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Sv: Teknisk: Dashcam-snakk.

Startet av think123, onsdag 27. mai 2015, klokken 23:33

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Hei folks,

Comparing between two different Think classics, both make a similar noise but one is much louder/noisier than the other. Everything seems ok with both cars, however the noisier one seems a little bit more sluggish.

The whine pitch/frequency increases linear with speed, and when you lift off the gas you hear a dit-dit---dit---dit noise as it switches from acceleration to "coasting".

So I'm not sure if there is anything really wrong with it, except that it's annoyingly loud, or maybe the gearbox is about to self destruct? Any pointers as to what might be the reason would be nice!

To help I've uploaded a recording of the noise so you can all enjoy the whine too..  :o



Any chance the noisier one has Think V 1,3 software and the more responsive one boots V 2, 0 Software with creep function? 

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Har hatt trimma City El, Citroen AX elektro
Har for tiden Tesla S85 VW e-Up, Peugeot P106 og Citroen Saxo, C1 EVie,  og Berlingo nye modellen, div. Think Classic og City 2010 model og Norges eneste Cree SAM og Chin 3 hjuler samt Vectric scooter. Kjøpt Fiat X 1/9 for elektrifisering og venter på Sort Solo EV #635 og Artega Karo for levering sommeren 2020

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I don't have the equipment to read out the software version unfortunately. But neither have creep function.

The noisier one is a USA model with 37000miles on the clock, the quiet one is an early model with over 120000km, and this one feels like it rolls easier with a better pedal response.


OK. Thats oposite of our experience. Normally the US vertions boost V2 software that is more responsive and uses less electrones.

Having a US vertion V2 software without creep function is our wet dream

Selger ladeutstyr via AS

Har hatt trimma City El, Citroen AX elektro
Har for tiden Tesla S85 VW e-Up, Peugeot P106 og Citroen Saxo, C1 EVie,  og Berlingo nye modellen, div. Think Classic og City 2010 model og Norges eneste Cree SAM og Chin 3 hjuler samt Vectric scooter. Kjøpt Fiat X 1/9 for elektrifisering og venter på Sort Solo EV #635 og Artega Karo for levering sommeren 2020

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Ahh ok.

Any other insight into the noise? Any way of making it quieter? it's annoyingly loud!


Some A266 boosts a sound defening plate under the dash. Performs wonders against the high pitch sound.

Selger ladeutstyr via AS

Har hatt trimma City El, Citroen AX elektro
Har for tiden Tesla S85 VW e-Up, Peugeot P106 og Citroen Saxo, C1 EVie,  og Berlingo nye modellen, div. Think Classic og City 2010 model og Norges eneste Cree SAM og Chin 3 hjuler samt Vectric scooter. Kjøpt Fiat X 1/9 for elektrifisering og venter på Sort Solo EV #635 og Artega Karo for levering sommeren 2020

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Does anyone have a part number for the front drive axles? On close inspection I have some issues there. Probably unrelated but anyway needs replacing...



Have no part no, but many second hand drive axles. NOK 500 / a piece.

Selger ladeutstyr via AS

Har hatt trimma City El, Citroen AX elektro
Har for tiden Tesla S85 VW e-Up, Peugeot P106 og Citroen Saxo, C1 EVie,  og Berlingo nye modellen, div. Think Classic og City 2010 model og Norges eneste Cree SAM og Chin 3 hjuler samt Vectric scooter. Kjøpt Fiat X 1/9 for elektrifisering og venter på Sort Solo EV #635 og Artega Karo for levering sommeren 2020

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