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Sv: NY PRIS ! BLUE SPARK justerbar ladekabel 6-16A fra Charge Amps

Startet av Elmo, søndag 13. september 2015, klokken 21:51

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Sitat fra: Eip på torsdag 20. august 2015, klokken 21:58
Sitat fra: Omnilord på torsdag 20. august 2015, klokken 16:09
Jeg har også registrert meg. Bor i Oslo og har ikke tilgang på vbox.

Hvordan gjorde du det?
Siden krever både 0-100 tider osv , for å sende inn skjemaet.

Jeg gjorde det her (er vel da muligens strengt tatt kun registrert på sitet):

Inne på siden (Contribute i menyen oppe) har de info om å sende de e-post om man ville være co-signer:
"In case you would like to be a co-signer on our future communication with Tesla Motors"
X Sig reservert


P85 2014 solgt
P85D 2015 solgt
90D 2016 Solgt
TMX60D AP1 2016 avbestilt
TMX75D AP2 2017
M3 reservert 31/3-16


Er nok igang nå ja dessverre. Og det bare på 0-100 ytelsen. Tro når de begynner å snoke på effekten.

Hadde idag noen timer opplæring fra USA i ny bremsebenk fra Dynomite. Siden en kamerat har kjøpt en slik 4wd nav rulle som jeg kommer til å låne for å mappe biler i framover istedet for Dynapack som jeg har lånt tidligere.

På slutten tok jeg opp mulighet for å bremse Tesla P85D og han fra Land and Sea Dynomite mente det skulle gå, så har planer om å prøve det etterhvert.
Dynomite benytter eddy-current så fungerer på en helt annen måte enn Dynapack gjør.

En Dynomite kan også brukes til å måle 402 meter tider. Altså starte en vanlig bil med launch control i 1 gir og gå igjennom girene noe som aldri hadde fungert på en Dynapack, har derfor troa på at den takler en elmotor mye bedre. Er faktisk mulighet til å velge elmotor i softwaren ;)



Vi har haft et par telefonsamtaler med VP Engineering hos Tesla - første samtale i lørdags (15 august) kl 01.00 dansk tid. Vi fik fremlagt vores synspunkter, og VP fik lov til at høre forslag til udbedringer. Resultatet af samtalen blev at Tesla ville prøve at nedgradere nogle udviklingsbiler til februar/marts level, og teste bilerne her. Dernæst opgradere til dagens standard, og igen teste.

Vi har her til aften kl 22.00 dansk tid, haft endnu et opfølgningskald med VP'en, som desværre ikke havde alle testresultaterne på bordet. De arbejder stadigvæk med at teste, og han var oprigtigt ked af hvad der var sket, og det var bestemt ikke med vilje de havde nedgraderet vores biler (Han lød seriøs og oprigtig). De er nu ved at finde ud af hvad der er gået galg, og hvordan dette kan fixes. Han indrømmede dog ikke direkte at der var noget galt, men presset stiger. Han lovede at de vil gøre alt de kan for at få Insane tilbage til Insane.

Vi blev lovet en snarlig tilbagemelding, og vi forventer at have endnu et konferencekald i morgen aften på samme tid - alternativt senest mandag.

Så der er altså åbnet for dialogen - og har været det siden fredags/lørdags. Opdatere både her og på



Det er skrevet et brev fra brukere på TMC til Elon Musk :

Elon Musk, Chief Executive Officer
Tesla Motors
3500 Deer Creek Road
Palo Alto, CA 94304

Date, 2015

Dear Mr. Musk,

We are writing to you as a group of concerned Tesla owners, investors, and perhaps most importantly, supporters. We want to share our thoughts with you on an issue we think is critically important. While we don't all feel exactly the same way about this matter, we all agree that this warrants your personal attention.

We're writing because the Tesla Model S P85D falls considerably short of actually making 691 horsepower. We'll get to the facts that support this in a moment, as well as some of the ideas we've discussed for how Tesla might manage this going forward. We want to say at the outset, though, that we have come to you because we think it is inevitable that if we had not, sooner or later someone or some group would go to the media. It is our hope that armed with the information this letter will provide, Tesla will be able to get out in front of anything negative that could come of this issue in the future.

The basic facts are as follows:

The P85D was marketed as making 691 horsepower. It doesn't. We believe, based on various testing methods and tools including dynamometer testing and testing with professional performance data loggers that the maximum energy output is 415 KW, which results in a maximum horsepower of 557 before any drivetrain losses on a fully charged battery. Even without factoring in drive train loss, this is almost 20% less than the advertised horsepower.

