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Sv: Har Tesla nedgradert bilen min?

Startet av Elbilmek, mandag 24. november 2014, klokken 10:41

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Hi everyone,

my name is Valdemar and I represent company Elbilmek (in case somebody still do not know this).
Reacc, which was official old Think dealer is bankrupt. Elbilmek bought all spare part warehouse which was sold after bankrupt. Problem is that we are not able to store all parts. We decided not to store parts like: front and rear bumpers, back and side glasses, many different inside plastic parts, seats dashboards and etc.
If someone would like to keep thouse new parts for free (because they are probably last ones in the world) should contact me on 96801716 latest until tomorrow 12 o``clock, because we have to clean Reacc location until this Monday

Best regards,
Kangoo electiq 2002, 38000km


Could you please add where these parts are located ?

( I belive they are somewhere in Ski, Akershus, but not 100% sure  :) )

And they are for the "new" Think City, or the "old" Think Classic ?

And would it be possible to just pick a few parts, ( In my case the seats + dashboard ) or must anyone interested take everything ?
Model X 90D: Black Obsidian, 6 seter sort, Premium pakke. Autopilot1. Levert 18 dager etter bestilling :)
Solgt: Tesla Model S P85+. Brun med alt.


Verkstedveien 25D, Ski and it is for Think City 2000-2002
Somebody should pick up all parts. We really have a lot to clean and do not have much time to stand and play shop
Kangoo electiq 2002, 38000km


Good that you are asking this question bur was verre late notification is it not posibol to give it some more time? IT is holliday etc hard to find place on so short notice
peugeot ion 2011 med OVMS,DAB radio,sykkel hengerfeste.
Bor i Nittedal (oslo)


I got 3 days myself to move parts from today. If there will be somebody who wants to take care we can wait until Sunday evening, but not more
Kangoo electiq 2002, 38000km

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