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Sv: Kiwi ladere, virker de ikke på e-up og Golf??

Startet av Teslanewbie, tirsdag 16. februar 2016, klokken 12:24

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Summarizing things: the 2015 Tesla P85D is a stupendously fast and fun car. If you've got the bucks and you're ready to spend them, fire away! If you don't have the bucks, there are a whole bunch of Tesla early adopters looking to upgrade. So long as you don't feel you need the newest features, now's the time to be gunning for a used P85.

I've been trying to understand why Tesla doesn't offer the P85 (non-D) any more, since there's a pretty big hole in their product line between the S85/S85D and the P85D. My theory: "soak the rich". Tesla is steering buyers like Zorkmid toward their highest-dollar highest-spec car. Assuming they're running the production line flat out, why not use it to make the variant that generates the most profit, never mind the most buzz in the news with its outrageous performance? If/when demand softens on the P85D, they can always reintroduce the P85 RWD version.

P85 2014 solgt
P85D 2015 solgt
90D 2016 Solgt
TMX60D AP1 2016 avbestilt
TMX75D AP2 2017
M3 reservert 31/3-16


2 x Model E
Porsche Mission E

Cookie Monster

85D går jo likt som P85 så ser ikke helt hvor gapet er? P85D gjør 0-100 på 3.6 sek på det beste og 85D og P85 på 4.4 sek når man ser på realistisk tid uten rollout og ikke til 60mph.
2015 P85D

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