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Sv: P90D Ludicrous blir ny toppmodell. Ny batteripakke tilbys

Startet av HarmOtten, mandag 20. juli 2015, klokken 13:33

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Hi, I'm from the Netherlands and I was wondering if there are enough charging points for the Zoe (Plug Type2) to drive all the way up north to the North Cape.
I checked but between Narvik and Honningsvåg the distances between the chargepoints are becoming to big.
Has anyone made a trip to Honningsvåg already, and where did you charge?


If you are travelling to the North Cape with your Zoe, you will find out that that there are very few charging point that you can use. Due to the electric grid here in Norway you can only use fast chargers. This map will show you where you can charge your Zoe.

I do not think that it is possible to drive to the north cape with Zoe, today. Due to the distance between the charging points.
Only the green pins on the map are ready for use today!
Renault Zoe Intens 43kW, Grå Neptune


Thanks aronesen. I know about the electricity grid problems in Norway, and that I have to look for public chargers offering at least 400V AC (3 phases). In Belgium you have the same problem.
I was hoping that maybe companies or people with a private charger in the North can help out to fill in the gaps.
I also have a special adapter for connecting my Zoe to many sockets. Especially the red plug might come in handy.
Are there people in the Northern part of Norway that own a Zoe? I'll be happy to get in contact with one of them.

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