected before).

It's working on any browser but it's designed for the Tesla. - Supercharger Problems, Wind, Speed, ...
Driving since 3/2016 with Tesla Model S 85 (from 5/2015) with 100% renewable energy. 90'000 km.
Winner of eTourEurope 2016.

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