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Sv: Retro støyisolering

Startet av hhartes, lørdag 19. april 2014, klokken 13:33

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26. og 27. juli går verdens første internasjonale EV-race av stabelen på Calafate-banen utenfor Barcelona. Jeg er bedt om å viderebringe invitasjonen til det norske EV-samfunnet. De ønsker deltakere fra så mange land som mulig, og foreløpig er ingen nordmenn på listen. Anyone? En liten info-video finner dere her:

Reglene for løpet er som følger:

Terms for the Competition:
            1. REGULARITY ECOseries: "ecological innovation for everyone".
            - meeting the previously allocated lap and track times while driving respective sections
            2. EFFICIENCY ECOseries: "maximum energy yield"
            - Driving the maximum number of kilometers, as fast as possible with a specific quantity of energy/fuel and within a specific time limit.
What are the differences between the disciplines "Efficiency" and "Regularity"?
            - The energy/fuel quantity is limited (and specified at the briefing). Winner is who achieves the most favorable balance between speed and consumption whereas efficient driving and maximum energy yield are significant.
            - At the end of the sections, the vehicles will be parked at PARC FERMÉ and the technical stewards will – being accompanied by one team member – check the teams' or vehicles' fuel/energy levels. Penalty points are given for excess fuel/energy consumption. The winner determined amongst the remaining participants is the driver who has – independent of the non-consumed fuel/energy left within the limit – driven the longest track. In case of a tie, the winner will be the driver who has completed the route in less time.
            - There is NO fuel/energy limitation.
            - Drivers are only permitted to carry along one chronometer. Any other instruments are excluded. This includes another clock.
            - The pre-defined reference times per section have to be met.
            - Any deviations from said time will result in penalty points. Winner will be the team that has suffered the least penalty points. The winner is defined by the question who has driven more regularly – not by who has been faster.

For more information, please refer to the respective sports / technical standards, contact the organizer or visit the website
Trondheim - P85+, P.Hvit / svart int, 21" grå, alt utenom barneseter, sikkerhet og vinter - levert 6/9

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