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Sv: Ny egolf 2016 modell - hva kan vi forvente eller ikke?

Startet av Frederic, onsdag 22. april 2015, klokken 22:21

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I have made several attempt to charge my friend's Th!nk with no success.
Initially we thought it was due to the poor performance of the 12V battery
The battery was replaced by a new one... no success
we have the red spanner lighted red on the dash board and only 1/2 of the green charge pilot lignten

Any clue ?

Thank you


I think you need to hook it up to a bosch diagnosis system and read error codes.
Leaf S 2015
Think 2011 2+2 Zebra "Sola" 106.000km pr. mars 2017
Think 2008 "CaThinka" kommende banebil



I am looking for the Drive Train workshop manual for a Li-on type Th!nk.

Can someone help me ?

thank you

Roy (Fr)

Hi Frederic !
I am new on this forum and maybe it is too late and you already found what you were looking for.
But in case not, you can download this zip file here :

You will find several workshop manuals for your Think, including the Drive Train one for the Zebra type.
Hope this can help...

Just in case, have you ever heard of the 'pre-charge resistor' failure, or MLEC failure described here :
French 'mia electric' driver



Finally I was able to have access to a Bosch test equipment

System ID: 0 59-02022-RF

error codes:
C1184 ABS missing
P1F27  Traction battery voltage too low

P1F2S electronic power module memory error (has been reset)
B1E07 Central command unit (internal error: missing direction light, has been reset too)

but stil no charging !

I had a new error: P1F2B charge monitoring timeout...

Does someone know where is located the Q4 reset switch for BMI/BMS ?

any idea, any advice ?

Thank you


dismounted the PCU
Replaced the dead line fuse (FU2)
re-install the PCU
everything is working

thank you

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