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Sv: Når får vi bilene våre ?

Startet av Thomas Nahrath, tirsdag 02. februar 2016, klokken 10:32

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Thomas Nahrath

Hello everyone,
I just managed to register here without speaking the forum's language (which was quite a challenge) and I wanted to say hello to the commuity.
I appologize for my ignorance but I just speak German and English,  so I hope noone will be offended by me writing in English here.

I live in Germany and the USA traveling back and forth due to my job. Currently I am in Germany and 3 weeks ago I bought a Think 1st generation from 2001. It came with a battery update from NICD to LiFePo (142V, 100 AH).
I am pretty happy with it and since I never had an electric powered car before I have the luxury of not beeing able to compare my car with modern electric cars :-)

I was wondering if someone here in this forum knows where I could get a manual for the PIV Think in English. Since I am going t upgrade the battery pack soon (from 100 AH to 200 AH) I would be especially intersted in descriptions of the battery area.

I researched the electric drive infrastructure in Scandinavia and compared it to Germany.....
I bow my head


Write to Christian at 

He will help you with all your needs.

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