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Sv: Slakke i transmisjonen - skal det være slik eller er det noe galt?

Startet av Mippen, torsdag 07. august 2014, klokken 07:34

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Sitat fra: LeafSwe på søndag 24. august 2014, klokken 12:12
2012an saknar ca 10% batterikapacitet. Full laddning ger 250 GIDs
2014 278 GIDs
Det passer veldig bra med teorien jeg har hatt (for meg selv) om at de ca 10% bilen rapporterer som kapasitetstap får vi igjen med lavere rapportert forbruk. Mao. rapporterer bilen rett og slett feil etter den siste sw oppgraderingen. Har bare ca. 19kWh tilgjengelig på min 2011 leaf iflg. leafspy, men kjører (tilsynelatende) like langt som tidligere.
Hvitt løv med bursdag 04/11/2011 Solgt
ModelX P#141 i bestilling Kansellert pga 2. seterad
Model S 60D - nå 75D med bursdag 26/9 2016


Sitat fra: TimeBandit på fredag 29. august 2014, klokken 00:04
Sitat fra: LeafSwe på søndag 24. august 2014, klokken 12:12
2012an saknar ca 10% batterikapacitet. Full laddning ger 250 GIDs
2014 278 GIDs
Det passer veldig bra med teorien jeg har hatt (for meg selv) om at de ca 10% bilen rapporterer som kapasitetstap får vi igjen med lavere rapportert forbruk. Mao. rapporterer bilen rett og slett feil etter den siste sw oppgraderingen. Har bare ca. 19kWh tilgjengelig på min 2011 leaf iflg. leafspy, men kjører (tilsynelatende) like langt som tidligere.
Samme mistanke jeg har. Etter siste oppdatering falt alle tallene litt i leaf spy. Men jeg føler jeg har et par mil kortere rekkevidde. Dette er jo vanskelig å vite, jeg har ikke sjekket hvor lavt jeg kan kjøre batteriet før det sier stopp.
Bergen - Leaf 2012-2019 - model3 2019-

Marius Engel

Mai - August 2014: 1,35kw i snittfirbruk i følge måleren i bilen.


Jeg leser en oppsummeringstest av el. biler på tyske her:

Av en eller annen merkelig grunn greier de å få Leaf til å bruke 2,36 kWH/10 km, ganske høyt med andre ord.
Ikke at det gjøre noe, men jeg mistenker at de lager litt hjemmeskjeve tester.


Sitat fra: trondhla på fredag 29. august 2014, klokken 23:15
Jeg leser en oppsummeringstest av el. biler på tyske her:

Av en eller annen merkelig grunn greier de å få Leaf til å bruke 2,36 kWH/10 km, ganske høyt med andre ord.
Ikke at det gjøre noe, men jeg mistenker at de lager litt hjemmeskjeve tester.

Her er testen på engelsk oversatt med google translate.


6 models to the test
We bring electric cars to the limit of their capabilities: How has the range of an electric car changed when cold and on the highway? If performance remains constant even under load? And how efficiently does the recuperation?
To envy the colleagues from TÜV SÜD in home home are sometimes not: On behalf of auto motor und sport they had to determine the range of electric cars under exactly reproducible conditions. The aim of the exercise: to bring electric cars to their limits.

This may occur if a battery giants, such as the Tesla Model S sometimes even mean nearly six hours test drive with his 85 kilowatt hours of energy content, while a Twizy is already in one and a half hours. Since the auto motor und sport tester in the dynamic tests with the high-torque electric cars had more joy. But the car by:

Nissan Leaf is the world's most sold electric car
World which is Leaf 's best-selling electric car with more than 100,000 copies. Since 2010 on the market, the first developed specifically for the electric drive towards mass production car is literally getting a bit old. The real distances are constant significantly below the factory specification of 199 km. At minus seven degrees, it takes only 75 km due to inefficient heat control. Dynamically, the 80 kW Nissan not keep up with approximately BMW i3 and Co.. It is disappointing in this respect, the high test consumption of 26.3 kWh / 100 km.

Renault Twizy offers the lowest Rekuperationsbremsverzögerung
The electric-flea of Renault runs out of competition in this comparison, because it does not reach the necessary for some exercises 100 km / h and has no heating. Nevertheless, it is surprising that the single-seater (cargo version with trunk) pressed at least 67 km at 23 degrees from its 7-kWh lithium-ion battery. The range is reduced when cold only ten kilometers. Logical, because the heating missing the largest auxiliary power eater (up to 4 kW). On the other hand, offers the Twizy with only 0.58 g of the least Rekuperationsbremsverzögerung. Even the sprint to 50 km / h remains with eight seconds under the expectations.

