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Sv: Vi som venter på Ampera-e (som vi har bestilt med kontrakt)

Startet av stefan72, søndag 30. april 2017, klokken 09:35

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Sorry my Norwegian is inexistant, but since there are so many Think experts in this forum I will give t a try:
My Think City (2011 model) has an issue with the air conditioning unit as it won't turn on.
History: The AC was running fine and without problems until the noise when running it got louder and louder over a period of a coupe of weeks. Before I made it to a service station it quit the service.

Brought to a service station and they refilled refrigerant, tested the circuit for leaks. All ok. The A/C was running, but only a very few times. All other starting attempts failed.

Anyone has an idea what it could be?  I did not find any hints in the maintenance manuals. Could it be that the compressor is dead? What about the PCU? Does it control the A/C as well? Any fuses that need to be checked perhaps?

My service point thinks that the A/C might turn on when outside temp's get warmer. But my experience is that the A/C always turned on, no matter what temp there was.

Appreciate any of your inputs!
Best regards,


OK, Air Conditioning is now working.
I tested it during outside temperature of ca. 12C. Is it normal that the A/C only turns on when temperature is lower than e.g. 10-15°C?

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