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Gardermoen til Flåm med kia soul

Startet av donieq, tirsdag 26. juli 2016, klokken 19:49

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Hello  ev owners,  I'm planning trip  from  Gardermoen to flåm with kia soul  ev,  any one can give  me some  good  tips  where  to charge car and how often ?  Is there  any possibility  to charge car in flåm ?  I'm gonna stay in flåm camping  :)


I would drive via Geilo and take rv 50 to Aurland. From Gardermoen to Geilo there are plenty of chademo (Fortum and Grønn Kontakt).  In Aurland you can charge on Artic Road  charger. Drop in is very expensive, so consider buying a month subscription. In Flåm you can ask the camping if you can charge there.

Back from Aurland to Geilo is potentially a problem.

The shortest way is rv 52 Hemsedal, but you would have to drive from Gol to Aurland without charging.

Later this year many new chargers in this area will open. 


Artic road,  is that 300nok per drop in? Once  I was trying to charge there from Moss to Gardermoen ,  was - 20grader ,  charger didn't start and they still charge me for 300nok :O Thank you fit good advises :)


First: You do need not to drive to Geilo. The Chademo chargers are at Roa, Hønefoss, Sokna, Flå, Nesbyen, Gol, Ål. To optimize charging you charge up to 70 % on 2 or 3 of the first ones provided you start with 100 % battery. In Ål it is essential to charge up to 83-84 % when charging is stopping. You may restart charging in Ål if you like and charge up to about 90%, but it is not necessary. I have reached Vassbygdi in Aurland several times with 83 % in Ål. One time from Gol as well, but I may have had 90% battery level. You recharge 10-15 the last part down from the mountain, so it is not necessary to charge in Aurland. In Flåm I hope you are staying until you can charge the car up to 100 %, that will take 12-15 hours I think. If you start your retour in Flåm you will have no problems reaching Ål, perhaps even Gol.

You should not exceed 80 km/hour on the route Ål-Flåm and generally drive careful on that part. The road is not that good anyway.
Kia Soul EV sept 2014 - aug 2016.
Opel Ampera-e mai 2017-november 2017.
Kia e-Niro 2019.
Volvo XC40 pure electric 2021.
VW ID4 1st april 2021 - januar 2022.
VW ID4 GTX februar 2022 -.


You can also drive gol-hemsedal-lærdal-flåm (grønn kontakt chademo. In hemsedal) and stop at joker ljøsne in lærdal and charge on type2/22kw there if you like. Was free charging there on tuesday :) otherwise 2kr/kwh.

On return trip you will reach hemsedal with good margine from flåm. Regen 15-20km from top of mountain down to hemsedal. You can also stop at joker ljøsne and top up 30-40km with an hour stop there.


I drove 200km from best vassenden in jølster to hemsedal. Started with 100% battery and charged only up 35km at joker ljøsne - then I had 20km left in hemsedal...

So 185km was the distance on one charge 100% driving up and down two hills


Thanks for all good tips,  you are owesme  :) I see Google maps showing 2 ways to flåm 1st is to Gol and road  52 on Hemsedal ,  another from Gol to road 50 via Torpo,  Hagafoss ,  with is better to drive :) ?  (nice views ale also important) 


I was driving Aurland (Vassbygdi) - Drammen today, about 300 km. 13 minutes fast charging in Ål and 8 minutes in Flå. Reached my destinatination with 7 % battery capacity. Started in Aurland with 100%, had 57% at the top of the mountain and 41% in Ål. If you start in Flåm you can subtract 8% from these figures.

I would prefer Hol - Hagafoss because I find the nature more spectacular down to Aurland. The distance are the same, but Hemsedal have better roads, you can drive faster and may use more energy. Maybe you can drive both ways, another one on the return ? Make sure you save Hol - Aurland for the day with the best weather.
Kia Soul EV sept 2014 - aug 2016.
Opel Ampera-e mai 2017-november 2017.
Kia e-Niro 2019.
Volvo XC40 pure electric 2021.
VW ID4 1st april 2021 - januar 2022.
VW ID4 GTX februar 2022 -.


Hi , is there any fast charger in lærdal ? as  elbil1 says ? i can not find any info on internet but if there is good charger it will be great :D

Can i make it from hemsedal to flam on 80% baterii ? google showing 111km , but i dont know how high mountine there are . ?


Sitat fra: donieq på fredag 29. juli 2016, klokken 17:40
Can i make it from hemsedal to flam on 80% baterii ? google showing 111km , but i dont know how high mountine there are . ?
Yes, you will reach Flåm with 80% battery. Hemsedal is about 700 m above sea level. The top of the road is 1100 something. You regenerate a lot down to Lærdal. I cannot see any need for charging in Lærdal. That may only be necassary if the charger in Hemsedal do not work.
Kia Soul EV sept 2014 - aug 2016.
Opel Ampera-e mai 2017-november 2017.
Kia e-Niro 2019.
Volvo XC40 pure electric 2021.
VW ID4 1st april 2021 - januar 2022.
VW ID4 GTX februar 2022 -.


Joker Ljøsne in lærdal has 2x 22KW type 2.  You use web site to start charging/register your kreditcard to pay for charging.

With kia soul you need to bring your own Type2  to Type 1 cable and will charge with 7,2KWh
In one hour you get 30-35km range.

If you are driving from hemsedal to flåm it should be OK - there is a lot of down-hill driving from hemsedal to flåm. And if you top up to 83% in hemsedal, you should have more than 110km on the battery from hemsedal and will reach flåm ok. But you can stop and top up battery a bit, if you have less than 50km left on battery when passing there. (40km from ljøsne to flåm)

It you are driving from flåm to hemsedal and start with 100% battery, then it should be no need to charge there - but good to top up the battery if you have less than 100km range when passing there, in order to get back up to hemsedal. It is 72km from ljøsne to hemsedal - but i would have 100km++ range on the battery, just to be sure..

You find the charger at the end of shop-building, and it is here:,7.5802036/E16+220,+6887+Lærdal/@61.052032,7.5758335,844m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m8!4m7!1m0!1m5!1m1!1s0x463e26e9bf52b6eb:0xaa99b791f9c8612e!2m2!1d7.5802109!2d61.0520269


Hi!  trip was owesome ,  i made ir with out any problems :)  only problem i had  it was on way back ,  in Sokna amd Fla,  chargers from Fortum didn't work...  i drive from Hemsedal all way to Honefoss,  it was risky but i made it..

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