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Sv: Enighet om statsbudsjettet 2017

Startet av Evert, onsdag 21. desember 2016, klokken 11:58

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Hi all,

In 2011 I bought a Nissan LEAF. It came with a jack & tools to replace the tyres with.
In 2016 I traded it in at the same car dealer for a 30 kwh model.

Last weekend I was going to change to winter tyres, and then I noticed that the 2016 version apparently comes with a jack & tools!  >:(
The car dealer says that's done to save weight. Then why do they still put in the mountings for the jack? Don't they weigh something as well? I even found a black tools-etui, identical to the one in my 2011 LEAF... empty!

And... isn't it common decency for the car dealer to inform me of a change in equipment like this...?



Sitat fra: Evert på tirsdag 01. november 2016, klokken 08:51
Hi all,

In 2011 I bought a Nissan LEAF. It came with a jack & tools to replace the tyres with.
In 2016 I traded it in at the same car dealer for a 30 kwh model.

Last weekend I was going to change to winter tyres, and then I noticed that the 2016 version apparently comes with a jack & tools!  >:(
The car dealer says that's done to save weight. Then why do they still put in the mountings for the jack? Don't they weigh something as well? I even found a black tools-etui, identical to the one in my 2011 LEAF... empty!

And... isn't it common decency for the car dealer to inform me of a change in equipment like this...?


A jack at Biltema costs less than 200,-, go get one!
Hvit Japan Leaf siden april 2014.
1.reg. mai 2013.
Aldri mer Nissan!!


Sitat fra: kakraemer på tirsdag 01. november 2016, klokken 11:51

A jack at Biltema costs less than 200,-, go get one!

Not really the point of my rant, but I guess I will   ;)

For this season I don't need it though, because the car dealer will swap my tyres tomorrow   8)


Not unusual that jack and even spare wheel is optional these days. A can of sealant is used instead.


Sitat fra: Gurba på tirsdag 01. november 2016, klokken 15:11
Not unusual that jack and even spare wheel is optional these days. A can of sealant is used instead.

Yup, both my 2011 & 2016 LEAF's came with sealant and an air pump.

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