Smart Fortwo Electric Drive - Best-selling electric car in Germany
The electric smart as top-selling electric car in Germany provides a mixed picture. On the one hand he is a dynamic and fuel efficient in the city two-seater. He scored 114 km range when TSECC with a low consumption of 16.6 kWh / 100 km. With each km / h more but its consumption increases disproportionately - and reached on the highway at 41.1 kWh / 100 km even nearly the high values ​​of the Tesla. Unfortunately, the Smart showed during the test even the longest braking distances on slippery grip and one-sided (μ-split) roadway.

Tesla Model S with difficulty in cold / heat
The Model S is the undisputed star of the E-car scene. In his native USA, he makes the entire German luxury Garde look at the sales of old. Quantitatively, it is impressive: By far the biggest battery (almost four times as large as in the i3) helps the P85 + to outstanding 342 km at 23 degrees in TSECC. The 310 kW asynchronous electric motor accelerates in cold condition in 4.7 seconds from zero to 100 kph all the competitors into the ground.

But the Model S has difficulties to keep this performance in cold and heat. The ranges break a strong (at constant 120 km / h by half), and the performance varies with the temperature of the drive system. Tesla is noticeably behind in comparison to the i3 and E-Golf Even with the Sail and Rekuperationseigenschaften. The consequences are high consumption, which can not be justified using the extra power. Because with 95,900 euros by far the most expensive e-cars must show the test more in the future.

VW e-Golf with valid driving radius
That the E-Golf with 1.5 tons is no lightweight, hardly harm his coverage: The youngest member of the test field is primarily in the difficult dynamic range and cold-second behind the Model S. With no other car is as much reliance on the driving radius. He also consumes on average exactly as much as the 300 kg lighter BMW i3 . No car in the test sails also so long with once mounted-pace, is so quiet, and none recuperated even more significant if already bites the mechanical brake. So the E-Golf is especially the electric tip for commuters.

BMW i3 convinced with low consumption
He is the star of the German e-vehicles and underpinned the same with excellent acceleration performance. Even under heavy loads they remain constant in size and some (hot up to 50 km / h) where the Model S Paroli. Whose ranges are not achieved the i3, but it shines with constancy and low consumption, especially in urban areas: 15.6 kWh / 100 km. With the extra duty of heat exchanger system is also the cold-driving radius of over 120 km. Only on the highway it does not roll quite as smoothly as the Golf. But he recuperated convincing and gets just the victory.

BMW i3 and VW e-Golf are on a consumption level
Weight is important, but even more important is an efficient overall concept. That the Renault Twizy to be extremely small and lightweight vehicle with a maximum of 80 km / h the lowest consumption of 11.7 kWh / 100 km provides, no surprise. For the full car but convinces the 1.5 tons quite heavy E-Golf. Its developers trimmed it to extreme low friction, and so he rolled, once in motion, much better than the competitors.

The only one in the test he dominated with his special electronic brake force amplifier (electronic brake force distribution) also Rekuperationsverzögerungen to 3 m / s²- what can be measured technically but not show, as the Golf still divided into electrical and mechanical delay, where a 1.2-ton BMW i3 only purely mechanically delayed. So both come to an average of 20.6 kWh / 100 km, with advantages for the i3 in the city and the Gulf at higher speeds. Disappointing fall at high speeds, however, the consumption of smart and Tesla (high load losses), even if they no longer work with similar battery technology. In addition to her current consumption rises faster than in cold weather.

Tesla Model S and BMW i3 are at the front dynamics
The BMW i3 provides synchronous motor with its great acceleration - permanently. BMW and VW are in a sense agree: your electric motors are developed over time through performance. Even after repeated acceleration sprint times remain absolutely constant. The 270 Nm torque something stronger VW Golf accelerates to 50 km / h as the i3. At higher speeds, the latter plays but the performance advantage of its hybrid - from reluctance motor. This uses two power sources - hence hybrid - and offers more torque at higher speeds. Constant 7.3 seconds from 0 to 100 km / h the impressive salary.

