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Sv: Solcelleanlegg

Startet av BauDemo, tirsdag 20. desember 2016, klokken 20:10

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Hi there,
I have been getting some e-mail about simulating BMI with the Duinomite Mega - the same hardware used on the Nicometer. Hope we can all chip in this thread and get to a point where one can easily change battery in the Think...
So keep posting about it here and I will help with what I can.

nikometer? -


Exactly was i was planing for aswell.

I found some information on page 18 of this file

Also member Orla Pedersen says the BMI controlls the charger by a simple 0-100% command.
That is something i havnt found more information on yet.

Member VWspirit says ther is no special PCU-firmware for different batteries.
So I think the same CAN-commands would work on both gen1 and gen2.


The service manual seams to mostly show info on error codes, maybe not very intresting... 

Also, there is this open source project called gevcu started by EVTV.
Somebody wrote some code to talk to the think BMI.
There we can see some CAN commands, 2 bytes for controlling charging voltage, 2 bytes for controlling charging current. There are also other quite interesting info there  :)

In a code comment they are refering to other CAN frames in the Think BMI specification.
It would be golden to find that specification  :)


For some reason the Zebramonitor software doesnt see that my Peak adapter is installed so i have used pcanview to read the CAN traffic.

I have traced down the error to msg 0x305 bit 51/52 (byte 6, bit 3/4), sys_Zebra_TempError.
According to the A306 CAN Messages definitions the value 0, 1 and 3 are defined but my error has value of 2.
0 = OK
1 = Power Limit Temp reached
3 = Full Power Limit Temp reached

Anyone know what error value 2 means ?

Could this be a defective temp sensor ?

My personal EV collection:
- Audi A2 Electric
- Citroen Saxo Electrique 2-doors
- Vectrix VX1 (in different colors)
- CityEl Fact4
- MiniEl Targa/Cabrio/Basic: red, red
- Th!nk A266 PIV4 (also for sale)
- Th!nk A306 City (cars, parts, service)


Sitat fra: motorulf på mandag 31. oktober 2016, klokken 17:32

It would be golden to find that specification  :)

I have 3 documents about the CAN traffic for the Enerdel and Zebra BMI.
My personal EV collection:
- Audi A2 Electric
- Citroen Saxo Electrique 2-doors
- Vectrix VX1 (in different colors)
- CityEl Fact4
- MiniEl Targa/Cabrio/Basic: red, red
- Th!nk A266 PIV4 (also for sale)
- Th!nk A306 City (cars, parts, service)


I can has too?   8)

maybe put on some file sharing site, like or other.


Think City 2010, Lithium


This is what I have:

MES-DEA Zebra:

Enerdel CAN Bus Guide rev 3.0

If anyone has more or other info, please share.
My personal EV collection:
- Audi A2 Electric
- Citroen Saxo Electrique 2-doors
- Vectrix VX1 (in different colors)
- CityEl Fact4
- MiniEl Targa/Cabrio/Basic: red, red
- Th!nk A266 PIV4 (also for sale)
- Th!nk A306 City (cars, parts, service)


I have edited the 8 pages that was here for a while yesterday.
I have checked with the appropriate person and these are ok for sharing here now.

Orla Pedersen

I never meant to hide the information, and "motorulf" have done a great job in removing the comments from the dokuments. The comments could/could not, compromise my source if noticed by the wrong persons. That is, if anyone chases copyrights anymore.

Now we don't know where it comes from, right   ;D
Orla Pedersen


I was trying to get my head around what a BMI simulator needs to do.
I started making a flowchart and ended upp with something with a little bit of BMS functionallity.
Maybe this is not what others need, but this is what i need it to do.

This flowchart is not by any means complete, far from it, and i know plenty missing functions.
I made it online on and i will link to the XML if somebody wants to edit it, correct it, expand it... Please share if you do.

Maybe it is useful for somebody, who knows?  :D


Sitat fra: Orla Pedersen på tirsdag 01. november 2016, klokken 12:33
That is, if anyone chases copyrights anymore.

Nobody owns the rights to anything of the Think anymore so dont worry about that.

Just made progress on the 'Think-o-later' (short for Think Simulator). It can now mimic the BMI so my Think is now 'thinking' that everything is ok.
No more flashing wrenches, Power-limit or hazard symbol anymore, even without the BMI unplugged.
I can even control the fuel-meter so i can take an actual Ah-counter and reflect the SOC to the fuel meter.

Next step is to attach a suitable battery pack and drive away....

My personal EV collection:
- Audi A2 Electric
- Citroen Saxo Electrique 2-doors
- Vectrix VX1 (in different colors)
- CityEl Fact4
- MiniEl Targa/Cabrio/Basic: red, red
- Th!nk A266 PIV4 (also for sale)
- Th!nk A306 City (cars, parts, service)

Orla Pedersen

A few things to consider when building a BMI-emulator.

When working with battery powered circuits there are things to consider. First of all, no software should be allowed to run without a separate hardware implemented watchdog, periodicalle reset by the running software. If the software stops for any reason, the watchdog must disconnect the main contactors.

It's always a good idea to devide the software control into to systems with separate hardware, ei. one hardware with software doing calculation and main control of systems, and another hardware/software taking care of data collection and safety issues, both of them checking each other and making controlled shutdown if one of the hardware/software fails.

Remember that even the "small" output of the charger, out of control is capable of setting the batteries on fire.
Orla Pedersen

Orla Pedersen

Sitat fra: PRensel på tirsdag 01. november 2016, klokken 19:03

Nobody owns the rights to anything of the Think anymore so dont worry about that.

Probably not, it's all in the hands of the recievers for many years to come.......
Orla Pedersen


Since the Zebra battery is pretty new to me can someone explain how the Zebra/AC heater stuff works ?

My personal EV collection:
- Audi A2 Electric
- Citroen Saxo Electrique 2-doors
- Vectrix VX1 (in different colors)
- CityEl Fact4
- MiniEl Targa/Cabrio/Basic: red, red
- Th!nk A266 PIV4 (also for sale)
- Th!nk A306 City (cars, parts, service)

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