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Startet av cs, tirsdag 10. juni 2014, klokken 11:11

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Hello Thinkers

On our weekend trip to a electric car meeting we drove a lot and used quick charge (the 3.4 KW setting). After some hours of charging I recognized a plastic smell and the trunkfloor got a bit warm.
I thought it was because of the faster charge and normal ventilation heat from the zebra blower.

When I opened the trunk floor today I found a molten box and some cables seem to have gotten very hot see pics.

Anybody experienced this before ?
What is the big torodial transformer for ?

Thanks evdriver

2x Peugeot Scootelec, City EL (running), Th!nk City 1299 returner (sold), Th!nk City Gen2 Zebra EX-Ambulance 2008 1PP-2 Prototype Series, Kewet Citi Jet5
DE-52XXX near Cologne


I have not seen this before, but I have charged with "power charge" only couple of times.
The transformer is a "isolation transformer" - the charger on cars with Gen0 and Gen1 PSU is not isolated and this transformer solves that problem.
nikometer? -


Hello Guys.

My Think now is more than 23 kgs lighter than before.  ;) (guess what that means)
The big copper coil is out and the connections renewed.
No more issues, all systems nominal. ;D

2x Peugeot Scootelec, City EL (running), Th!nk City 1299 returner (sold), Th!nk City Gen2 Zebra EX-Ambulance 2008 1PP-2 Prototype Series, Kewet Citi Jet5
DE-52XXX near Cologne


Hello evdriver,

you did the right thing  :D.
I was told the transformer was just built in for homologation but is otherwise useless.
Important: it is NOT approved for 16A over longer periods of time, like charging time of the Think!
Cars with transformer should only charge with 10A.

Took mine out too, but now the charger's inrush current trips the breaker sometimes because it's too sensitive :-[.


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