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Sv: Leiebil (diesel) etter påkjørsel bakfra. Hvem dekker drivstoff og bom?

Startet av poskare, onsdag 06. mai 2015, klokken 15:19

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Sitat fra: Råde på fredag 15. mai 2015, klokken 21:21
Sitat fra: SteinarSun på fredag 15. mai 2015, klokken 10:01
Sitat fra: poskare på søndag 12. april 2015, klokken 11:59
Full brakelight Daytime:  Alle bremselys fungerer ved DRL/Auto dagtid, ikke bare de ytre:

( - An independent forum for Volkswagen Golf GTI enthusiasts.)

"STG09 (Central Electronics)> Access Authorisation: 31347 > Adaptation Channels> Channel (8 )-Leuchte27 NSL RC6-Lichtfunktion C27" > "Brake light on" set (default: nicht aktiv)

STG09 (Central Electronics)> Access Authorisation: 31347 > Adaptation Channels > Channel (10)-Leuchte27 NSL RC6-Dimming CD27" > on 100 Set(default: 0)"
Hos meg medførte denne at de innerste bremselysene står på hele tiden, også etter at bilen er lukket&låst..
Jeg har enda ikke prøvd å mekke, men sitter og skal forstå. Hva om du prøver å endre Dimming i følgende til 50 isteden for 100:

STG09 (Central Electronics)> Access Authorisation: 31347 > Adaptation Channels > Channel (10)-Leuchte27 NSL RC6-Dimming CD27" > on 100 Set(default: 0)

Dimming er vel kun % lys, så tviler på at dette har noen effekt.
Skal gjøre et forsøk i morgen, men er skeptisk ;-)..
Kjører forresten en litt annen versjon av programmet enn de fleste andre her, har en beta med micro-can fra ross-tech, så det er ikke alt som er likt med det dere andre bruker
x - e-Golf 2017
x - e-Golf 2014


Tja, kanskje. Jeg har ikke helt forstått den dimmeverdien. Men det er rart det ikke funker for deg, for jeg har sett det bekreftet med den metoden flere steder. 

Her for å aktivere tmc (var det ikke det som hadde forsvunnet for noen?
e-Golf | X75D


En del kjente men også noen ukjente:

For those without KESSY that were hitting the panic alarm button when turning the key in the ignition, I have a solution:
09 Central electronics
security access code 31347
(2) Anti-theft device - Verzoegerung Panikalarm
old value Keine verzoegerung
new value 2 sekunden verzoegerung
do it!
Now you have to hold the panic alarm button for 4 seconds before it will sound.

Xenon Range...
55-Xenon Range
Uncheck the box in coding that says North American Region Rules. This enabled me to have tourist mode capability (doesn't activate it) and takes off the restriction of 4 lights on at once.
The Xenon Range controller from NAR to RoW made an interesting change. The headlights will raise ever so slightly at faster speeds which, at least from what I remember, they do not in NAR format.
Post 2663

To adjust your fuel tank calibration to match your reciept..
post 1415.

16-Security code 20103
(1) Offset for tank calibration values - Offset sensor 1: from -12.8l to +2l
Range is -12.8 to +8.
-12.8l is the factory default.
<0 moves the needle down.
=0 no change/movement
>0 move needle up.
+1 = needle moves up by ~1/16 up
+2 = needle moves up by ~1/8 up

I have been searching in VCDS for a "setting" which have to do with battery status and S/S functionality. This is what I have found:

19 CAN Gateway - 10 Adaptation

Channel: Start_stop_voltage_limit value 7.6 v changed to 12 v

The value 7.6 v is a value far to low to run a car so I don't think this is a voltage value, more a "scaled" value perhaps some type of percentage.

I have tested it with the value 10 v and the car run okay without any engine stops when I stopped the car for red lights and smaller traffic jams. After this exercise I changed the value to 12 v. (Highest acceptable value is 12.1). Then it was time for new tests and the outcome was good. The "A" symbol "over lined" was shown in the MFD when the car wasn't moving as expected during both tests.

This is the only setting at the moment I have changed (regarding S/S), nothing else.

I did also run an error scan this evening, no errors found connected to this change.

You must be aware of that you have to test the change on your own risk, I haven't verified if you can or should do this change with anyone.... It's just a homemade conclusion – no warranty!

