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Sv: Endelig! De to første bildene av bagasjeromet til 5 seteren

Startet av AppleKnocker, torsdag 01. desember 2016, klokken 07:57

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Cleantechnica har gravd frem detaljer om det nye Zoe batterier.
15 kg mer vekt, samme størrelse. 47kwh hvorav 41kwh tilgjengelig.

Second generation battery:

Total weight is 305 kg
Total capacity is 45.61 kWh (estimation by knowing the usable capacity)
Available capacity is 41 kWh
192 cells, each with 63.35 Ah nominal capacity (estimation) and 3.75 V nominal voltage
Total cell weight is 180.12 kg (estimation by knowing the total battery weight)
The total battery capacity can be even higher, because last year a LG Chem worker told me that the new cells were 65 Ah, not 63.35 Ah that I estimated in this exercise, as you can see here. If the real capacity of the cells is 65 Ah, this give the battery a total 46.8 kWh capacity.
BMW I3 2015
Tesla Model S85 2015
Tesla Model ≡ 2020 reservert
200 000 elektriske km kjørt siden februar 2015
Passivhus med fire ladeplasser

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