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Sv: Når får vi bilene våre? Legg dere inn i listen...

Startet av Olatho, tirsdag 29. juli 2014, klokken 22:04

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Ikke direkte elbil-relatert, men siden vi stadig møter "kullbil"-argumentet kan jo denne oversikten være grei å ha med seg.

Noen highlights om dagens situasjon og de nærmeste åra:

"Last year, European coal consumption dropped by an estimated 5%, cancelling out some of the gains made in the two previous years.
At the same time, as the EU pursues its target of deriving 20% of energy consumption from renewable sources by 2020, wind and solar power will claim greater shares of generation. (...) EU consumption of renewable energy excluding hydropower rose 13% last year, despite a 1% drop in total generation.
Two countries that saw a marked drop in coal-fired power generation, the UK and Spain, also witnessed steady rises in renewable energy generation in 2013, of 34% and 12% respectively. In Germany, meanwhile, higher generation from renewables and coal since 2011 has displaced gas and nuclear power. But this year coal-fired power generation has faltered while, thanks to policy support, renewable generation continues to grow.
On top of this, since the start of last year EU air-quality regulations have been forcing older coal plants to shut down. The Large Plants Combustion Directive (LPCD) compels owners of thermal power plants to reduce emissions of dust, sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides. Those unable to comply must close their facilities by 2015. In the UK alone, around 6 gigawatts (gw) of coal-fired power capacity will have shut down under the LPCD.

From 2016 the Industrial Emissions Directive (IED) will build on the LPCD, resulting in even more stringent emissions-limits. Older thermal plants will have to meet tighter environmental standards by 2023. Unless it is economic for operators to comply with IED regulations, more plants will close. According to a gas trade group, Cedigaz, across Europe around 65-70 gw of coal-fired capacity will be retired by 2023 as a result of the LPCD and IED emissions caps."

(Mine uthevelser)


Kullforbruket går antakelig ned av samme grunn som bensinforbruket i mange land:
Dårlige økonomiske tider.
Værvarsel for de neste 100 år:
Fare for kortvarige perioder med oppholdsvær.


Sitat fra: timingbeltkiller på torsdag 10. juli 2014, klokken 18:48
Kullforbruket går antakelig ned av samme grunn som bensinforbruket i mange land:
Dårlige økonomiske tider.

Det stemmer, men det er også forårsaket av mer fornybar energi. Husk at solceller og vind blir stadig billigere og medfører at mange installerer eller oppgraderer sol og vindenergianlegg. I fjor økte andelen vindenergi i Europa fra 7 til 8%, det hjelper:
Sandnes, Norway.

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