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Sv: Fortum/Kiwi er for DYRT!

Startet av wernerc, mandag 09. februar 2015, klokken 21:44

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I want to fill up the cooling liquid in my Zebra Think from 2010 (GEN 1 manufactured in Finnland).
Unfortunately the user manual I got does only tell some north american specs for the cooling liquid which I was not able to crossref to a european one.
I would like to know which european standard this liquid needs to be (G12, G12+, G13 or whatever).
I don't want to mix different types of liquid as this might perhaps to unwanted reactions between those fluids and perhaps be agressive to engine or PCU/heater parts.

Thank you very much for a answer.



The cooling liquid was discussed not long ago in this thread:,18470.0.html

Hopefully you will be able to figure out what you need from the final posts there....

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