The missing horsepower is quite noticeable at highway passing speeds. For example, from 70-90 mph, the P85D should perform like a car with a power to weight ratio of one HP for every seven pounds. Instead it performs like a car with one HP for every nine pounds. The result of this is that from 70-90 mph the P85D is easily outperformed by an Audi RS7 with a power to weight ratio of only one HP for every eight pounds.

The 691 HP figure appeared on the Tesla Motors website from October 9, 2014 the date of the D launch until the middle of May, 2015. Dozens of articles on the P85D quoted this figure. Tesla did not correct these stories. Tesla allowed the world, and more importantly Tesla customers to believe the P85D would make 691 HP.

In late December, 2014 the following statement was released to the media, and was added to the Tesla Motors website:

The P85D top speed is currently electronically-limited to 130 mph. In the coming months, we will be able to upgrade the car free of charge to enable a 155 mph top speed. This free update will be available for the lifetime of the car (not limited to the first owner). Additionally, an over-the-air firmware upgrade to the power electronics will improve P85D performance at high speed above what anyone outside Tesla has experienced to date. In other words, the car will be better than you experienced. This free upgrade will be rolled out in the next few months, once full validation is complete.

While the top speed firmware upgrade took place, the high speed performance upgrade never did. Many of us believe that promised upgrade, which some of us were counting on to bring our cars up to, or at least closer to the promised 691 HP has now turned into the Ludicrous Mode upgrade. Those of us that believe this think Tesla had every intention of releasing the upgrade at no charge, as originally promised, but found that the hardware was not up to the task, thus requiring the new fuse and Inconel contactors that are now integral parts of Ludicrous Mode.

A related issue that has some signers concerned is that Tesla apparently used 1-foot roll out when providing the original P85D 0-60 time of 3.2 seconds without making any mention of having done so, and without having done so in the past when providing the 0-60 times for other Model S vehicles. While we understand that this is to some extent a standard way of expressing 0-60 times in the United States, it is not standard all over the world. Also the fact that Tesla chose to do this for the first time with the P85D, without explaining what was being done, meant comparisons to other Model S vehicles were not valid. Many signers fear the recent analysis by Consumer Reports, a publication that has written extremely positively about the Model S in the past, will shed even more light on this particular issue.

Most, if not all, of the signers of this letter do not believe that Tesla intentionally misled anyone at any time. The fact remains, though, that many Tesla P85D customers have not received everything they have paid for. How Tesla should handle that is where the feelings of those signing this letter really begin to diverge!

This letter has grown out of several very active and at times heated discussion threads on the Tesla Motors Club forums. These threads have almost two-thousand posts! Many people have very strong feelings on this topic. Some forum members have written Tesla about this issue themselves, and have not received a response of any kind, which is of great concern to many of us. The problem is not going to just fade away.

Some of the signers of this letter are P85D owners who are completely happy with their cars. They may recognize the fact that their cars don't make 691 HP, but they are OK with it, and are willing to give Tesla a pass on this.

Many signers of this letter think the best thing that Tesla could do would be to give away the Ludicrous Mode upgrade to affected P85D purchasers. In addition to the incredible amount of good will this would generate, and lost trust it would win back, we think there would also be an amazing amount of great press coverage.

Another benefit of this approach is that it would provide great insulation against potential bad press, should the story of the missing horsepower ever become mainstream media news. All Tesla would need to do is say, "We had every intention of being able to provide the stated horsepower. When we discovered we could not, we went back to the drawing board, made the car even better, and gave the improvements to the affected customers for free." Being able put out statements like that could turn what easily could have been a negative story into a positive one that improves the Tesla image and increases sales.

Some signers feel that providing the Ludicrous Mode upgrade parts for free, but charging for the labor to install them, would go far enough towards making things right.

Some signers are not sure what would make things right, but know that they want Tesla to take some sort of action to move in that direction.

Every signer of this letter wants Tesla to continue to grow, to prosper, and to succeed in changing the world! We trust that with the information we have provided, you will come up with a solution that works for Tesla and for the affected customers.

Thanks very much for your time!