To change the temp of the "black ice" warning.....
17 Instruments
16 Security code 20103
10 Adaptations
Lowest temp we can use is -9

Disable the little red led's on the side of the taillights
09-Central Electronics
16-Security code 31347
(1)-Leuchte27NSL RC6-Lasttyp 27 to not active

Disable the orange LED "parking lights" below the orange reflector on cars with Halogen lights only
09-Central Electronics
16-Security code 31347
(1)-Leuchte2SL VLB10-Lasttyp 2 > 10 - allgemeine Scheinwerfer > not active
(1)-Leuchte3SL VRB21-Lasttyp 3 > 10 - allgemeine Scheinwerfer > not active

Disable the orange LED "parking lights" below the orange reflector on Bi-Xenon cars
09-Central Electronics
16-Security code 31347
10- Adaptation
(6) Leuchte8FL LB2-Dimmwert AB 8 (left headlight)
(6) Leuchte9FL RB2-Dimmwert AB 9 (right headlight)

03 ABS > 07 Coding > Long Coding > Choice 29 byte (last one)
05 - Button options: ESC ON/ASR Off/ESC OFF
06 - Button options: ESC ON/ESC SPORT / ESC OFF

Change instruments to Carbon Fiber look
17 Instruments
STG adjustment > function 10
Select "channel display representation" (displaydarstellung)
Change to "Version 2" (default is version 1)
e-Golf | X75D


Disable Seatbelt Warning
17 Instruments
Adaptation Channels -> function 10
Select disable seatbelt warning
change to "yes" (default: none).

Gauge sweep
17 Instrument
Coding -> Function 10
Byte 1
Enable bit 0

Amount of fuel (in Gallons) used since the last fill up (refuel quantity)
17 Instruments
Long Coding   
Go to Byte 10
Enable bit 4

Battery charge level or SOC (state of Charge)
Enter [17] Instruments
Go to adaptation channels, (no need for a security log in with this module)
Scroll down until you see Battery Charge > simply change it in the new value drop down to "active" and it's done.

To use it.....Switch the ignition off, then press (and continue to hold) the trip reset button in the middle lower of the instrument panel. It will cycle from first resetting the trip to 0 miles > show "Time" to allow you to change the clock > then keep holding until say "Battery". Release the button and display SOC for a few seconds before returning back to the main screen.

Disable the annoying tone when the ignition and driver's door open.
17 Instruments
Ignition active message; Trigger
Change to "No display" (default value: driver's door)
German translation for this is.....
German translation.....
STG 17 (Schalttafeleinsatz) auswählen
STG Anpassung -> Funktion 10
Zündung aktiv Meldung; Auslöser
ändern auf "Keine Anzeige"

Full DRL Brightness for Parking Light/ CH/ LH do this. Also increases brightness for DRL's.
[09] Central Electronics
Go to Security Access and enter 31347
Go into Adaptation

Change the following channels.
For ROW cars.....
'(10)-Light2SL VLB10-Dimming CD 2' from 26 to 100
'(10)-Light3SL VRB21-Dimming CD 3' from 26 to 100

For NA cars....
(14)-Leuchte2SL VLB10-Dimmwert EF 2 26 to 100
(14)-Leuchte3SL VRB21-Dimmwert EF 3 26 to 100

Disable DRL This will enable DLR's to be turned on/off in the infotainment screen.
09 Central Electrics
Go to Access
Enter code 31347
Go to Adaptation and change:
(2) Daytime Running Lights "Tagfahrlicht Aktivierung durch BAP oder Bedienfolge moeglich" to Active"


9 Tagfarhrlicht nur in Schalterstellung Auto = DRL only in Auto switch position. This shuts them off altogether.

Change comfort blinking
Adaptation channels in the central electronics module - (2) - Turn Signal Controls. Default is 3, add can be set as high as 5 flashes. After this, go into Car Menu >setup>factory settings>Lights. Reset the light setting to factory and then it will work

Change brightness of reverse lights
9- Central Convenience
16-security code 31347
(6) Leuchte 28RFL LC11 dimming AB 28
(6) Leuchte 29RFL RA64 dimming AB 29
Adjust values to what you want.

These are the changes I made to make the signal light go completely off even when the running lights were on. It also adds the same functionality to the inner lights. So the inner lights work the same as the outer, brake light, running light, and signal light. If you just want the outer lights to blink, see the next set of codes.