The Tesla Model S accelerates, however, only when cold in excellent 4.7 seconds. After a strong power output, the power falls partly down to half. The Sprint time to 100 km / h increases by almost two seconds - varying dynamics that make it difficult for the driver to assess the car when overtaking. No surprise that Tesla in the vehicle registration only 69 (!) KW instead of 310 kW as indicating continuous power. Also, the Nissan Leaf breaks easily in a warm acceleration to 100 km / h. But decisive is rather poor city dynamics of the 80-kW-Japanese up to 50 km / h. Especially there should be fun an electric car. It also lacks the super lightweight Twizy. Even up to 50 km / h takes the 18-kWler pretty disappointing 8.2 seconds. How is much better, shows the Smart Fortwo ED: Up to 100 km / h is constant faster despite significant underperformance for Nissan Leaf. Zero to 50 kph takes just 3.7 seconds.

Tesla Model S is the clear front range, but not reliably
Good sailing performance and efficient heating systems ensure reliable range. For long range especially much battery capacity provides. Tesla solves this problem with quantitative thousands Panasonic 18,650 cells - which we know from other notebooks. 342 km reaches the Model S so at 23 ° C in the TÜV-tested. Equally important is the range of Konstanz, here breaks the Tesla on the highway by half to 184 km at a constant 120 km / h. A particularly good sailing E-Golf missing at a speed of 120 only 38 percent of its 141-km-range at 23 ° C. Above all, he loses only twelve percent of its heat range in cold weather. The BMW i3 is here with 145 km (23 ° C) and 121 km (-7 ° C) very well - which speaks for both especially for its efficient heating system. The Twizy has only no heating nor reached a speed of 120, so breaks its reach also negligible. The Nissan Leaf, the non-optimal integration of the battery takes revenge in the cooling and heating circuit: only 75 km at -7 ° C. The little aerodynamic smart turn consumed on the highway very much.

How we tested
To enable a particularly realistic and reproducible measurement range of electric cars, auto motor und sport developed together with specialists from TÜV SÜD a temperature-controlled test. As a basis of TÜV SÜD E-Car Cycle (TSECC), which is oriented much closer than the measurement according to ECE R101 standard to the real driving experience electric cars serves. For the TSECC real routes were digitized. This is a typical commuter cycle with a mix of urban, rural and motorway share with an average speed of 60 km / h (for comparison NEDC: 34 km / h) was generated. A high Rekuperationsanteil also analyzed the regenerative capabilities of electric cars. For the practical implementation of the cycle the route is extended on the dynamometer in home home. Two different tests had the electric cars it complete:

1 TSECC at 23 ° C (air conditioning and electrical loads)

Second TSECC at -7 ° C (heating and electrical loads switched on).

In addition, auto motor und sport tested ride on the real road performance constancy and how efficiently the E-cars on a hilly road and at absolutely constant speed of 120 km / h. When comparing the consumption and battery capacity of electric cars it is important to note the following: The total consumption may be greater than the energy content of the battery, as this still charging losses added up to 20 percent.
Fremtiden er elektrisk.


Sitat fra: trondhla på fredag 29. august 2014, klokken 23:15
Jeg leser en oppsummeringstest av el. biler på tyske her:

Av en eller annen merkelig grunn greier de å få Leaf til å bruke 2,36 kWH/10 km, ganske høyt med andre ord.
Ikke at det gjøre noe, men jeg mistenker at de lager litt hjemmeskjeve tester.

Det forbruket har jeg ikke fått til med å holde 120 på motorveien og så "morokjøring" med mye full gass og brems når kollegaer skulle prøve bilen min rundt på bygda på øvre Romerike engang, så for å få til noe sånt må de ha kjørt i opp mot toppfart på motorveien, eller noe sånt. Det er greit at e-Golf går lengre enn Leaf på samme størrelse batteri, men SÅ stor forskjell er det ikke i praksis. ;)
2020 Tesla Model 3 Performance
+ en veteranbil og to gamle fossilbiler (som skal selges)


Det er nødt til å være banekjøring med mye bremsing og gassing. Eventuelt full gass på autobahn. 2.36 er ikke et realistisk forbruk!
'14 Leaf
'15 Evalia


Spesielt med oppvarming i bilen.
VW e-GOLF 2015
Nissan Leaf 2012
VW Golf CityStromer 1995, 1995, 1997, 1998 - (solgt).

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