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Sv: Detektivarbeid: Finne fremtidige Superchargers?

Startet av Poppe, tirsdag 27. mai 2014, klokken 22:55

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SitatIf you really like to build things yourself the only thing you need is 4diodes (or a rectifier) and a capacitor, all with high enough rating (500V+ and 15A+) and hook it up to the power-grid. If you are really macho, you don't need the capacitor either (not recommended)
Not sure I am macho enough for this. It seems there will be a very large current draw initially due to the very large voltage difference. If I remember correcty from school some 40 years ago the voltage after the diods will be 230VxSq root of 2
Adding a transformer, as suggested later, is probably a very good idea. However connecting anything home made to the grid is not my idea of a fun day. I will try the batteries first and if it does not work move on to heavier artillery.
Yepp, the voltage would be around 330V for only the rectifier solution. and as i mentioned it might fry your car (so i would not recommend it :) ). A "built yourself" transformer is not recommended to hook up to the grid play around with either. At least not if you are unsure what you are doing. You might also permanently damage your car. I would rather get hold of a cheap AC/AC converter (say 220V -> 45-48V) which can deliver some amps and hooked up a "voltage doubler" to it (which also halves the amps again), that is much safer. The safest thing would be to just ask Mascot to produce a custom made power supply after you know whats needed...

If you lived in Trondheim I could have lent you a power-supply which is adjustable up to 130V and 8A.

SitatBut still no one has build this easy solution? WHY?
Maybe they tried Warlocks method and are no longer with us and kan tell the story  ;)
He he he, lets hope not.


I actually will have one from 1-100V in order very soon.
The supplier I'm using confirmed just 5min ago they will build me one.

The one I have from them 1-60V 25Ah is very good!

Also I will ask for 1-180V

Har blitt noen THINK ja, vil gjerne bytte til meg 5 dørs SAXO. Utfører batteritesting!
Skrur også på 2 stk Cruzin Coolers!


Not quite sure why I would want a power supply leaving 45-48 V and then double it ?
If I was to buy something I was more into something like this for $59 or If I could find one that goes to 100 V.

Having Mascot, or anyone else, custom build one feels like a lot of cash would disapear from my wallet. Hopefully this will be a one time operation. ::)

Another method I have been contemplating is to connect a few laboratory power supplies together. I already have one that is a double 0-30V which potentially will give me 60V and then add some other power supply to get up to 90 V.

By the way, I assume I have to connect the batteries to the heater connector first, before plugging the charger in or should I do it the other way around ?

If the weather does not look to bad I will try this during the coming weekend.
Chevy Volt -12
Th!nk City -99
Th!nk City -08
Peugeot 107 -07
Chevrolet Corvair Convertible -64
Chevrolet Rampside Pick Up -61
Renault Kangoo 4x4 -05
i Göteborg


The power-supply you link to would probably do the trick.
Due take note that it is a switching power-supply, but I guess it might not matter.

Hooking up several PSUs might not work in the case where they have common earth through the chassis and power-grid. Make at least sure not to use both units on the double one, and use a non-grounded grid-cord for them, else you might damage your power-supplies.

The mascot solution was more intended for OneMore who wanted to "have a few of them produced" (mascot order is minimum 25, and was thus just an example).

The voltage doubler trick is to convert a high (and cheap) Amp AC/AC to a stable high current non-switching AC/DC unit, without loosing to much total effect.
It's also more common (and cheaper) to find supplies lower than ~50V :)
There are of course a lot of solutions to this problem, all of them with their own drawbacks...

Anyway, hopefully you don't need to much amp, and the 9V batteries would do the trick. At least it is totally safe to test out.

I have not done the "heating" exercise before, so I could not answer on the procedure, but i guess either would be fine? In worst case you'll need to "heat" (charge) the battery pack for a while before the charger will kick in...
Hopefully OneMore or someone else could answer this before the weekend.

Looking forward to hear what you find out...


Today was the big day to try the 9V x 10 battery method.
I went out and removed the hood and was emediatly confused by not finding the heater. I cant see anything reasmbling the heater in the "new" Think.
Tried to check in the service manual but can not see it is even mentioned in there !

Could anyone provide me with information on where it is ?

Is that the only point with access to the drive battery voltage ? How about under the lid under the driver where I fill water ?
Chevy Volt -12
Th!nk City -99
Th!nk City -08
Peugeot 107 -07
Chevrolet Corvair Convertible -64
Chevrolet Rampside Pick Up -61
Renault Kangoo 4x4 -05
i Göteborg


Sitat fra: Poppe på søndag 15. juni 2014, klokken 14:43
Today was the big day to try the 9V x 10 battery method.
I went out and removed the hood and was emediatly confused by not finding the heater. I cant see anything reasmbling the heater in the "new" Think.
Tried to check in the service manual but can not see it is even mentioned in there !

Could anyone provide me with information on where it is ?

Is that the only point with access to the drive battery voltage ? How about under the lid under the driver where I fill water ?

Should be on the interfacebox. (white one) 4 cables in total connected.

I have actually read in a THINK document the charger have a precharge from 50V ??
Not sure about it was made like this in real life.

Otherwise I have ordered some equipment for situation like this.

Keep us updated!

Har blitt noen THINK ja, vil gjerne bytte til meg 5 dørs SAXO. Utfører batteritesting!
Skrur også på 2 stk Cruzin Coolers!


SitatShould be on the interfacebox. (white one) 4 cables in total connected

Ah ! So I dont have to access the heater itself ?

The interface box is that the box quite high on the right side (seen from the front), size about 15x20 cm ?
Chevy Volt -12
Th!nk City -99
Th!nk City -08
Peugeot 107 -07
Chevrolet Corvair Convertible -64
Chevrolet Rampside Pick Up -61
Renault Kangoo 4x4 -05
i Göteborg


Har blitt noen THINK ja, vil gjerne bytte til meg 5 dørs SAXO. Utfører batteritesting!
Skrur også på 2 stk Cruzin Coolers!


Also, have a look at the procedure described in the following PDF, the 28th and 29th page...

If you need help with translations, don't hesitate to ask :)


Remind me later..........
Toppåsveien, rett ved Kolbotn


Sliter du ennå?
Har en dings som du nevte sjøl.

Kan du prøve den?

Har blitt noen THINK ja, vil gjerne bytte til meg 5 dørs SAXO. Utfører batteritesting!
Skrur også på 2 stk Cruzin Coolers!

Erik S

Jeg har det samme problemet.
Forsøkte å seriekoble fem 18v switchmode strømforsyninger.
Dette fungerte ikke, fikk fortsatt bare 18v.
Forsøkte så 9v batteritrikset, dette fungerte som en drøm og nå tar bilen lading.


Kult å vite det funker :D
Brukte du mange 9V batteri? Eventuelt noe spesielt merke batterier? De billigste du fant, eller de halvbrukte du fant rundt om i kåken?

Erik S


Haha... coolt!

Jeg kjøpte en slik 100V 300W psu som du linket til.
Håper jeg får prøvd den med tiden.
Har blitt noen THINK ja, vil gjerne bytte til meg 5 dørs SAXO. Utfører batteritesting!
Skrur også på 2 stk Cruzin Coolers!

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