Central Electronics 9
Left Inner Tail light functions as runner/brake/ signal.   
8 leuchte23sl HLC10-Lichtfunktion C23
Brake Light

9 leuchte23 sl hlc10 - Lichtfunction D 23
Blinken Links Hellphase
10 leuchte23sl hcl10 - dimmwert CD 23

Allows Left Signal to "overpower" Running light and brake Light.
12 leuchte23sl hlc10-lichtfunktion e 23
Blinken Links Dunkelphase
14 leuchte23sl hcl10-dimmwert ef 23
15 leuchte23sl hlc10-dimming direction EF 23

Right Inner Tail light functions as runner/brake/ signal
8 leuchte24sl HRA65-Lichtfunktion C24
Brake Light
9 leuchte24sl HRA65 - Lichtfunction D 24
Blinken Rechts Hellphase
10 leuchte24sl HRA65 - dimmwert CD 24

Allows Right Signal to "overpower" Running light and brake Light.
12 leuchte24sl HRA65-lichtfunktion e 24
Blinken Rechts Dunkelphase
14 leuchte24sl HRA65-dimmwert ef 24

Left Signal completely goes out between blinks.
16 - leuchte20BR LA71-Lichtefunktion G 20
Blinken Links Dunkelphase
19 - leuchte20BR LA71-dimming Direction GH 20

Right Signal completely goes out between blinks.
16 - leuchte21BR RC8-Lichtefunktion G 21
Blinken Rechts Dunkelphase
19 - leuchte21BR RC8-dimming Direction GH 21

If you just want the outer lights to blink this is the coding for you....
9- Central Electronics
16- 31347
Left side inner: Change [8] Leuchte23sl HLC10 - Lichtfunktion C23 from Not Active to Brake Light
Change [10] Leuchte23sl hcl10 - Dimmwert CD 23 from 0 to 100

Right side inner: Change [8] Leuchte24sl HRA65 - Lichtfunktion C24 from Not Active to Brake Light
Change [10] Leuchte24sl HRA65 - Dimmwert CD 24 from 0 to 100

High beams and fogs "flash" together
9 Central Electonics
Security code 31347
10 Adaptions

Left side
8 Leuchte12NL LB45 Lichtfunktion C 12 "not active" > Nebellicht links
9 Leuchte 12NL LB45 Lichtfunktion D 12 "not active" > Lichthupe generell
10 Leuchte 12NL LB45 Dimmwert CD12 "0" > 127
11 Leuchte 12 NL LB45 Dimming Direction CD 12 "maximize" > maximize
Right side
8 Leuchte 13NL RB5 Lichtfunktion C 13 "not active" > Nebellicht rechts
9 Leuchte 13NL RB5 Lichtfunktion D13 "not active" > Lichthupe generell
10 Leuchte 13NL RB5 Dimmwert CD 13 "0" > 127
11 Leuchte 13NL RB5 Dimming direction CD 13 "maximize" > maximize

Rear for retrofit for NA cars
09-central electronics
(4) – Leuchte28RFL LC11-Lichtfunktion A28
Select the New Value of "Nebelschlusslicht wenn kein Anhaenger gesteckt"
Do it!
Original value was "Rueckfahrlicht"
Moved Blue/black wire from #4 to #5
ROW taillight # 5G0 945 093 AE has rear fog hole already drilled out.

