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Sv: P85D - demobil - redusert effekt...

Startet av Frederic, mandag 09. mars 2015, klokken 00:47

« forrige - neste »


I am the new owner, since Dec. 29th, of a black Li-Ion Th!nk (registered in Feb. 2011 with 11500 km on the clock), located in France near the swiss border.

I have installed a small lead acid battery meter/tester in the center console to monitor the juice coming out of the service battery. 
I have noticed that the voltage looks low (high 11V) after the car has been resting for as short as two days (not the case here, just coming back from a 30 min road trip).
Thus I have decided to replace the service battery.
But everything is packed down there ! hopefully my Th!nk does not have AC

What is the best way to extract the old one ?
What is the best way to insert it back ?

Thank you for your help


The battery is located under the car -front left side and with access from under the car - but you need to disconnect the cables from above.

- Open the hood
- Remove the hood - only two screws but check the marks for the screws.
Makes it easy to re innstall the hood on the same place and you won't have any problem to open the hood in the future. If you don't center the lock it might get stuck.

Disconnect the battery cables with a 10mm wrench and put some plastic on the cable to isolate - or isolate the battery pole with the cups from the new battery (if available).

Make some kind of support under the battery platform before you remove the screws.
Remove the 3 screws holding the battery platform.
Remove the support and lower the platform with the battery and replace the battery.

Fasten the battery platform again - connect the cables and you are done!


Noen bilder for hvordan 12V batteri byttes.
A few pictures guiding how to replace 12V battery.


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