Andrew Wallenstein
P85D Owner, VIN # P64227

P85D Owners

Other Tesla Owners

Tesla Investors but not Tesla Car Owners

Tesla Supporters
P85 2014 solgt
P85D 2015 solgt
90D 2016 Solgt
TMX60D AP1 2016 avbestilt
TMX75D AP2 2017
M3 reservert 31/3-16


Sitat fra: Teslanewbie på fredag 21. august 2015, klokken 07:05
Det er skrevet et brev fra brukere på TMC til Elon Musk :

Elon Musk, Chief Executive Officer
Tesla Motors
3500 Deer Creek Road
Palo Alto, CA 94304

Date, 2015

Dear Mr. Musk,

We are writing to you as a group of concerned Tesla owners, investors, and perhaps most importantly, supporters. We want to share our thoughts with you on an issue we think is critically important. While we don't all feel exactly the same way about this matter, we all agree that this warrants your personal attention.

We're writing because the Tesla Model S P85D falls considerably short of actually making 691 horsepower. We'll get to the facts that support this in a moment, as well as some of the ideas we've discussed for how Tesla might manage this going forward. We want to say at the outset, though, that we have come to you because we think it is inevitable that if we had not, sooner or later someone or some group would go to the media. It is our hope that armed with the information this letter will provide, Tesla will be able to get out in front of anything negative that could come of this issue in the future.

The basic facts are as follows:

The P85D was marketed as making 691 horsepower. It doesn't. We believe, based on various testing methods and tools including dynamometer testing and testing with professional performance data loggers that the maximum energy output is 415 KW, which results in a maximum horsepower of 557 before any drivetrain losses on a fully charged battery. Even without factoring in drive train loss, this is almost 20% less than the advertised horsepower.

The missing horsepower is quite noticeable at highway passing speeds. For example, from 70-90 mph, the P85D should perform like a car with a power to weight ratio of one HP for every seven pounds. Instead it performs like a car with one HP for every nine pounds. The result of this is that from 70-90 mph the P85D is easily outperformed by an Audi RS7 with a power to weight ratio of only one HP for every eight pounds.

The 691 HP figure appeared on the Tesla Motors website from October 9, 2014 the date of the D launch until the middle of May, 2015. Dozens of articles on the P85D quoted this figure. Tesla did not correct these stories. Tesla allowed the world, and more importantly Tesla customers to believe the P85D would make 691 HP.

In late December, 2014 the following statement was released to the media, and was added to the Tesla Motors website:

The P85D top speed is currently electronically-limited to 130 mph. In the coming months, we will be able to upgrade the car free of charge to enable a 155 mph top speed. This free update will be available for the lifetime of the car (not limited to the first owner). Additionally, an over-the-air firmware upgrade to the power electronics will improve P85D performance at high speed above what anyone outside Tesla has experienced to date. In other words, the car will be better than you experienced. This free upgrade will be rolled out in the next few months, once full validation is complete.

While the top speed firmware upgrade took place, the high speed performance upgrade never did. Many of us believe that promised upgrade, which some of us were counting on to bring our cars up to, or at least closer to the promised 691 HP has now turned into the Ludicrous Mode upgrade. Those of us that believe this think Tesla had every intention of releasing the upgrade at no charge, as originally promised, but found that the hardware was not up to the task, thus requiring the new fuse and Inconel contactors that are now integral parts of Ludicrous Mode.

A related issue that has some signers concerned is that Tesla apparently used 1-foot roll out when providing the original P85D 0-60 time of 3.2 seconds without making any mention of having done so, and without having done so in the past when providing the 0-60 times for other Model S vehicles. While we understand that this is to some extent a standard way of expressing 0-60 times in the United States, it is not standard all over the world. Also the fact that Tesla chose to do this for the first time with the P85D, without explaining what was being done, meant comparisons to other Model S vehicles were not valid. Many signers fear the recent analysis by Consumer Reports, a publication that has written extremely positively about the Model S in the past, will shed even more light on this particular issue.

Most, if not all, of the signers of this letter do not believe that Tesla intentionally misled anyone at any time. The fact remains, though, that many Tesla P85D customers have not received everything they have paid for. How Tesla should handle that is where the feelings of those signing this letter really begin to diverge!

This letter has grown out of several very active and at times heated discussion threads on the Tesla Motors Club forums. These threads have almost two-thousand posts! Many people have very strong feelings on this topic. Some forum members have written Tesla about this issue themselves, and have not received a response of any kind, which is of great concern to many of us. The problem is not going to just fade away.

Some of the signers of this letter are P85D owners who are completely happy with their cars. They may recognize the fact that their cars don't make 691 HP, but they are OK with it, and are willing to give Tesla a pass on this.

Many signers of this letter think the best thing that Tesla could do would be to give away the Ludicrous Mode upgrade to affected P85D purchasers. In addition to the incredible amount of good will this would generate, and lost trust it would win back, we think there would also be an amazing amount of great press coverage.