Front blinkers as parking lights. Do at your own risk as of right now. Will melt your bulbs!!
9 Central Convenience
Security code 31347
10 Adaptations
(1)-Leuchte3SL VRB21-Lasttyp 3 >4 - LED Tagfahrlichtmodul Signal
(2)-Leuchte3SL VRB21-Lampendefektbitposition 3 > 4C
(3)-Leuchte3SL VRB21-Fehlerort mittleres Byte DTC-DFCC3 > 4C
(4)-Leuchte3SL VRB21-Lichtfunktion A 3 > Daytime Running light
(5)-Leuchte3SL VRB21-Lichtfunktion B 3 > not active
(6)-Leuchte3SL VRB21-Dimmwert AB 3 > 100
(7)-Leuchte3SL VRB21-Lichtansteuerung HD AB 3 > Always
(8)-Leuchte3SL VRB21-Lichtfunktion C 3 > Blinken rechts aktiv (beide Phasen)
(9)-Leuchte3SL VRB21-Lichtfunktion D 3 > not active
(10)-Leuchte3SL VRB21-Dimmwert CD 3 > 0
(11)-Leuchte3SL VRB21-Dimming Direction CD 3 > minimize
(12)-Leuchte3SL VRB21-Lichtfunktion E 3 > Standlicht allgemein (Schlusslicht; Positionslicht; Begrenzungslicht)
(13)-Leuchte3SL VRB21-Lichtfunktion F 3 > Parking Light Right
(14)-Leuchte3SL VRB21-Dimmwert EF 3 > 28 (Changing to 0 results in a bulb out error) My original was 26.
(15)-Leuchte3SL VRB21-Dimming Direction EF 3 > maximize
(16)-Leuchte3SL VRB21-Lichtfunktion G 3 > not active
(17)-Leuchte3SL VRB21-Lichtfunktion H 3 > not active
(18)-Leuchte3SL VRB21-Dimmwert GH 3 > 0
(19)-Leuchte3SL VRB21-Dimming Direction GH 3 > maximize

Here is another tweak for running your blinkers as parking lights. It's different from the other 2 here. I did this today and it worked but I'm not sure about the melting bulb thing. I work from home and usually don't drive long distances.
9- Central Electronics
16- Security code 31347
10- Adaptations
(9) Leuchte 0 BLK B36 VL-light function D 0 Select (indicator Front Left) > Standlicht allgemein (Schlusslicht, Positionslicht, Begrenzungslicht)
(10) Leuchte 0 BLK B36 VL-dimming select CD 0 > Adjust value (30% recommended)
(9) -Leuchte1BLK VRB20-light function D 1 Select (indicator Front Right) > Standlicht allgemein (Schlusslicht, Positionslicht, Begrenzungslicht)
(10) -Leuchte1BLK VRB20-dimming CD 1 > Adjust value accordingly (30%)
Thus, the turn signals cancel on that side also the flashing process in accordance with the following additional dimming is required
(12) -Leuchte0BLK VL-B36 Lichfunktion E 0 > Blinken links Dunklephase
(15) -Leuchte0BLK VL B36-Dimming Direction EF 0 > minimize
(12) -Leuchte1BLK VRB20-light function E 1 > Blinken rechts Dunklephase
(15) -Leuchte1BLK VRB20 dimming Direction EF 1 > minimize

Single Side Parking Lights Pics on pg 18, post 611
(4)-Driving light and parking light-Parklicht ueber LSS aktiviert == one-sided
(13)-Leuchte20BR LA71-Lichtfunktion F 20 == Parklicht links (beidseitiges Parklicht aktiviert li & re)
(13)-Leuchte21BR RC8-Lichtfunktion F 21 == Parking light right
If you want to disable the amber side LED and the inner dot from lighting up....
(5)-Leuchte8FL LB39-Lichtfunktion B 8   
(Parklicht links (beidseitiges Parklicht aktiviert li & re) > not active
(5)-Leuchte9FL RB2-Lichtfunktion B 9
Parking light right > not active
To disable amber LED and inner "dot" lighting up, but they still come on with the CH/LH lights.
4)-Leuchte8FL LB39-Lichtfunktion A 8 -> Not Active
4)-Leuchte9FL RB2-Lichtfunktion A 9 -> Not Active
LEDs on rear taillights change....
6)-Leuchte26NSL LA72-Dimmwert AB 26 -> 0

Scandinavian DRLs (Tail lights on with DRLs):
(6)-Daytime running lights-Tagfahrlicht-Dauerfahrlicht aktiviert zusartzlich Standlicht == active

DRL off with Handbrake
(5)-Daytime running lights-Tagfahrlicht Dauerfahrlicht bei Handbremse abschalten == active

Disable auto unlock (disabled all doors from unlocking on key pull) (untested):
(4)-Access control-automatisches Entriegeln == not active
(25)-Access control-Autounlock NAR == not active

Rear teardrop Wipe (untested)
(5)-Rear Window Wiper-Heckwischer Weiterlauf == active

You can use the license plate LEDs without the resistors with a simple tweak. I removed my resistors because I'd rather have less random stuff if possible.

