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Sv: Tesla i norske medier

Startet av torjen6, mandag 24. november 2014, klokken 18:19

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Hadde ein del problemer i starten å få kommunikasjon med pc/app vs R-link, fant dette på nette som hjalp meg:

How to re-­‐enable the R-­‐Link in a Renault Zoe when the R-­‐Link module is changed.

This is my view of this part of the process.......

For the R-­‐link module to operate the Connected Services, the R-­‐Link module Serial number needs to be linked to the Zoe's VIN in both Renault applications of­‐  and

The Connected Services enables features in the R-­‐Link such as the calendar function for recharging the battery, so if that is greyed out, we know the R-­‐Link Connected Services are not working.

The normal way, during delivery of the new car, is via the welcome letter where the new owner is asked:
1.   To create an account on­‐ with the new owner's unique activation code (for the Connected Services) from the welcome letter. This means the Renault Services Application database now knows the Zoe's VIN and, with the activation code, is ready to work with the R-­‐link in the car.
2.   The R-­‐Link Serial number should be linked in the Renault Services database to that VIN at manufacture.
3.   To create an account on the rlink store ( and download onto their PC/MAC the R-­‐link application to allow local updates via the SD card from the Zoe. This links the R-­‐Link Serial Number to the Zoe VIN for the R-­‐Link application database. If the new driver wants to update the R-­‐ Link or add a new application to the Zoe, then they can do it now, via the R-­‐link application and the SD-­‐Card.
4.   When the Renault Zoe next starts (with the existing or newly updated SD card installed), and the Mobile phone range is strong enough (sometimes in garages with walls that are like Faraday cages, or in the middle of no-­‐ where nothing will happen), the R-­‐Link connects to the Renault Application and downloads the activation status and starts to function.

So when the R-­‐link unit fails and has to be replaced, we loose the link in both the Renault Services and Rlink databases between the R-­‐Link serial number and the Zoe's VIN. To restore them both, I found the following steps worked.

1.   Create a new R-­‐link account on the rlink store ( so the new R-­‐Link serial number is now linked to the existing Zoe's VIN.
2.   Get the SD card from the Zoe and, using the R-­‐link application I have on my PC/MAC from step 3 above, then I updated the SD card. The R-­‐link application connects to the R-­‐Link database via the Internet and using the new R-­‐Link serial number on the SD card, it finds the Zoe's VIN I had just added in step 1.
3.   Put the SD card back into the Zoe and start the car to ensure the R-­‐Link in the Zoe is now ready.

4.   But the­‐ Renault application Database still has the old Rlink Serial number to this VIN, so we need to clear it's cache and reload it. So stop the car and head back to the PC/MAC.
5.   Go to­‐ and login with the existing account and select the "User & Vehicle Settings" in the top right of the page. You will be asked to enter the password again, not sure why they add this second level of security, but there you are...
6.   Select "Driving Mode" (top right hand column) and disconnect the Renault Services application from the Renault Zoe.
7.   Go back to the Zoe, start the car and drive a few feet in an area of good reception. This will mean the R-­‐Link will connect with the Renault Services Application at­‐ and disconnect the monitoring service. Switch off the car and go back to the PC/MAC.
8.   Repeat 5 and 6, but this time select "Connect" to re-­‐enable the Renault Services application connection to the Renault Zoe on this account.
9.   Go back to the Zoe, start the car and drive a few feet in an area of good reception. This will mean the R-­‐Link will connect with the Renault Services Application at­‐ and now re-­‐ connect the monitoring service. This action seems to clear out the cache and now the Renault Services Application has the right R-­‐Link serial number associated with the existing Zoe's VIN.

Now the Zoe is happily connected to both Renault Applications and calendar function for recharging the battery is enabled! Yea!

Caveat: this is my view from using the system and from a fairly extensive life in IT (systems, networks and applications). I have not seen or used any Renault application manuals or Service Manuals, plus the Renault Zoe owner's manual and R-­‐Link users manual do not contain these important steps or explanation.

Steve Angell CEng FIET

Svart Zoe Intens 2014
Isuzu XUV Crosswind 2015
Mercedes Benz Class B Electric Drive Urban Exslusiv 2016
( leveres medio Desember )


Halleluja, amen og tusen takk!!!  :D Dette er den nyttigste informasjonen om Zoe og Z.E. app noensinne.

Jeg har aldri fått Renault Zoe til å fungere med ladeappen etter 2,5 år som eier. I dag bestemte jeg meg for å reaktivere Z.E. Interactive abonnementet fordi prisen hadde blitt redusert fra rundt 2000,- i året til 500 for 2 år. Jeg hadde ikke store forhåpninger, men satte i gang.

Først måtte jeg få appen til å snakke med bilen igjen, etter at de to skilte lag for et par måneder siden. Selv om jeg hadde et Z.E. Connect abonnement, så ville den ikke vise nåværende ladestatus. Løsningen ble å dra ut alle sikringer i bilen som kunne ha noe med systemet å gjøre (radio, skjerm osv.) basert på oversikten i brukermanualen. Etter dette fikk jeg igjen kontakt med bilen i appen og jeg kunne se ladestatus.

Den store sorgen kom likevel snikende igjen da jeg skulle prøve å starte forvarming. Jeg trykket på "Skru på" i appen, men ingenting skjedde. Da var det bare å google igjen og jeg fant ditt innlegg torjen6. Voila! Etter 2,5 år som Zoe-eier har jeg endelig fått appen til å fungere, og jeg synes mine 500 kroner var vel verdt investeringen.

Igjen tusen takk for at du delte dine erfaringer (for 2 år siden) og nå håper jeg mine erfaringer kan være til hjelp for andre.  8)
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