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Startet av wernerc, mandag 09. februar 2015, klokken 19:59

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I am searching for a source for the Blue Think charging socket connector which is part of the external charging box cable and put into the car.
When searching around the net it seems that it maybe a 316-9 16A connector with 4 contacts which is used in Sweden ?
Here in germany such connector is not as common as it might be in Sweden or Norway.
Or is it a real special connector due to the Pilot contact ?

A hint to a manufacturer or manufacturer part number or a direct source would be very nice.

Thank you very much.


Is it a Think Classic or the new model from 2008?
Sandnes, Norway.


Its a GEN1 model from 2010 with Zebra battery.
Build in Finnland.

Are the connectors different ?


Hi Werner.

The new Thinks (European Model A306) normal charging inlet and plug is a lewden.

Lewden is a british plug company that produces even small series of special items for oems.

I contacted them to get a supplier for the Think plugs and they answered that they wouldn't sell to private buyers and I should contact my Think dealer. As the Think dealerships don't exist anymore I guess its not easy to get hold of such a thing.

My first idea if my charging inlet will break, was to use an italian style "three-phase-plug". They have 4 contacts, so one could be used for the pilot contact.

Its cheap, rugged and nobody can accidently plug in the normal three-phase 16 plug.

But my actual choice would be to rebuild to Type 1

Hope this helps evdriver
2x Peugeot Scootelec, City EL (running), Th!nk City 1299 returner (sold), Th!nk City Gen2 Zebra EX-Ambulance 2008 1PP-2 Prototype Series, Kewet Citi Jet5
DE-52XXX near Cologne


There are many spare parts sold by RøhneSelmer Asker and Bærum Bilforhandler
Adr: Stasjonsveien 20, 1396 Billingstad, Norway Phone 67 57 37 00

Or used parts on junk yard - check internet

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