(1)-Leuchte25KZL HA59-Lasttyp 25 ===== (41- LED Keinleistung)

Rain closing windows
Go to [09] Central Electronics
Go to Secuity Access and enter 31347
Go to adaptation channels and set the following:
- (15) Access Control 2 - Regenschliessen_ein aus (Rain Closing on / off) - Select Active
- (16) Access Control 2 - Regenschliessen_art (Rain closing Type) set to Permanent
- (28) Access Control 2 - Menuesteuerung Regenschliessen (Menu Control Rain close) – Set to Active (enables the menu in the ifotainment screen)
9 Central Electronics
Rain and light sensor
Byte 0...Enable Bit 2 "Regenschliessen aktiv". (rain closing active)
Bit 1 should be active too....Regenlicht aktiv (rain light active)
My Old coding.....00A8DD
My New coding....06A8DD

Comfort Close windows
Step by step pics here......
9- Central electronics
10- Adaptations
2-Access control 2- comfort opening > active
3- access control 3- comfort closing > active
Key fob...
7- access control 2- funk komfort oeffnen > active
6- access control 2- funk komfort schilessen > active
27 access control 2- Menuesteuerung komfortbedienung einstellbar >adjustableKessy
20- access control 2-Kessy komfort schilessen > active

Comfort closing sunroof
9 Central Electronics
Security code 31347
10 Adaptations (Kanal (10) - Zugangskontrolle 2 - SAD Richtung Komfortöffnen auswählen) or (Access control select comfort opening direction).
Select SAD direction convenience opening - channel (10) - Access control 2
Put value on open. (and tilting).

Folding mirrors with lock/unlock
Kit can be purchased from
[09] Central Electronics
[16] Security Access - Code is 31347, click "Do it!"
[10] Adaptation, choose from the drop down channel
[23] - Access control 2 - Funk Spiegelanklappen change to "active", click do it
[26] - Access control 2 - Menuesteuerung Funkspiegelanklappen change to "active"
[24] - Access control 2 - Funk Spiegelanklappung Modus change to "by look command via remote control key"
Then in the car....
In the Media display
Click "Car"
"Mirrors & Wipers", select the option for "Fold away after parking."

Automatic Air Recirculation....this places the option in the AC setting on the nav screen.
08 Auto HVAC
Long coding
Byte 4
Bit 4-5 use drop down box and select "10 Recirculation Air settings (after ignition cycle) stored.

Climatronic: Enabling blower fan level display on auto.
08auto hvc
07 Long Coding
Byte 11
Enable Bit 6

Sound actuator
Go to A9 Struct. Borne Sound
Adaptation 10
Select "Channel of structure borne sound actuator" (only one)
Std value 100% Change to the value you want, stored in %

Driving School Mode
Select 5F- Information Electr.
2. Select 10- Adaptation
3. From the pull down channel list. select (11)- Vehicle function list CAN-Driving_school (it's about 40% down the channel list)
4 In the New value box, select Available option. Click Do It! tab. Click Add to log to record a copy of the change report.
5. Click Yes in the VCDS:Re-Code Invalid dialogue box
6 From the pull down channel list. select (171)- Vehicle menu operation-menu_ display_ driving_ school (it's about 75% down the channel list)
7. In the New value box, select activated option. Click Do It! tab. Click Add to log to record a copy of the change report.
8. From the pull down channel list. select (173)- Vehicle menu operation-menu _display _driving _school _over _threshold _high (it's about 75% down the channel list).
9. In the New value box, select activated option. Click Do It! tab. Click Add to log to record a copy of the change report.
10. Click Go Back and exit from the VCDS software.

Driving School Mode can be accessed as follows:
1.   Press the "CAR" button on the RHS of the Discover media head
2.   then press the word "view" on the bottom LHS of the entry screen (you can just see "view" in the pic below).
3.   then select "driving data" option from the list
4.   then repeatedly press either the "<", or">" symbols until the "Driving school mode" screen appears.

Passenger mirror dip...mirror switch has to be on the passenger setting for it to work.
52 Passenger door
07 coding
Byte 4
Enable bit 2 and 3
09 Central Electronics
17-Access control 2 Spiegelabsenkung bei Rueckwaertsfahrt (change to "active")
(22) Access control 2-Menuesteuerung Spiegelabsenkung (change to "active") this puts
the option in the menu screen.

If you want to display your "driving mode" (sport/individual/comfort) on the MFD for a few seconds when you start the car do this.....
19- CAN Gateway
Long coding
Byte 8
Check Bit 4
There won't be any descriptions, but I checked it anyways and it worked.

