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Sv: Lading på ChaDeMo i Tyskland (20 kW)

Startet av Knight, tirsdag 13. desember 2016, klokken 23:33

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A small status update on this issue,

Have for the last couple of months been otherwise occupied so have not have had time to look at this project. Have now installed the Zebra monitor and was able to reset the alarm listed above (delayed switch off) as it can be see on the picture the system now have other issue.

I think the main issue now is that the PCU and the BMI is out of sync with the state of charged. As the PCU thinks the Battery is at almost fully charged but voltage is only 192.7  (but i am not sure and have to do some investigation into this)


Sitat fra: VWspirit på mandag 31. oktober 2016, klokken 17:24
Sitat fra: Go-carter på mandag 24. oktober 2016, klokken 22:08
271 er "høyt" om du kun lader ja. Jeg ligger på 262-265 ca. når bilen ikke brukes. Men jeg har Thermal Iso Error, så temperaturen går fort opp/ned.

Sidespørsmål: Noen som vet ca. hvor lavt zebrabatteriet kan gå og fortsatt fungere? Har vært iallefall nede på 258 tror jeg. Og helt opp på 305-310 på lang, hard, kjøring.

Litt rart at det ligger så høyt er det skiftet sw i bmi'en?

Så ikke denne før nå. Ja, jeg tror det er skiftet SW i BMI. den var mye ut og inn av verksted rett før garantitiden gikk ut fordi SOC i PCU og BMI falt ut ofte. Tror en SW bytte i BMI til slutt rettet opp i det, sammen med noen andre feilrettinger.
Leaf S 2015
Think 2011 2+2 Zebra "Sola" 106.000km pr. mars 2017
Think 2008 "CaThinka" kommende banebil

Orla Pedersen

Sitat fra: Knight på søndag 18. desember 2016, klokken 22:28
I think the main issue now is that the PCU and the BMI is out of sync with the state of charged. As the PCU thinks the Battery is at almost fully charged but voltage is only 192.7  (but i am not sure and have to do some investigation into this)

I dont think so, as far as my investigation goes, there is no evidence that the PCU stores values of SOC. Your problem is probably the common one that the BMI has lost track of the battery SOC. The PCU rely on the BMI to send SOC values over the CAN-network, and the PCU "relays" the values to the instrument cluster.

But be very carefull manipulating the BMI values, two weeks ago yet another zebra battery exploded leaving salt and acid in and outside the car.  :(
Orla Pedersen


Orla is right,

I did Tuesday chat with a guy whom also sad it might be the stat of the battery physically and the stored in the BMI that is out off sync. And thereby need to be realigned again, but it require a code for the Zebra monitor and some knowledge and know how. Unfortunately he have not try this and did point me to a company in Norway (Elbilmek) that have experience with this operation.   

He also confirm that the PCU is getting the values for the BMI and not storing the data locally.

Is there any in here that have experience with realigned the battery with the BMI ?


Sitat fra: Knight på torsdag 22. desember 2016, klokken 22:54
Orla is right,

I did Tuesday chat with a guy whom also sad it might be the stat of the battery physically and the stored in the BMI that is out off sync. And thereby need to be realigned again, but it require a code for the Zebra monitor and some knowledge and know how. Unfortunately he have not try this and did point me to a company in Norway (Elbilmek) that have experience with this operation.   

He also confirm that the PCU is getting the values for the BMI and not storing the data locally.

Is there any in here that have experience with realigned the battery with the BMI ?

I have used Elbilmek for this problem.
Leaf S 2015
Think 2011 2+2 Zebra "Sola" 106.000km pr. mars 2017
Think 2008 "CaThinka" kommende banebil


Sitat fra: Orla Pedersen på mandag 24. oktober 2016, klokken 08:09
Lige en hurtig her fra morgenstunden:

"Zebra temp. error 3" betyder ikke at sensor 3 er defekt, det betyder derimod "Full Power Limit Temp Reached"

Vi får brug for at se værdierne fra Nicometrets diagnostic page.

Is it possible to reset this error?

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