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Sv: Stem på Think!

Startet av Ken, mandag 16. februar 2009, klokken 06:14

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Utklipp fra Smiths Electric Vehicles Newsletter i dag:

The Republic of Ireland is switching on to electric vehicles in a major way, with the Government announcing a target of 10% of all vehicles on Irish roads are to be battery-electric by 2020.

Transport Minister Noel Dempsey said, "This Government initiative...will help us reduce our dependence on fossil fuels, improve energy security and lower our transport emissions. Ireland's transport future must include smarter, more sustainable travel choices."

The Republic of Ireland has announced a target of 10% of all vehicles to be powered by electricity by 2020. This represents some 250,000 cars, vans and trucks on Irish roads over the coming years.

Energy Minister Eamon Ryan and Transport Minister Noel Dempsey jointly announced the plan and are pictured here in front of a Smith Edison panel van.

The Government's Electric Vehicles plan includes some great news for any fleet operator in Ireland who is considering buying a Smith zero emission commercial vehicle:

Tax incentives 100% tax write down – businesses can write off 100% of the purchase cost against tax, in the first year of ownership!
A EUR1 million project by Sustainable Energy Ireland to research, develop and demonstrate electric vehicles nationally
Publication of a "Buyer's Guide" and a "Cost of Ownership Calculator" to help new customers, produced by Sustainable Energy Ireland
Establishment of a National Task Force to examine infrastructure options for national roll-out of electric vehicles, including on-street charging
Minister Eamon Ryan said: "We can reduce our fossil fuel bill and help meet our climate change challenges. Importantly, this plan will bring major investment and jobs to Ireland as we become a centre for electric vehicles."

Sustainable Energy Ireland estimates CO2 emissions in the Republic could be cut by 350,000 tonnes if the EV target of 10% is met.

Kristiansand. Think City  105K 2001. Kjørt i to år. Ex Postens Think, 50K. Tidligere styreleder for Agder Elbilforening. Den ble til en lokallag av den Nasjonal Elbilforeningen hvor jeg har hatt forskellige verv. Kjøre 1. gen Leaf nå.

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