If you want to adjust the tire circumference, do this. I only had 1 option, "Standard" and I'm not sure what that would change. I think it's for winter tires...??
17- Instruments
Long coding
Byte 3
Click open box and pick "standard"
My old coding is "EF" 1110 1111
The new coding would be "FF" 1111 1111 if I would have saved it.
e-Golf | X75D


Noen som har prøvd seg på denne her? Har ikke lyst til å toaste blinklysa mine :P

Front blinkers as parking lights. Do at your own risk as of right now. Will melt your bulbs!!
9 Central Convenience
Security code 31347
10 Adaptations
(1)-Leuchte3SL VRB21-Lasttyp 3 >4 - LED Tagfahrlichtmodul Signal
(2)-Leuchte3SL VRB21-Lampendefektbitposition 3 > 4C
(3)-Leuchte3SL VRB21-Fehlerort mittleres Byte DTC-DFCC3 > 4C
(4)-Leuchte3SL VRB21-Lichtfunktion A 3 > Daytime Running light
(5)-Leuchte3SL VRB21-Lichtfunktion B 3 > not active
(6)-Leuchte3SL VRB21-Dimmwert AB 3 > 100
(7)-Leuchte3SL VRB21-Lichtansteuerung HD AB 3 > Always
(8)-Leuchte3SL VRB21-Lichtfunktion C 3 > Blinken rechts aktiv (beide Phasen)
(9)-Leuchte3SL VRB21-Lichtfunktion D 3 > not active
(10)-Leuchte3SL VRB21-Dimmwert CD 3 > 0
(11)-Leuchte3SL VRB21-Dimming Direction CD 3 > minimize
(12)-Leuchte3SL VRB21-Lichtfunktion E 3 > Standlicht allgemein (Schlusslicht; Positionslicht; Begrenzungslicht)
(13)-Leuchte3SL VRB21-Lichtfunktion F 3 > Parking Light Right
(14)-Leuchte3SL VRB21-Dimmwert EF 3 > 28 (Changing to 0 results in a bulb out error) My original was 26.
(15)-Leuchte3SL VRB21-Dimming Direction EF 3 > maximize
(16)-Leuchte3SL VRB21-Lichtfunktion G 3 > not active
(17)-Leuchte3SL VRB21-Lichtfunktion H 3 > not active
(18)-Leuchte3SL VRB21-Dimmwert GH 3 > 0
(19)-Leuchte3SL VRB21-Dimming Direction GH 3 > maximize

Here is another tweak for running your blinkers as parking lights. It's different from the other 2 here. I did this today and it worked but I'm not sure about the melting bulb thing. I work from home and usually don't drive long distances.
9- Central Electronics
16- Security code 31347
10- Adaptations
(9) Leuchte 0 BLK B36 VL-light function D 0 Select (indicator Front Left) > Standlicht allgemein (Schlusslicht, Positionslicht, Begrenzungslicht)
(10) Leuchte 0 BLK B36 VL-dimming select CD 0 > Adjust value (30% recommended)
(9) -Leuchte1BLK VRB20-light function D 1 Select (indicator Front Right) > Standlicht allgemein (Schlusslicht, Positionslicht, Begrenzungslicht)
(10) -Leuchte1BLK VRB20-dimming CD 1 > Adjust value accordingly (30%)
Thus, the turn signals cancel on that side also the flashing process in accordance with the following additional dimming is required
(12) -Leuchte0BLK VL-B36 Lichfunktion E 0 > Blinken links Dunklephase
(15) -Leuchte0BLK VL B36-Dimming Direction EF 0 > minimize
(12) -Leuchte1BLK VRB20-light function E 1 > Blinken rechts Dunklephase
(15) -Leuchte1BLK VRB20 dimming Direction EF 1 > minimize


Sitat fra: -Aleks på lørdag 16. mai 2015, klokken 19:58
Noen som har prøvd seg på denne her? Har ikke lyst til å toaste blinklysa mine :P

Nå blir ikke LED blinklys så varme som tradisjonelle pærer heller da:) så det går nok fint. tenkte å gjøre det med min egen, når jeg får tid:)


