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Sv: Forsikring P85D?

Startet av ideasbazaar, fredag 14. november 2014, klokken 12:19

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I'm interested in learning more about how a car like a Nissan Leaf works as a family car when you've got a couple of kids etc.

I'm looking to spend some time with a Leaf owning family - in the Oslo area. I'd like to do this next week if possible - Monday or Tuesday?

Ideally I'd spend about 4 hours with you - chatting about how the car works as family vehicle, understand how you use it, the thinking behind your purchase of it, and to understand its benefits and drawbacks. Because I'm interested in know more about how EVs work as family vehicles I'd like to speak to people with kids (and all the taxi-ing etc that involves!)

I can be quite flexible with timing - weekday or weekend - but looking to get the interviews done over the next 14 days or so. I will, of course, offer a cash thank you for your time and involvement.

About me
I'm a trained (Ph.D) anthropologist with a track record of work in the technology space. I run a company called Stripe Partners, based in London.

If you're interested, please let me know and perhaps I can chat with you off-forum by phone to tell you more about the research and myself? Or drop me a mail to

I look forward to hearing from you.


Are you really only interested in Leaf owners, or would e-UP, e-Golf, iMiev, Soul, Model S etc. owners also be interesting to speak to?
VW e-UP! Tungsten Silver siden 3. desember 2013.
Think 2002 modell, mai 2012-januar2014.

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