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Sv: ac-ac converter ?

Startet av Niram1969 ., søndag 27. september 2015, klokken 00:21

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Niram1969 .

Does anybody know, how to DC charge lithiumised Saxo without Marechal DC charge plug?
I guess some signal lines on the plug are short connected but I do not know which ones.
Will (only) DC voltage turn Sagembox computer on (and thus energy meter) ?

Saxo Electrique 2003, 46xWB-LYP100AHA LiFeYPO4, 107kkm, 13000kWh used


The DC contacts in the chargeport is connected directly to the battery in the Sagembox.
Thereby I do not think it is possible to control the charging of the individual Lithium batteries cells whileDC-charging is applied to the the total batterypack.
Bor i Asker. Elbilist siden 2005. Div. Saxo/P106 som vi har kjørt tilsammen ca 165.000 km. Kun en kjørbar nå.
Har også en eUp 2015, gått 82.000 km, Tesla Model3 2019 og Seat Mii 2020.


The Litium cells probably have a circuit that ballanses the cells, but this probably means the DC charger must be interupted when first cell is full.

One way to do this is to sense current to on board charger, and control DC charger as a slave to the onboard one.

Brusa actually makes a DC charger with this function build in, but its easy done using current sensing relays.

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Niram1969 .

Sitat fra: Elmo på fredag 28. august 2015, klokken 22:59
The DC contacts in the chargeport is connected directly to the battery in the Sagembox.
Thereby I do not think it is possible to control the charging of the individual Lithium batteries cells whileDC-charging is applied to the the total batterypack.

While chargeport is directly connected to batteries, some electronic circuitry is also included. (energy measurement)
I would like to keep energy meter measurement while on external DC charger. From what I have discovered so far, if 230VAC is applied to Sagembox (without closing lid), it will start computer and external charge will be monitored and measured. Furthermore, it seems that 230VAC can be disconnected after DC charge start. I'll look more into it, I will report findings. Of course, separate controller is needed for charge cut off.

The reason I'm so eager to keep energy meter is that it happened so, by pure chance, that is pretty accurate. My Saxo is fitted with 45 lithium 100Ah batteries. 1% equals very close to 1km in range, with 0% on metery represent 20% capacity left in batteries.

Saxo Electrique 2003, 46xWB-LYP100AHA LiFeYPO4, 107kkm, 13000kWh used


The chargeport / Marechal connector have one cord/wire that was used for the car to control the original PSA-CD-charger (or vice versa). But I have no idea about signal or protocol.

When I DC-charge my NiCd I also apply the 230v charging. The energymeter only measures the current applied to the batteri-cirquit regardless of if it comes from omboard-charger or the DC-port.
By applying both DC and AC the energymeter count correct and I get the additional 20Ams or so from the omboard charger.

But of course, it is slightly different in your case the Li batteries are individually charged by the AC-charger.
Bor i Asker. Elbilist siden 2005. Div. Saxo/P106 som vi har kjørt tilsammen ca 165.000 km. Kun en kjørbar nå.
Har også en eUp 2015, gått 82.000 km, Tesla Model3 2019 og Seat Mii 2020.

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