Sitat fra: -Aleks på lørdag 16. mai 2015, klokken 19:58
Noen som har prøvd seg på denne her? Har ikke lyst til å toaste blinklysa mine :P

Front blinkers as parking lights. Do at your own risk as of right now. Will melt your bulbs!!
9 Central Convenience
Security code 31347
10 Adaptations
(1)-Leuchte3SL VRB21-Lasttyp 3 >4 - LED Tagfahrlichtmodul Signal
(2)-Leuchte3SL VRB21-Lampendefektbitposition 3 > 4C
(3)-Leuchte3SL VRB21-Fehlerort mittleres Byte DTC-DFCC3 > 4C
(4)-Leuchte3SL VRB21-Lichtfunktion A 3 > Daytime Running light
(5)-Leuchte3SL VRB21-Lichtfunktion B 3 > not active
(6)-Leuchte3SL VRB21-Dimmwert AB 3 > 100
(7)-Leuchte3SL VRB21-Lichtansteuerung HD AB 3 > Always
(8)-Leuchte3SL VRB21-Lichtfunktion C 3 > Blinken rechts aktiv (beide Phasen)
(9)-Leuchte3SL VRB21-Lichtfunktion D 3 > not active
(10)-Leuchte3SL VRB21-Dimmwert CD 3 > 0
(11)-Leuchte3SL VRB21-Dimming Direction CD 3 > minimize
(12)-Leuchte3SL VRB21-Lichtfunktion E 3 > Standlicht allgemein (Schlusslicht; Positionslicht; Begrenzungslicht)
(13)-Leuchte3SL VRB21-Lichtfunktion F 3 > Parking Light Right
(14)-Leuchte3SL VRB21-Dimmwert EF 3 > 28 (Changing to 0 results in a bulb out error) My original was 26.
(15)-Leuchte3SL VRB21-Dimming Direction EF 3 > maximize
(16)-Leuchte3SL VRB21-Lichtfunktion G 3 > not active
(17)-Leuchte3SL VRB21-Lichtfunktion H 3 > not active
(18)-Leuchte3SL VRB21-Dimmwert GH 3 > 0
(19)-Leuchte3SL VRB21-Dimming Direction GH 3 > maximize

Here is another tweak for running your blinkers as parking lights. It's different from the other 2 here. I did this today and it worked but I'm not sure about the melting bulb thing. I work from home and usually don't drive long distances.
9- Central Electronics
16- Security code 31347
10- Adaptations
(9) Leuchte 0 BLK B36 VL-light function D 0 Select (indicator Front Left) > Standlicht allgemein (Schlusslicht, Positionslicht, Begrenzungslicht)
(10) Leuchte 0 BLK B36 VL-dimming select CD 0 > Adjust value (30% recommended)
(9) -Leuchte1BLK VRB20-light function D 1 Select (indicator Front Right) > Standlicht allgemein (Schlusslicht, Positionslicht, Begrenzungslicht)
(10) -Leuchte1BLK VRB20-dimming CD 1 > Adjust value accordingly (30%)
Thus, the turn signals cancel on that side also the flashing process in accordance with the following additional dimming is required
(12) -Leuchte0BLK VL-B36 Lichfunktion E 0 > Blinken links Dunklephase
(15) -Leuchte0BLK VL B36-Dimming Direction EF 0 > minimize
(12) -Leuchte1BLK VRB20-light function E 1 > Blinken rechts Dunklephase
(15) -Leuchte1BLK VRB20 dimming Direction EF 1 > minimize

kan bekfrefte at denne ikke virker på egolf


Lurte litt på kamera som sitter opp i frontruta. Er vel en del av skiltgjenkjenningssystemet. Kan man få tilgang på dette på noe slags vis? Dashcam? :-)
Reservert Prolestar - Kansellert
VW ID.3 ST Reservert - Kansellert
Ventebil Kona sin E-Up 2016


Noen som har sett et sted å justere tiden før bilen slår seg av?
Har ikke tatt tiden, men nå så kommer meldingen opp om "for å spare strøm, har bilen slått seg av" etter kun kort tid.
Kunne godt tenkt meg å kunne la den "gå" litt lengre. På samme vis som man har autostopp avknapp i fosilbilen.