Another benefit of this approach is that it would provide great insulation against potential bad press, should the story of the missing horsepower ever become mainstream media news. All Tesla would need to do is say, "We had every intention of being able to provide the stated horsepower. When we discovered we could not, we went back to the drawing board, made the car even better, and gave the improvements to the affected customers for free." Being able put out statements like that could turn what easily could have been a negative story into a positive one that improves the Tesla image and increases sales.

Some signers feel that providing the Ludicrous Mode upgrade parts for free, but charging for the labor to install them, would go far enough towards making things right.

Some signers are not sure what would make things right, but know that they want Tesla to take some sort of action to move in that direction.

Every signer of this letter wants Tesla to continue to grow, to prosper, and to succeed in changing the world! We trust that with the information we have provided, you will come up with a solution that works for Tesla and for the affected customers.

Thanks very much for your time!


Andrew Wallenstein
P85D Owner, VIN # P64227

P85D Owners

Other Tesla Owners

Tesla Investors but not Tesla Car Owners

Tesla Supporters
. Et meget bra skriv til Elon/Tesla.  Det er bare et tidspørsmål før media kommer til å ta tak i dette effektproblemet, og det vil på sikt bli langt mere kostbart en de ca 12 mill $ Tesla vil dra in på Ludi-upgrade! Så håper noe skjer i forkant her...litt fort.   
Er jo også tydligvis en del ( også her på forumet) som synest dette hele bare er tull og ikke ser problemet, da trenger jo heller ikke Tesla ta kostnaden med å oppgradere deres bil siden de allerede er kjempefornøyd ;)
Mars 2015 P85D


Ja , de som klager på at det er skrevet brev og at danskene har tatt opp saken bes vennligst å avstå fra en eventuell oppgradering . Det er det eneste korrekte da hjelper de også tesla med å spare penger . Godt forslag . Umoralsk å dra fordel av noe som de i grunn har forsøkt å stoppe.

P85 2014 solgt
P85D 2015 solgt
90D 2016 Solgt
TMX60D AP1 2016 avbestilt
TMX75D AP2 2017
M3 reservert 31/3-16


Er småpenger iforhold til hva defekte drive units, panotak og alle de andre div små feilene har kostet Tesla. Men alt som koster Tesla ekstra penger nå er veldig uheldig.

Det viktigste er at Tesla lærer av dette og slutter å oppgi tall som ikke stemmer. Slik at de blir nøye på hva man lover og hva man leverer.

Funker dårlig å levere etter denne i lengden :P Er så mye bedre andre veien ;)


Sitat fra: Teslanewbie på fredag 21. august 2015, klokken 07:05
Det er skrevet et brev fra brukere på TMC til Elon Musk :

Og da er brevet i media:

SitatTesla Motors Inc (TSLA) Lied About Model S, now Fans Are Revolting

Tesla Motors Inc makes great cars, and it makes great claims about what they can do. Sometimes, however, those claims don't quite match up to reality. That's the complaint that a group of P85D owners are trying to bring before Elon Musk himself with a letter they're circulating on the Tesla Motors Club forums.
"Your Model 3 was reserved on 31/03/2016."
ReservationId 364902



"Insane Tesla owners bash on ludicrous HP claims"



P85 2014 solgt
P85D 2015 solgt
90D 2016 Solgt
TMX60D AP1 2016 avbestilt
TMX75D AP2 2017
M3 reservert 31/3-16


Det er et meget velskrevet og velment brev. Helt sikkert.

Men når det indeholder beskrivelser af bekymringer og strategier i forbindelse med håndtering af pressen så ser jeg det som noget fortroligt mellem brugere og Tesla og dermed noget som det vil være ærgerligt (mildest talt) hvis pressen fik tag i.
- Og dermed ikke så smart at poste i et åbent forum...
Fik jeg sagt at jeg er fundamentalt imod syntetisk støj >:( , assistentsystemer der involverer bremse og styretøj samt selvkørende biler på offentlig vej :'( ?

NightBlue e-Golf leveret d.11/9 2015 :) :)


Håper man i det minste får et svar på hva man kan forvente seg av faktisk ytelse av Ludicrous og at de endrer tallene så de blir riktige og det lar seg sammenligne med resten av modellene Tesla har.

Har alle vi tatt feil må det jo være en enkel sak av Tesla å skrive hva vi har misforstått og bevis på at tallene de oppgir stemmer :)

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