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Startet av cs, tirsdag 09. september 2014, klokken 19:26

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Hello from Germany.

On my very early Zebra Think 2008 a week ago the charger stopped working.
PCU is GEN0 modified to 10A and 16 A charge.
Before we had Problems with a dead 12V Battery which only had 8.5 Volts. So the Think would not start a charge or drive (eg start charging the 12V with the DC). After a some time it started a charge. But as the 12V Batt was badly overheating due to its dead cells we stopped the charge after 1 hour. The next day with new 12V Battery the charger always fired the line fuse in the House.
We drove home as driving was still possible and no fault lights we on. The Zebra heater still works. We also tried to charge with a different cablebox, with no result.

We took the PCU apart and found an exploded resistor (see pic.4) near to an AC shunt ?? and some smaller SMD resistors blown on the circuit.

The GEN0 Board looks quite arkward with its on board computer Power supply (see pic.2). The before white plugs of the AC cables on the board were all brown or black due to their bad connection but that has nothing to do with the fault (It just shows a bad layout of the PCU) (see pic.3)

Actually we are trying to repair the board but we re not sure if we found the reason for the fault.
If all goes wrong: where wo get a replacement board for the GEN0 PCU or is it possible to upgrade to GEN1?

Can we suplly the Zebra heater external? We cooled down the battery with 34% but for testing the repair we will heat it up again. And if our repair needs to be modified we would like to keep the Zebra warm. Is this possible by external power supply of the heater ?

2x Peugeot Scootelec, City EL (running), Th!nk City 1299 returner (sold), Th!nk City Gen2 Zebra EX-Ambulance 2008 1PP-2 Prototype Series, Kewet Citi Jet5
DE-52XXX near Cologne


Wow! Gees, I would never have guessed things could look(and be) so temporary. Is the car one of the prototype-series?
Leaf S 2015
Think 2011 2+2 Zebra "Sola" 106.000km pr. mars 2017
Think 2008 "CaThinka" kommende banebil


2x Peugeot Scootelec, City EL (running), Th!nk City 1299 returner (sold), Th!nk City Gen2 Zebra EX-Ambulance 2008 1PP-2 Prototype Series, Kewet Citi Jet5
DE-52XXX near Cologne


Sitat fra: cs på mandag 25. august 2014, klokken 16:53

Can we suplly the Zebra heater external? We cooled down the battery with 34% but for testing the repair we will heat it up again. And if our repair needs to be modified we would like to keep the Zebra warm. Is this possible by external power supply of the heater ?


It´s possible to heat the battery "offline".
To be able to do it you need to connect mains (230V) and grount (green/yellow cable) to the sircular 5pin Pfisterer connector on the BMI. I think you also need to connect 12v and GND to the 16-pin connector on the BMI.
You can either acces the BMI trough the lid under the seat, or connect to the opposite side of the cables that should be accessible on the connectors to the PCU. 

Please make shure that you connects to the correct cables!
Think City 2010, Lithium


Thanks for your help, we will order the connector and heat it externally, found all the pins for ac and 12V.

We actually have a second zebra Think which doesn't charge. The battery was heated up but the voltage stayed at 270V. The contactors didn't close due to an error cause by the crash sensor. CAN bus signals showed "general error". We took out the zebra, took off the BMI and charged it in guerilla style a few minutes externally with a Zivan NG9 charger in the right voltage. As the voltage came up to 360V we stoppedand put everything back in. The error stayed. Later we connected Zebra Monitor with our peaktech interface and could figure out which fault excactly we have: short circuit. To reset we need Zebra Monitor access level 1.
Any clues how to get the password ?

regards evdriver


1. Zebra 230V AC Heater Plug

2. Zebra HV Outlet

3. BMI disassembled

4./5. guerilla charging the Zebra (on your own risk ;-))
2x Peugeot Scootelec, City EL (running), Th!nk City 1299 returner (sold), Th!nk City Gen2 Zebra EX-Ambulance 2008 1PP-2 Prototype Series, Kewet Citi Jet5
DE-52XXX near Cologne


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