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Startet av taipan, tirsdag 10. mars 2015, klokken 12:22

« forrige - neste »


Hello everyone,

I own a S85 since July-14 in Paris, France, and have a P85D #67685 due for delivery late February.
A major road-block for accepting the delivery is to get a decent trade-in offer from Tesla Motors with their CPO (Certified Pre-Owned) program.
So far, after dozen of requests since Nov-14 I still haven't got an offer  :-\

As your country is the largest & oldest market outside North America, and the Dual-Motor an obvious plus for winter conditions, I guess you have a large number of P85Ds in order and many from previous S owners upgrading.

Do you get official buy-back or trade-in offers from Tesla Motors or do you have to resell on second-hand market on your own ?

Many thanks and best regards,

PS: I also discovered through the anti-bot question here that Bergen is the second largest city in Norway  8)


Welcome to Norway =)

As far as I know, trade in offers from Tesla are not in place yet so Norwegians sell their old cars on the second hand private market. They do however offer buy-back in exchange for financing through their own program on new vehicles sold.


Hello Toosleezaay,

Thank you for your fast reply.
It's good to see you have a second-hand market in Norway for Tesla, here in France it's a very quiet one.



Sitat fra: taipan på onsdag 18. februar 2015, klokken 11:25
Hello Toosleezaay,

Thank you for your fast reply.
It's good to see you have a second-hand market in Norway for Tesla, here in France it's a very quiet one.

Tesla M3 Performance


Hello! I Just talked to Tesla in Norway and they confirmed that they Will offer trade in deals when buying a New car. I don't have a Tesla to trade in so I can't tell how the price are. I saw one on this forum Who was offered a deal for his car but I think it was 6-12000 Euro lower than private marked
Fremtiden er elektrisk.


Yes, I``m sure the buyback programme will give you a bad deal instead of selling private.
P85 delfin-grå, sort performance-interiør, grå 21", dobbeltlader.

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