Sitat fra: bno på fredag 29. mai 2015, klokken 20:04
Lurte litt på kamera som sitter opp i frontruta. Er vel en del av skiltgjenkjenningssystemet. Kan man få tilgang på dette på noe slags vis? Dashcam? :-)

Jeg også, jeg har ikke skiltgjennkjenning, men det ligner svært på et kamera?
Er det kanskje mulig å enable denne funskjonen?


Sitat fra: SteinarSun på fredag 15. mai 2015, klokken 21:37
Sitat fra: Råde på fredag 15. mai 2015, klokken 21:21
Sitat fra: SteinarSun på fredag 15. mai 2015, klokken 10:01
Sitat fra: poskare på søndag 12. april 2015, klokken 11:59
Full brakelight Daytime:  Alle bremselys fungerer ved DRL/Auto dagtid, ikke bare de ytre:

( - An independent forum for Volkswagen Golf GTI enthusiasts.)

"STG09 (Central Electronics)> Access Authorisation: 31347 > Adaptation Channels> Channel (8 )-Leuchte27 NSL RC6-Lichtfunktion C27" > "Brake light on" set (default: nicht aktiv)

STG09 (Central Electronics)> Access Authorisation: 31347 > Adaptation Channels > Channel (10)-Leuchte27 NSL RC6-Dimming CD27" > on 100 Set(default: 0)"
Hos meg medførte denne at de innerste bremselysene står på hele tiden, også etter at bilen er lukket&låst..
Jeg har enda ikke prøvd å mekke, men sitter og skal forstå. Hva om du prøver å endre Dimming i følgende til 50 isteden for 100:

STG09 (Central Electronics)> Access Authorisation: 31347 > Adaptation Channels > Channel (10)-Leuchte27 NSL RC6-Dimming CD27" > on 100 Set(default: 0)

Dimming er vel kun % lys, så tviler på at dette har noen effekt.
Skal gjøre et forsøk i morgen, men er skeptisk ;-)..
Kjører forresten en litt annen versjon av programmet enn de fleste andre her, har en beta med micro-can fra ross-tech, så det er ikke alt som er likt med det dere andre bruker

Fikk litt tid til overs i kveld, og tok denne på ny, viktig å sette lysene til brake.light
Kan bekrefte at denne virker(se under)
Her er kodingen jeg brukte :
VCDS Tweak - Add "brake" function to "inner" tail lights

Select 09 - Central Electr control module
Select Security Access - 16 from the "Open Controller" screen
Enter the magic number 31347 and return to the "Open Controller" screen
Select Adaptation - 10 from the "Open Controller" screen
From the pull-down button change the adaptation channels shown in the table below to the New Settings as indicated:


The adaptation channels settings on (9) and (11) for the left and right side lights do not need to be changed. I have included these in the table to complete the alpha-channel sub-set entries
Do not implement these instructions if the Old Setting values are not the same as shown in the table

Posten fant jeg her :
x - e-Golf 2017
x - e-Golf 2014


Sitat fra: bno på lørdag 11. april 2015, klokken 07:35
Sitat fra: stado på fredag 10. april 2015, klokken 14:10
Har du forsøkt dette? (google translate fra gammaltysk):

Aktiver Internett-tjenester Oppdag Pro
Forutsetning er den mobile grensesnitt Premium!
For å aktivere disse tjenestene et SIM-kort eller en mobiltelefon bli kombinert med RSAP. I tillegg, i bilen innstillingene for nettverkstilgang til "alltid tillate" posisjon.

-> STG 5F
-> Adjustment
-> PayTMC service
Tast 32771 (standard 3)
-> Online Poi
-> Online street
-> Navi online

Har du anledning til å legge inn en link?

Denne virker bra, har nå fått Google Maps på min
Har ikke fått til browser og google søk, men skal prøve dette neste gang

x - e-Golf 2017
x - e-Golf 2014


Spennende :)
Du hadde Bluetooth Premium (den med SIM kort i hanskerom) sant?
eGolf 2014
ModelX 90D


Sitat fra: kristoffer på fredag 05. juni 2015, klokken 21:32
Spennende :)
Du hadde Bluetooth Premium (den med SIM kort i hanskerom) sant?
Jepp, det er korrekt
x - e-Golf 2017
x - e-Golf 2014


Jeg får det ikke til med min (har ikke BT Premium) men får se når jeg får RSAP telefon koblet til :)
Hadde du tlf koblet til via Bluetooth eller SIM?
eGolf 2014
ModelX 90D

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