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Sv: Hva savner vi på e-Golfene våre?

Startet av Frederic, lørdag 12. september 2015, klokken 09:27

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On the recently repaired Think (blown line fuse in the PCU), charging is working fine, the car has about 100+ km autonomy in city plus mountain environment. However the charge process seems to be never ending... allready 2 charges at more than 12 hours that I had to abort.

Any idea of what is going on ?
Any thing that I should check ?

Thank you


I this a Zebra or Enerdel battery?
What is the current at the end of the charge?
nikometer? -


Battery technology: Lithium Ion from Enerdel
SoC at "abort" 105%

Thank you


The lithium balances the cells at the end of the charge sycle. If there is big differences, or it is hard to balance, it may use "forever". There hase been some threads about this on the american yahoo-board for think enthusiasts. Just let the charge be connected, and it will eventually sort it out itself :)
Leaf S 2015
Think 2011 2+2 Zebra "Sola" 106.000km pr. mars 2017
Think 2008 "CaThinka" kommende banebil

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